
Saturday, January 25, 2025

Creativity this week... two challenges met and knitting socks


Project Quilting prompt for this week was "ombre" which is a shift from one color to the another. 

I am knitting socks with an ombre affect at the moment. Purple to turquoise

two of my favorite colors! I like to put my own spin on a prompt so I thought I'd graduate from purple to turquoise with fabric PRINTS instead of solids. I wanted to make something I could use too, so an older pattern for a "keeper" fit the need

Now I have a non Christmas colored keeper to hold sock projects in the family room

I arranged prints from turquoise to purple strips and sewed them together. cut out the pattern in the strip set and in the lining fabric, sew it together and turn right sides out
The biggest pale purple fell on bottom of the bag but it's the final purple in the gradation.
 Top stitch the upper edge and it's done! 
I got the pattern from a workshop so there is not one to link to here, so sorry. 
embroidery stuff, and knitting stuff ready to use while watching tv
I'm aware that the colors shift differently from solids but I'm glad I explored the effect with prints

Next up is the Stay at home round robin prompt to use a King's crown block
I wasn't aware of that one so I googled it. SO many ways to interpret the angles and lines. I considered my quilt center.... I thought the one on the right looked like crowns. I drafted out a little pattern of just the section that looks crown-like
Mary Englebreit has an image that says "Queen of Everything" and 
princess of quite a lot  

Originally I planned to do 4 crowns one for center of each side but this one above isn't good, and I kind of like the quilt with just one on the bottom. Maybe I print out Queen LeeAnna of the house and use just one this round. 

Rainbow Scrap Challenge color of the month is PINK

I thought this little embroidery was done with the pinks but this week I made light and dark pink improvisational flying geese and like it here. 

By leaving things on the design wall, I often make changes over time, and this little embroidery is growing now because pinks ended up being a terrific color for the piece. 


  1. I love the ombre effect! Such a beautiful way to transition colours.

  2. Your ombre project is just terrific! Plus the sock colors - so pretty! I'm still struggling with how I want to add to my SAHRR. Stars, snowballs, strings - lots of options beginning with S. Your crown ideas are all good.

  3. Love that keeper - so handy. Such pretty colors, too.

  4. Love your keeper and its beautiful colors! I also love your pretty socks and sooooooo wish that I liked to knit socks. The small size needles drive me crazy.

  5. Who says you can't use prints in an ombre? You proved that theory wrong. Love the pink blossoms you added to your embroidery project.

  6. Love the look of those socks. So pretty and then you made a holder to keep the knitting orderly. Great idea and great job!

  7. Sounds like you have had a very creative week. I trust that sewing machine is going better.

  8. The sock holder is really pretty and looks useful too. The knitted socks are also nice.

  9. Your keeper is so pretty and handy too. I love your crown block . I think you should do a LeeAnna Queen of the House block. Oh, the rounds for your bird stitch are great!

  10. Purple & Turquoise! Always a good combination!

  11. Princess of quite a lot. Love it! I might have to steal that!

  12. Your small basket is beautiful, love the prints and ombre effect. Cute little crown, yaeh, "Queen LeeAnna of the house" sounds great! Lovely pink round around the embroidered bird.
    Thank you for sharing your lovely projects! Hugs

  13. Your ombre keeper basket is so fun! I love the colors and the shape of it. Neat crown block, too. I love the quote from Mary Engelbreit - we should all have that title!

  14. I think your Queen of Quite Alot block is quite perfect! Your ombre basket is very cool. Always fun to see what creativity is happening over at your house!

  15. Love your new basket in pretty colors and useful to keep knitting projects. Pretty sock yarn, it looks so soft and comfy. LeeAnna Queen of the House block is great! You should make it! Looking forward to your next post.

  16. The keeper is so pretty and practical and the socks look wonderful. I love your crown block! It is perfect and maybe the other will find another home or even on the back...who knows...and that is the fun of SAHRR.

  17. Your projects this week are wonderful, especially the yarn keeper. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
