
Thursday, February 8, 2024

I like Thursday # 388 chocolate or flowers, paintings, videos and a poodle


welcome to this week's list of likes. Valentine's day will soon be upon us. There are many forms of love if you stop to think about it, all of them increase our vibration as souls. All of them (note: love, not obsession or need) are a good thing. 

remember conversation heart candy? that powdery taste of sweetness with a message? Remember bringing Valentines to each classmate in your class, putting them in their bags at the front of the room, opening yours? 

a little watercolor mandala I painted

I am happy despite not having a normally cold winter, which I like, at least it cooled off enough at night to cool our bedroom still. (climate change is very real) 

pop-up snow was wet and heavy, mostly melted two days later


I liked continuing to organize my art supplies, and seeing UFO beading projects again. Now to figure out what I was making as no patterns were with them. I am about to start a new necklace this week, happy because  I Know right where to look for the needed beads! 

sneak peek at rsc work in red scraps

I like painting (see first pics), beading, and sewing this week and that I made the project quilting challenge early, I made the round robin challenge early and the rsc finished early. (I hope to do several posts the next few days with lots of pics of them. The Project quilting stands for my yearly valentine quilt this year too, so that's done. 

that sneaky library snuck in and stole my audio book (unfinished of course) but I found another by one of my fave authors, Ellery Adams to listen to. It's hard to leave the studio as I'm so into it. 

Nothing exciting about food, all good, all the usual recipes this week. I did see one by my favorite cook, Dimitra, a greek version of almond croissants, just waiting for some pears to put in there to make them as we now have some puff pastry in the fridge. her recipe is here:

we're watching recorded shows, nothing exciting much on tv

I WISH I had penned this letter, my birth parents were first gen American

these legs were made for runnin' and kicking out!

our prompt this week: 

Would you prefer receiving a box of chocolates or flowers on Valentine’s Day?

if chocolates/candy, what kind would you like to get? do you get them?

if flowers, what kind would you like to receive, does it matter that they are delivered by a floral business or brought in by your mate? What kind of flowers, colors, number of them would you love to see? 

answer,yes please... both! plus diamonds are always nice... lol

Chocolates... I like soft centers, and Sees makes good ones. I used to love to go to our warehouse store in MD and get two dozen mixed color roses, that lasted for weeks. I love unusual flowers though, if a bouquet should be bought for me. 

about candy, I remember once my father coming in with a red heart box of chocolates, lacy and flashy and my 6 -8 year old self went, 

 "ooooooooo" He gave it to me, I didn't have to share it with anyone else. I might have been recovering from a little illness. It felt so special and grown up, and when the lush chocolates were gone, I kept the box for my little girl trinkets. 

See, my father mostly showed love by bringing home a paycheck, and he felt done. He was never one to give gifts. I was mostly terrified of him. But that little red heart felt so special. Turns out, being the only one given ever, it was special in uniqueness. 

wonder what made him do that?

Milo's Moments

Hi Mama!  I got covered in snow out back!
now scratch my other end! heh heh

about your prompt, well I am not allowed to eat chocolates, and mostly I pee on flowers altho sometimes I do sniff them after you do.... 
I do like to eat 

and I prefer to eat all together, which means Daddy often holds my bowl, and I like to eat one little oh I eventually will eat all the kibbles in this bag

but slowly... then take a little nap

so I'll see you all later, gators

so, what do you all prefer for a V-day gift, chocolates or flowers

now visit these folk to see what they liked this week


               friday smiles


  1. the mama said chocolate, no flowers... we are not sure... we can not eat both... what do you think Milo?

  2. What a sweet little donkey!!!! So cute. Thanks for the share. Your paint works are so pretty.

  3. So cute that your hubby holds Milo's food for him! I have a dog that comes to stay with me and likes to be hand-fed. She is such a sweetie I don't mind doing it!

  4. Well, chocolate and coconut are a favorite as is chocolate and peanut butter. I love the heart your father gave you - so many men of past generations were not free to be emotional/affectionate - either because it was never showed them or they feared it. I am glad you have this memory. Poodles and doodles appear to teach their owners to make them hand feed them...Percy did it too sometimes under the table.

  5. My 5th graders loved Valentine's Day - passing out their cards, opening them - just loved it! That little donkey is so adorable. He's having fun just running faster and faster. I'm with you, Milo - have a nice meal and then a nice nap!

  6. Your box of chocolates from your father reminded me of my own dad. He bought a heart shaped box - as fancy as he could find - for my mom every year. And I would get a little heart shaped box too. When my mother died, I found she had kept the lids of every single one of those fancy boxes. They were in a closet, stacked neatly on a shelf. I've wondered if my dad realized how much she loved getting those Valentine boxes of candy.

    I love both chocolates and flowers. Some years I get roses from my husband, but can't remember ever getting candy from him. I just buy my own candy. LOL I love chocolate covered cherries especially.

  7. Your art is always so pretty! Boy do I miss having some chocolate, yum! Milo, I know you can't have chocolate either but we need to find our own yummy treats. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Pretty snow - even if it was fleeting. That letter reading was hilarious. I love those. Mmm... chocolates. I like flowers, but chocolate wins out. Milo's fleece coat is so cool.

  9. Another great post read with much enjoyment this morning. We've been following those letter readings and enjoying them all...a great project. You two are the best parents to Milo. It makes me feel less foolish for how we dote on Ned. I tell him he's the most spoiled dog in the world next to an American poodle named Milo.

  10. Sadly no chocolates for me (diabetic!) but I love flowers…alstroemeria are my favourites because they don’t affect my asthma. Tell Milo I don’t wee on the flowers 😂
    Annie x
