

keep checking back, much more to come....

This is a post of the studio, overview click here to view   and keep scrolling down to see more pictures up close. To read about the organization, look for that entire post. Have fun!!

                         Organization and Tools of the Trade
Organization is useful so that you can find what you already own. It is annoying to put things back when done, but that's how you can find them again. Really. Just that hard and just that simple.

                                  Right tool for the job?

6/20/13- I love the clover seam ripper with the slightly bulbous end. It fits right in your palm giving control.
6/22/ 13-  prismacolor pencils to add detail to fabric and play with paper. love. Heat set on fabric.
 7/3/13  a few more terrific items to recommend, are the needle threader, quarter inch masking tape, fiscars rotary cutter and microtip scissors, superior bottom line and masterpiece threads, and most of all these hot days, the travel iron. I have been using it instead of the big one for pressing seams as it doesn't make the lights flicker or heat up the room, and does a darn good job of pressing. And the whole table cutting mat.
a few good things!
 Thread Faves: Aurafil cotton,  ANY  Madeira and YLI make of thread, Sulky cotton blendables,Oliver Twist hand-dyed on the spool,  DMC broder for bobbin and hand applique.I'll use others but love these.      

studio shots

This post
 studio-words tour
 gives you a tour of inspirational words in my studio. Enjoy! 
  cutting utensils in a basket on the end of the ironing board, on top of the cutting table. See blog post with more detail of how it was made and what it holds HERE
 refer to post titled fabric storage for explanation


gotta label, it just looks more fun!
scrap containment system, as if...
 DH built these shelves for us years ago, and I took them over to hold  plastic bins of the precious scraps. 
I'm the first to admit I'm crazy for scraps. One day when I was having a spree with the greens, dh came in and I whined, "I'm using them up, there'll be none left!!" He calmly asked if I'd like him to go to the three drawers of greens 'on the hoof' and cut a 2 in strip of each. 
Engineer humor.
Well, now, maybe not such a bad idea at that.
I have a bin for each basic color, and you'd be surprised how often I'm over there digging through them. You can see the greens are overflowing at the moment, the lid cannot contain the glorious bits and pieces. My wonderful friends give me their scraps, and will hold up an enormous piece, like maybe a 6 inch square and ask is this too small. Bwaaahaaaahaaaa! Pass it over!  
Watch for the book I'm writing soon... of course there's a chance after it's published the scrap train will dry up for me, nah! There's always someone tired of their mess. I'm providing a service really, a guilt free zone, they get to clear out their studio, I get the pretty leftovers. Win, win.

 bookshelves from IKEA   and love them. I'd like one more set, just so I can breathe.
 The system I use is a spread sheet with title, author, replacement value/cost, type of book, where it's located on the shelves. This I organized by placing colored dots on the outside edge of the book, and corresponding colored dot on shelf, so I can put them back when done.

 small view of a hot mess... on June 26, 2013. Nice views to come later.
pin cushion collection 2013

boxes for paper items torn from other sources, flamingo wearing a tiara, of course. Basket holds supplies rarely used but necessary when the time comes. Moldable figurine not used for drawing, but just for fun. The poster says there's always room at the top, my fave pin cushion on top of file. I am in love with coral these days so boxes are orange from container store. Mirror reflects the cutting area, door on the left, where husband and poodle peek into the room without coming in as it's too dangerous.
Beloved Bernina 1630 with the aging electronics.
It's not well...


  1. Leanna, thanks for a peek into your creative world. I enjoyed spending my early morning browsing through your blog and touring your studio. I even made a note to try the primascolor I've been looking for new pencils to use!

  2. Oh thank you, this makes me feel good. All the time I only see craft rooms cleaned up like a film team will arrive soon. Your room looks so creative and in fact used and I feel a little at home. :-) Inspiring ideas also, you have so many funny little fabric toys. Just nice.

  3. Very useful ideas! Thank you so much for linking up to SEWjo Saturday!
