
Thursday, September 28, 2023

I Like Thursday # 369 herbs, decorations and a handsome SPOO (standard poodle)


welcome to this week's list of likes...starting with decorations for changing seasons... 

I'll share more next week. 

let's start with my two workshops... I'm painting and sewing and making art because of the last three workshops. Free and online. I gave links last week...


finished this one and really enjoyed the audio version, with great accents! Love this author.

finishing this one finally, the library took it back and I've waited many weeks to get it back: 



Dancing with the stars returned to broadcast ABC, and I'm ecstatic! Survivor and Amazing Race returned last night, yea!! Bachelor ( for first time, a 72 year old man looks for love again after his long time wife died a few years ago) and Bachelor in Paradise. 

I am grateful for a cable company that records shows at my request, as these are all on three nights, and I don't want to watch them all at once, and can stretch the fun out over the week. 

Our prompt this week:

about Herbs and you grow any? how do you do it? pots, inside or out side? all year or in summer. Do you dry them for use later?

 I don't have much success growing anything in Colorado, but always try Basil at least. This year it did not thrive but I've added into many dishes this summer. the nicest was on home made pizza... basil leaves just under the cheese... delish. The ground seems to be inhospitable so I grow what I can, in pots. We have a large raised bed for veggies. I only try growing them in hot weather not inside. I have tried drying the basil but it has little flavor afterwards. 

larger raised bed holds remains of basil and tomato plant

I do love fresh ginger, and orange and lemon peel. I grate the fruit and freeze the rind for all baking. I put orange peel as well as fresh grated ginger in sweet potato casseroles. I use the peel in lots of baked goods. I put ginger in chicken salad, in soups, in casseroles, and want to try making ginger syrup to use in drinks. 

I love fennel but can't find it in our stores here. I've never lived anywhere else where I couldn't find groceries. 

grasshoppers are numerous right now...

 We both like okra and tomatoes made from an old Tampa recipe from Gasparilla cookbook

weeks of 85F but cooler at night temps causing trees to color up

then one jealous poodle photo bombs my fall pictures...
Hey, Mama! what can you be taking photos of? I'm the big attraction around here!
boring! where's my pink ring toy... I left it here somewhere

Here it is, put down that camera and come play with me!

 saw this on google images...

I have permission to take care of me. No one else has the right to say  otherwise. | Words, Quotes, Inspirational quotes

gotta try this easy fast chicken flauta recipe using oven not frying

and this easy peasy iced cream made with 3 ingredients... cream/sweet condensed milk/vanilla ext.

Milo's Moment

the pawrents think I'm allergic to salmon... sheesh! Luckily they made butterscotch icing this weekend to go on the banana brownies... I helped by cleaning up the icing beater! 

LeeAnna here, I love the offset spatula I got for icing situations!
found the recipe online:
recipe: sue moran

finished two small quilts, one shown last Saturday's post, and one to share tomorrow  hopefully

Now please visit these people to see what they liked this week!

               friday smiles at a stitch in time



  1. Hi LeeAnna! Your fireplace looks BEAUTIFUL. That has to make you so happy to be able to enjoy it each evening. Your ice cream recipe sounds perfect. If you Google America's Test Kitchen, they have a recipe for vanilla no-churn ice cream that we made with our littles. It's very easy and quite good. They have a bunch of recipes we can use like popcorn directly from a corn stalk. It's pretty cool. Happy Thursday to you! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Are you doing the Life Book Taster? We'll have to share pictures again. I've done a couple of them.
    Also, I've never thought to save lemon or orange peel grated. Hmmm... might have to try that.

  3. I love ginger. I should try growing it.

  4. What a beautiful home you have. Aloha Milo


  5. Your mantel decorations are so pretty! And fun outside ones, too - your tree is getting pretty already. We have definitely been inundated with grasshoppers this year also. I keep telling them they're not invited on my flowers, but they don't listen, lol! Happy Thursday!

  6. Your mantel sure is pretty and it sounds like you are all set for TV viewing. Hey Milo, I hope you get some more yummy stuff to taste test! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Lovely mantel decorations, Those little ghosts in your herb garden are just so cute. I need to start eating more healthy. No yard for a garden, though.

  8. I really like your mantel. I have a pot of rosemary and another of sage that come in for the winter. I made pesto from my basil plants (because I still have last year's basil frozen and dried). I like your poodle photo bomb!

  9. Your mantel is very cozy looking. I grow basil and parsley in pots on the deck during the summer and usually have a rosemary potted that I bring in for the winter. The current one is looking pretty sad, so I'll just compost it and start with a fresh one next spring. I haven't gotten my fall decor out yet. Should do that this weekend, but it's supposed to be warm and sunny, so I'll probably do yard work instead. I haven't seen many grasshopper at all, but have Asian hornets, which are huge and aggressive.

  10. Your fireplace is looking fab as is Milo.
    Annie x

  11. We always watch the Amazing Race and are super happy it is on again. Your decorations are quite nice. Madison loves salmon so we all get it now and then. Mom doesn't eat any seafood but she buys it for us. Have a Grand weekend and enjoy you hobbies.

  12. I am loving the new decorations but even better is beautiful Milo. Wishing you a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

  13. I love your mantel! So pretty! I grow herbs in pots here in WA state. My ground is rocky and full of clay, so not good for gardening. I pretty much can grow everything in a pot, and some come back every year if I keep them tucked under the eaves for winter. I repot the ones that survive. Or you could bring them inside for winter. Love your pretty quilt. x K

  14. Fairy lights are so pretty. You have given me some ideas on how to use grated peels which I love the taste of. I really should grow herbs. Pretty quilt. Funny, I've noticed lots more grasshoppers here this year. Beautiful boy in your garden! Ned says hi.

  15. I love the lights on your mantle with the decor. I love the tiny white lights and not just for Christmas :) Thanks for linking up and have a great week ahead.

  16. I gave up growing food when we were always away for part of the summer. I may start some indoor herbs....maybe. I am kind of lazy about these things but love fresh herbs, so I should! Milo is the best photo bomber ever!

  17. Sweet precious Milo. Such a handsome boy. I do a basil & a rosemary every summer. Also use fresh. I've started adding basil to salads with tomatoes from the one I plant in a pot. This year was tough-I only planted the one so the harvesting has been somewhat lean, especially after the two hail storms that shredding they took. But worth the wait-those cherry tomatoes are so sweet and tasty, especially with mozzarella with greens and the fresh basil. So yummy!
