
Saturday, January 13, 2024

The first of challenges for 2024 a birdhouse and a circular handwork project


remember last week I decided one of my RSC projects would be this EPP circle? I drafted then cut my own elongated hexies, and regular hexies. It reminds me of tinker toys of old! 

I got the idea to do colors of the month using google images 

I took paper shapes, and scraps down to baste while watching TV., Then sewed the basted shapes together one night, and now must decide what fabric I want to applique it onto. The talented Jennifer Fulton reminded me if I applique it by machine to my quilt sandwich, I could quilt as you go! 

there are my green scraps used in this design. In the next two weeks I hope to make a large feathered star pattern with other scraps. 

I painted this week a bit, in my small junk journal made last week.

as I was thinking about birdhouses for the P.Q. challenge

from a Tamara LaPorte lesson on youtube

I started by sewing raw strips !/4" to 1" to stablizizer, then playing around with some ideas on the cutting table...

which became this: 

Project Quilting gives you one week to hear the prompt, design and make a finished quilt.  DH said, well we have those columns in the Living room that need a long thin quilt. This one is 12" X 30" 

I fused green to green, cut out a vine and sewed it to the pole so that the leaves could lift up and give dimension. The flower was a previous make the same way but layering several fabrics and it's petals can lift and move too. The quilting here is free motion leaves, and on the pole, straight undulating lines. 

I pleated the birdhouse fabrics so they are textured too, and the strings hang down like nesting material of the birds

I found the scotty dog in my fusible scrap box, the litte heart yo-yo in the parts dept.

I wondered where I'd use him!!!

when I got this far, it was time to bind it and I was almost out of time. I was down this week on time since I had 4 occular migraines keeping me out of studio... but here I am on Saturday, tick.. tock.. 

a bright happy blue for a machine done binding, sew on the word family, and the little key... 

I've had the backing a long time... good to see it used. 

I like the texture of the whole thing, the strips on the house, freely cut vines heart window on top, and getting it done. Now this felt like an accomplishment. This spring it will look good in our living room

linking to

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts 

finished or not 

 project quilting



  1. Your bird is adorable but that birdhouse is AMAZING!!!! Love all the texture you included while making it. Great job, LeeAnna. I hope those migraines stay away!

  2. I love your EPP circle. Those will be beautiful. And I love your birdhouse. All those little details are cute!

  3. The green EPP design for your RSC project looks fun and will be pretty appliqued to a background, too. I love the birdhouse you created for PQ, too. All those added details are fun to look at - especially the dog and the key hanging from the roost!

  4. I love your green star, fun elongated hexies, and the ones with dots are cute! Love the little drawn birdy too, and wow, your bird house is gorgeous! The leaves are wonderful, I love the great texture you added, and the cute details. Fun roof too, with this raised prairie point!
    Thank you so much for sharing your creative projects!

  5. Love, love, love the birdhouse! It belongs on your front door! Hope you are not too buried under the snow. (The green star is awesome, too!)

  6. The Scottie dog is the perfect accent to your adorable bird house! Well done for completing the challenge. I admire you!

  7. Your birdhouse is fabulous. So much visual and textural interest to delight the eyes. The Scottie dog is adorable. Love your little drawn birdie. I love his sweet eye. 'Tis filled with whimsy.

  8. I love the birdhouse project! It's really a terrific piece of art.

  9. Leeann, your EPP project is stunning and will be a fabulous RSC choice! Love your sketches and birdhouse project as well.

  10. Scraps, art, and a completed quilt this week? (In spite of all those migraines?!) Your entry for PQ 15.1 is a textural wonderland, LeeAnna!

  11. Wow, LeeAnna, your quilt is so impressive, especially since you had 4 migraines keeping you from your passion! I also love the bird drawing - so whimsical, especially the hearts behind the eye. Adorable!

  12. Wow! That mailbox piece is just the most splendid thing I've seen today! All those sweet little surprise details. It's a work of art.

  13. Not a mailbox - Birdhouse! My finger moved faster than my brain. I am intrigued by your EPP circle too. Very interesting!

  14. So sorry about the migraines. :( But your birdhouse is adorable! Thanks for sharing in Sew & Tell. <3

  15. I love the birdhouse. It would take me weeks to create something like that. I spent most of yesterday making a block that I didn't even like when I finished it. I've been battling a head cold ever since I got back from Texas. I hope your bout of migraines is over.

  16. so much I love about all of this! great work!

  17. LOVE LOVE your birdhouse project !!

  18. What a cute birdhouse quilt! So much to love here, from the fabrics to the loose leaves and texture to the adorable scotty dog. Kudos for getting it done just in time. Love that your dh already has a spot picked out for it! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  19. Love your elongated hexies block. What a fantastic block to use for various months of colored scraps. Thinking about various months' colors done with the same pattern makes me think about looking through a kaleidoscope.

    The birdhouse quilt is darling. Love the textural elements and the whimsical scotty dog.

  20. Great art, ALL of it!
    Have a great Friday/weekend!

  21. I am so impressed with your quilting. You are amazing at it. Your drawing of the bird is just as impressive. You have so much talent and I thank you for sharing with FFO. Have a great weekend.

  22. It;s fun to see all your art. Hope 2024 is going well for you.

  23. A great finish for PQ! So much to enjoy in this piece. Also great you husband is a good spotter for places to put your work.

  24. Unbelievable! A 30" x 12" quilt in a single week. So cute, too. The dimensions are perfect for a birdhouse.

  25. I like your Project quilting Piece - its gorgeous!

  26. I love, love, love that EPP block! A quilt made of them will be fantastic! Your birdhouse mini turned out beautifully, too.
