
Saturday, April 20, 2024

creativity this week yellow fabric scraps turn into a star, and paintings on fabric, and paper


this week I made the yellow feathered star block for rainbow scrap challenge... used more yellow scraps. When it was finished I noted the center yellows looked too similar so I got these out

copper paint, tested on a yellow scrap, perfect! Dab paint on with sea sponge

then went over with gold paint on the test scrap... maybe... I like stenciling a lot

these blocks are paper pieced (foundation) from this book

 so stenciling was easy with the paper backing. Iron when dry makes it permanent. I also shaded that one with brown prisma color pencil

the four colors so far

I also worked on the two yellow improv pieces, the tops aren't done yet so hopefully I'll show those next week. 

I wrote some stories this week, and painted a bit. I signed up for a mixed media workshop free online by Laly Mille who's work I like. I don't work like her and am allergic to the mediums she uses to make the gorgeous work. But, I tried. First I tried drawing with my non dominant hand (Left) with the stabilo crayon, then daubing with water. I added in just a bit of watercolor paint.

just on some old recycled copier paper. I like it! Then she had them cut out...

the goal is to make collages with them, like paper appliques... she wanted us to layer paints and collaged bits first and I can't do it with her supply list. I tried working in series by using painter tape to section off the paper. I scraped on acrylic paints with a knife. Then tried drawing over it, but it repelled the pens, and inks, so I used elmers glue to add in bits and bobs

Posca pen didn't even show up well. I cut out words, flowers from sheet music, sheep, and some sparkly scrapbooking geegaws in my stash...

I plan to make cards for a few people  

and like them... I cut them out to make 6 small paintings to attach to card stock that I can mail from the house. 

I finished my table scraps challenge piece for next week also so... that's about it for this week y'all

I loved this video and want to do things like this: enjoy

 watching tutorials : I like paint and paper, paint and fabric, and these ideas of how to free-cut then collage were worth a try:


 linking with

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts

finished or not


  1. I look at your gorgeous work and I think of my fabric stash that I could put to a better use than just storage. I cannot draw or paint but I can sew. Maybe one day soon~~

  2. Your creativity always amazes me. A clever addition to your paper pieced block. They look wonderful together too! And the collage with painting and "applique" - beautiful. Those will be really beautiful cards.

  3. That yellow is so cheerful! And what beautiful art you created this week. Well done, my friend. With the new grandbaby I haven't been painting greeting cards as much but hopefully will establish a new routine in due course. 🤞🏼

  4. As always I enjoy your blog so much. the feathered stars are gorgeous. Happy trails.

  5. The yellow feathered star turned out beautifully. So did your drawings and paper pieces you put together.

  6. It’s always fun to come here for an infusion of art. I love the feathered stars and your unique way of adding more contrast.

  7. Oh my my! What a good idea to stencil the edges like you did. And you paper appliqués are just fab! Awesome, awesome!

  8. Love your pretty cards! And what a great idea to add stenciling to that block to change the color a bit. So lovely. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  9. Another clever and creative project. Well done!

  10. What a stunning yellow star! The scroll you added to it is amazing!
