
Thursday, December 7, 2023

I Like Thursday # 379 decorations, party discussions, home made oncinnamon bread and a cute poodle


Santa on the mantel,  I built the "ice" with a broken ornament!

  Our prompt this week 

Describe your perfect Christmas party, where, who's there, what food and drinks are served, etc

this is all dreaming, as we still distance from infection since I am allergic to the vaccines. But, if I were able, I'd love...

a fancy party where people put on their fun festive silly attire, much like the parties we used to attend in MD at a contra dancing couple's house. Lots of fun nice people, all brought good food to share, everyone looks sparkly and festive, we split into several rooms, one of which has ongoing board games to get to know each other. At some point we would do the stealing game with pressies. 

entry hall table
 or I'd love to go to the national Christmas trees again, with entertainment, tons of people to watch, trees from every state plus the big one. Entertainment and hot chocolate... win win. 

or IF  I had a warm accepting nice family, like the ones on Hallmark who say family is everything, I'd love to have Christmas dinner there, around a pretty table, kid's at another table, fancy plates and table setting. Sitting around the table talking over desserts, laughing. 

I like to dress up or I do in my head... high heels are no longer on my plan but back in the day, a snug dress with lots of sparkles and high heel pumps, hair done with a rhinestone barrette maybe a feather boa... beautiful setting, lots of laughing smart people to chat with, champagne as well as a special party martini, great jazz playing and a few people dancing. 

Fine Dining

Ooooo finally a perfect cinnamon bread recipe! It worked and was so good we finished it in a week!
recipe from:

 I turned those stale dry Thanksgiving whole wheat rolls into this....

which we had hot with the Bailey's sauce, and then for several big breakfasts after tha 

 added in some maple syrup and pecans and it's a good recipe. Then I got the wild idea to make a sauce for it... we have unopened baileys in the pantry from last year, yep it's still good! 

Then I tried this recipe

Lawsy miss scarlett! this chef blog has about 25 recipes I want to try... she does Italian and Italian/mexican dishes and do they ever look good! 

 the stocking (caps) were hung by the chimney with care... 

on the left is the stocking hat I crocheted last year!

 Milo's Moment

Mama: MILO! why are you making that choking kind of sound, are you pulling against your collar?

Milo: NO Mama, I do not pull on walks! 

Milo: Daddy is pulling on me!! Pulling me back towards him! 

Mama: hmph.... you better walk next to me and stop pulling

Milo: (under his poodle breath) what fun is that..."

Mama: come upstairs with me good boy and let's pick out an early pressie for you! 

 Milo: (spying the basket of toys in the forbidden room) Ohhhhhhh! Did Santa come already? I heard on the talky talk last night that in another country santa fills stockings on Dec 5th! 

Mama: ahem, well, you shouldn't be in here, but lookie what I have

Milo: very excited! What is it Mama, it looks like a ring toy but it's colorful... I thought you said there were not more ring toys! They're my favorites! 

 Mama: well, here you go honey! 

Milo: dances around and around with the ring in his mouth, running to the front window to show everyone, running to the family room, the living room, and collapsing with it by his downstairs bed

 Mama: let's keep it in the house and the skin on til Christmas, you have skint ones outside already

Milo: heck Mama, no dog can see me with it if  we do that! 

please visit these fine folks with lists of likes

chasing my stories


               friday smiles at a stitch in time




  1. sorry to hear you are still distancing because you can't use the vaccine. Luckily it is not near as bad as it was back at the beginning. I don't really do parties and can't say they are a favorite thing to do. I prefer family gatherings and just being comfortable and not dressed up

  2. Dressing up for a fun and festive holiday party sounds delightful. In my dreams, I can still wear my high heels and fancy slinky dresses (even though I never thought I could I was skinnier then). Milo and his toy are precious. The struggle is so real with these viruses. I do wish we felt we were in a more normal time!

  3. Banksy has never had a ring toy. I wonder if he would like it.

  4. I absolutely LOVE the stocking hat hanging from your mantle. So fun!

    Christmas parties with our school staff were always such fun, because our staff got along so well. Work parties - some were fun, some kind of boring. But family parties always seem like the best holiday memories - the people, good food, lots of laughs, card games, etc.

    This year we'll do our little family group on Christmas Day at our older daughter's house. We do a seafood feast for Christmas - steamed crab, seared scallops, shrimp several ways. Watching the grandkids open gifts and playing some board games together.

  5. We love you Milo!

  6. We love Santa in the car on the mantel, how cute and special! The cinnamon bread sounds wonderful Mom loves cinnamon and she used to make cinnamon rolls from scratch that were delicious but now that she doesn't eat processed foods, dairy, refined sugar, etc, that stuff is out. You enjoy that bread for us too!

  7. Everything sure is pretty and that SantaMobile is super cool. The cinnamon bread looks yummy. Milo, you are always such a fun and good boy. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Santa in his car is just adorable! And that bread looks yummy, too. Milo, everyone loves an early present - have fun!

  9. mmm... cinnamon bread... the best.

    Santa always brings toys to my dogs too - they are my babies afterall!

  10. Your bread looks delicious. What a festive mantelpiece!

  11. Sounds like a good party to me and Milo never fails to make me smile.
    Annie x

  12. Parties feel like a long lost memory, life is much quieter now though more peaceful too. Your Santa decoration is lovely. Wishing you and Milo a great weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

  13. Years ago there was a time for parties, but not so much here anymore. Life just moves on. I always love seeing Milo. He looks like the sweetest guy. Thank you for linking up.

  14. Your posts always make me smile. Some of those recipes sound delicious. My ideal Christmas party is all the family round the table, good food and much chatter and laughter.
    Sorry this is brief. Left handed typing is not really my thing. Kate x
