
Saturday, May 25, 2024

living a creative life making a creative home


I learned this week, that some times you fly with creativity and sometimes you need to compensate for injury yet find ways to still express yourself. 

It was that kind of week for me. Physical limitations meant I couldn't use a rotary cutter, couldn't sew with machine much, had trouble painting as sitting at the table hurt.

We have a mama bird sitting on eggs in the gutter just below Milo's perch. When I joined him in window watching this week, I looked down into two little black eyes blinking up at me, begging me to stop that dog from barking again. She didn't flinch, or move, she had a job to do and she would do it. 

I admire her focus, her  determination and patience. I painted just a quick bird and leaves and realized sometimes a quick painting is as satisfying because you sense it's essence. 

I took to the sewing machine in an effort this week to change my focus from pain to the satisfaction of seeing color next to color making shapes with fabric and pattern. It's like a zentangle drawn over watercolor kind of, the pattern within the shape. 

I could paper piece my feathered star in pink scraps, but not rotary trim or cut the background. I had to use scissors, and pin it to the board. I can't lift an iron yet but will. this gives me a sense that I'll be able to do it all again one day. 

The tiny scraps grew into two more roses as well... 

can you see how they will turn into a little garden? I can, and one day soon I will be able to achieve it

The French have a saying (like Rome wasn't built in a day) something like, 

Little by little the bird builds it's nest

I painted a safe cozy charming home for myself this week... 

the magic of paints, colors, shapes emerging on paper. No underlying sketch, just paint, then ink over

I wish that people could accept each other, could work together, could respect the big picture that we all share the earth equally

I'm hoping I can partake in the upcoming workshop, hand sewing/embroidery by Kate Ward starting Monday. I want to try all the workshops

linking with these folk

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts

finished or not

art for fun Fridays 


  1. You are one of the most creative people I know, LeeAnna. Everything you create is wonderful!

  2. What a treat to have a bird nest you can peek into. Loved your quick sketch of the essence of that mama bird. Hope each day brings you nearer your goal of mostly painfree!

  3. I have a travel iron (Steam Fast is the brand) that I got at Walmart, although they are available lots of places. It's lightweight and get good and hot, and inexpensive. I use it with my wool pressing mat and can put it right near my machine. It would be great for pressing things like your little roses and the many small improv pieces you do. I'm sorry you're in such pain right now.

  4. I love your drawings, this cute little bird is perfect and the pretty house looks very welcoming. Yes, "petit à petit l'oiseau fait son nid", you will feel better soon and will add another lovely rose to the pink garden ;)
    Thank you for sharing your creative space!

  5. I'm so sorry to hear you're still dealing with pain but it does sound like you may be improving. Glad you still have avenues for creativity that you can manage. Hope your Memorial Day weekend is going well.

  6. LOVE those PINK roses and that cozy home painting, LeeAnna! Hoping your physical limitations improve soon so that you can freely create again.

  7. Oh that little blue bird is just perfect. But even more perfect is your sentiment about peace...I do wish we could live together in peace. Peace...peace...peace.

  8. Don't know what ails you, but hope you get better each and every day. LOVE the bird story as well as the cute drawing. Someone posted a picture the other day on the Nextdoor site of 4 beautiful robin blue eggs in a nest on a ladder of all places. The entire office staff has been enjoying watching the nest. Your story and picture reminded me of that. Cute and colorful roses. Take care
    Sandy's Space

  9. So very sorry for the pain, Leeanna. It does help I think to be able to make something and your somethings are so very pretty they must bring cheer! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  10. Hope next week is less painful for you and more happy physiically. Thank you for linking to Art For Fun Friday
    I luv the the house with the black outline details


  11. I hope your pain is better, LeeAnna. And, I'm glad creating helps you. Love your drawings, as well as your feathered blocks and those roses are fantastic! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

  12. I am sorry to read about your pain. I hope you are better soon. I can relate. My lupus is giving me fits right now. What an adorable bird for FFO. And I love those scraps you turned into roses.

  13. Wonderful art. I really like the bird. Thank you for joining FFO.
