
Friday, January 26, 2024

creativity round up... three challenges, two finishes in one week!


whew! what a week... my choice to join so many challenges though today I thought I am tired of being rushed. 

The challenges are good because of the prompts that inspire me. The time crunch ensures I don't dither too long on decisions. But...Project Quilting is stressful. This time the challenge was to design, make and finish a quilt with the prompt "sky colors, not blue" in ONE WEEK. 


finished quilt 12" X 15"

I started with these fabrics, lovely batiks and one little sand colored scrap. The light colored one at the bottom right was my own hand dye, from pouring pink, orange, yellow to blend as it moved down the yardage.

 I think I liked it best, layered on peltex stabilizer, un quilted...

the quilting lines I usually just love, distracted from the softness of the piece to me

threads used, prismacolor pencil and of course specs!
I broke a needle and said, what happened? Turning it over I saw the backing had caught the threads and made quite a messy thread ball! I removed all those and continued to quilt

I love my specialty couching threads, used this to finish the edge by carefully zigzagging over it

a carefully cut out flamingo... just because that water needed one standing in it

I carefully cut out the fused flamingo, and then cut up the leftover pink fabric to make these, with a green scrap

oooo pretty, what will they become? 

Joy's Table Scraps challenge this month was the prompt snowflakes

sparkly white fabric fused onto sparkly fabric

I found this scrap from a discarded printed vest fabric, hmmmm

cut a piece from it and to make it long enough I had to piece some in...

Inspired by nature this morning....

the finished quilt sits on my bedside table for January
14" X 19" "whee!"

Loved the little words

The curve was a little hill for those wacky snowmen to slide down! 

a bit of careful sewing of bits to continue the hill. some hearts quilted in for love and fun. 

Again I was careful cutting the snowflake out of sparkly fabric, and the bit left behind I fused to a blue scrap to make a little mug rug with

6" square

just a quick little thing... the backing for both quilt and coaster make me smile

I like silver metallic threads on white fabric for quilting lines. Note that binding. Yep straight from the blue scrap bin and return to the future, a millennial fabric from 2000

I am tired y'all, but still need to do the round robin prompt of signature blocks tomorrow, to go with my sunflower center. Check back to see that one! 

flamingo, snowmen, pink flowers on green scraps.... it's fun to live a creative life isn't it

linking to Joy at

Project quilting

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts 

finished or not



  1. All pretty projects. The colors in the flamingo quilt are really bright and pretty.

  2. Super cute entry for PQ 15.2, LeeAnna, but I absolutely LOVE the whimsy of your TABLE SCRAPS Challenge piece!! You had me at those adorable snowmen. The fact that you added the SNOWFLAKE on snowflake fabric and repurposed a vest panel for the GREEN trees knocked it out of the park!

  3. Ooh - what fun. I especially like Wheel.

  4. Cute tumbling snowmen! They made me smile! The Sky challenge for PQ is beautiful, too. You got a lot done this week, LeeAnna!

  5. Looks like your snowmen sampled a few too many wine coolers. Two out of three is good and I bet you get to the SAHRR, too.

  6. You always have such beautiful colors. What an artisitic eye. I’m using a flamingo print on the back of some placemats that are coming along very, very slowly but I think of you whenever I work on them.

  7. Two lovely finishes! So worth the pressure of finishing on time. You are so creative! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  8. Your quilt is gorgeous…well done for stepping up to the challenge. You’ve been very creative this week.
    Annie x

  9. Those are lovely! Cute flamingoes, snowmen, snowflakes, you had a lot of fun with your fabrics and threads!
    Thank you for sharing these joyful minis!

  10. Oh so cute "Whee!" How clever of you doing the snowflakes that way. And such a artistic flamingo. Great projects one and all. I look forward to seeing your signature border for SAHRR. Blessings,
