
Thursday, September 21, 2023

I Like Thursday # 368 spices poppies and a poodle

Welcome to this week's list of likes... starting with flowers

My wildflowers didn't really bloom well this year but look what just showed up! A poppy in the most glamorous shade of salmon pink! Ooooo I want a dress this color, and a garden full of them this color

I like to paint, I shall attempt to paint this soon! 

The prompt for the I Like Thursday people this week is: 

"Favorite herbs/spices    Your most used spices or herbs... what do you seem to use over and over?

how do you store spices and herbs? jars they come in, special holders, etc.

I LOVE fresh ginger, and keep the root in our fridge, along with fresh garlic cloves, and love Basil especially home grown

Milo: Mama! I sniffed it, it's not my fault you couldn't take the picture quickly enough!"

 I mostly store them in original jars, in a drawer near the stove. I use them in lots of dishes, and now that I cook all the time, they are up to date and fresh! I often use garlic powder, paprika, oregano, basil, cinnamon, and pepper.

Our prompts for the next coming weeks involve how we use them, what we make with them, and if we make more exotic dishes that we didn't grow up eating. Stay tuned and join us if you want to, I can send you the upcoming prompt list! 

Fine Dining

We still get grocery delivery, and there is always something sent out of it's expiration date, this week it was egg whites with only one week to go. Crikey, lots of eggs to use in one week, so I baked dog cookies, and made a quiche. We had lunches for 3 days and it was great! I used this simple crust recipe from Nana... 

and this recipe with more veggies added, for the quiche:

TV is about to be great... coming soon, The bachelor is 72 years old this time! and dating age appropriate women, Bachelor in Paradise, Survivor, Amazing Race, Halloween baking show, and more!

Painting workshop online from Laly Maille starts Friday... I'm not comfortable with abstracts but looking forward to this one.

something I painted last week:

and sewing is always fun, what I'm working on at the moment

Reading on audio books:

 while waiting for her 3rd in the school by the sea series, I'm listening to this wonderful story of a woman who is a 3rd generation pilot in Scotland... and the interactions and demands she has in life, Read in a charming Scottish accent, I now talk like her!!!

just finished a LOVELY novel of two girls who try to reclaim a life after Nazi's ruined theirs... and then found out the author mentioned it's about her mother's life. Recommend.


On E Book... still reading at the series of Beryl and Edwina mysteries

Murder Cuts the Mustard - Ellicott, Jessica 

Watching on Youtube... yea! Time Team has a whole new series on youtube! Watched three so far. 

I love history so I really liked the way this was filmed, and the content, and went on to watch some others after it
 what was everyday life like during the time of Jesus

Milo's Moment:

Milo: my ears are still hurting and Mama is trying to be a nurse. I told her even if I'm allergic to some foods, give me what I want, since my ears hurting so much all the time anyway. She says, it could be even worse buddy, I mean. What kind of logic is that?? We is all hurting some ways, so might as well have some cookies, right? amiright? 

now please visit these friends to see what they like this week. I hope to see Wilbur, and Brian, and Pixie and some critters who I don't know their names...all the fun friends here!

               friday smiles at a stitch in time



  1. we like beryl&edwina and we love herbs... we found some made with fruits, what a super idea and they give all things the special it ;O)))

  2. I most often use cinnamon for baking and garlic for cooking. I have fresh basil in my garden, and I'm ashamed to say I haven't used any of it! But it has made a lovely plant - lol! Beautiful painting. Sorry I've been absent from blogging about my likes. I'm a lazy blogger.

  3. Hi LeeAnna! I visited you yesterday, thinking it was Thursday. Oops. I was sending you vibes all day, hoping nothing was wrong. I'm glad to see I was the one who was wrong! HAHA! I love that shade of your surprising poppy. We always plant impatiens in that color. I'm looking forward to the new season of Survivor and The Amazing Race. We're also going to try the new program on E! Entertainment called Villians. We enjoy Johnny Bananas from MTV/Challenge fame and he's going to be on it. Ooh, that book called The Light After the War sounds good. I will look that up at my library - thanks for the suggestion. Oh, Milo! I'm sorry your ears are still hurting. I think you deserve an extra cookie, for sure. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Love the colours in your quilting project!

  5. I forgot all about the spices this week. Sorry! My mom always grows her own basil. I just love the smell! I hope you're feeling better. Enjoy your abstract painting class.

  6. That is such a pretty poppy - and I like the colors around it, too - the greens and little flowers, the pot and even the rocks. Love fresh basil - it has such a good smell. Milo, hope your ears get better!

  7. Your quiche looks delicious! I haven't made quiche in forever, but now I'm inspired!!!

  8. I adore your painting and Milo of course!


  9. You sure have been busy and that IS a lot of egg whites to use up quick like. Milo, your poor ears dude, but remember Mama knows best. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Good stuff, pretty stuff. I just picked my basil plants clean today (and made some ugly looking pesto with it).

  11. Your painting is beautiful as is your sewing. I would love to see that in detail. Sorry Milo's ears are still hurting....wishing them better very soon.
    Annie x

  12. Your painted lady is a beauty. I've been making quiche too lately...I'd forgotten how easy and nutritious it is. I really should update my spices...just about everything is out of date. We have found out Ned has sensitive skin so we have to give him an allergy/anti itch pill every day. It may calm down in the winter apparently. We also have a med for his ears I have to use once a week...that he hates. He will even give the bottle a wide berth when he walks past it which is kind of funny to see.

  13. We just got back from your beautiful state and were amazed at all the wildflowers that were still blooming. Mother Nature must be confused this year. Thanks for joining Nature Friday this week.

  14. 'Love your spice drawer. The lady painting is very pretty. The project that you are sewing looks wonderful. Is it a quilt?

  15. I love the shade of that poppy! I threw some seeds down last year in the back hoping they would pop up again, but it may have been to late in the season. I may throw a few more down and see what happens! The spice drawer is perfect and you always make me hungry. Poor Milo....I wish something worked for him! and his wonderful owner too!
