
Saturday, October 19, 2013

VooDooPoodle (I've come for your bones)

voodoopoodle  I've come for your bones....
The voodoopoodle has come for your bones...wooooo!

We walked past a neighbors yard with a plastic skeleton embedded in her grass. There were bones sticking up like legs, feet, etc. I didn't think about the poodle's eye view til we got a few houses down, and he had a leg bone in his mouth as we walked!! Hilarious! Several days later the neighbor and her son were out front as we walked by and her son said to watch out so the dog didn't take a bone. She chided him, saying, that nobody's going to take a bone. heh, heh.

It's plenty spooky around here right now, and not  just the pile of scraps mixed with cutting utensils on the table!!
This is Cole out front with the happy halloween sign.  Cole isn't much of a dog for costumes, so undignified you know. If WE wanted to dress up as poodles, that would be fitting. He has been a flower, a pumpkin, and a few other things, but he just isn't keen for halloween.
The treat part is okay, so just send him treats via the post office, as he won't be going door to door this year.
Old bones.
LeeAnna (and Cole)
you might like to read some of these CLICK HERE FOR MORE


  1. Leg bone....LOL! have you seen the skeleton antics of Bianca?

    I don't blame Cole one bit- he's pretty dignified looking. Unless I imagine him with that legbone.

  2. Mama didn't raise any ordinary fool, now did she. Way to go, Cole! BOL
