
Saturday, August 12, 2023

must create.... a young woman's travel wardrobe grows

My creative week was all about creating a special travel wardrobe for a young woman crossing the Atlantic for her first trip abroad.... I'll share some of her new sundresses. She brought the latest in casual wear, bell bottom jeans, and a halter top, and of course a bikini for the south of France!

but first some mood music... I listened to this video this week while at the computer for a bit

was struck with the sweet young thing on the right, so I attempted to paint her...

using my fine tec metallic paints for the table and wall paper

I used the book, The Paper Pieced Home for the everyday dresses, and these patterns from etsy for the others. The bikini is my own pattern.

so let's start this week's fashion show of new clothing

I was going to hand embroider these but they are so small...

I got to use my little scrapbooking embellishments, crochet'ed flowers  

I had a 5" square of that lush daisy yellow print...

a brocade silk scrap formed this lovely... it's the lush-est shade of fuchia!

how I wish I had this in my size, and a waistline to go with it

can't you see her, in a big picture hat, walking along in her little white kitten heels  at the shore in Capri

blue and green silk scraps
can't you just feel the crinoline petticoats ruffling your legs as you dance with a cute boy
of course every silk dress needs some rhinestones to sparkle in the fairy lights!

speaking of sparkle, a rhinestone coated belt dresses up a plain dress

I had to totally redraft this, what was the designer thinking??? I like her shapes and outlines a lot tho'

so that's what young miss took on vacation, along with a few unmentionables she's too much of a lady to show!!!

I'd love to have that wardrobe in my trunk and each day pick a new frock to wear. What adventures she would have! 

no trips abroad for me.... time to clean up, dream about when I wore dresses like that to uni when all the other girls word cut off jeans shorts... I used to get a lot of attention with my bare shoulders I'll say

creativity is messy

linking with

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts 

finished or not

off the wall Fridays


  1. The brocade silk dress is fabulous - and yes, I'm wishing I had that exact dress. I do think the bell bottoms and halter are my favorites however. Bell bottoms were definitely my era of fashion - college. I used to spend hours sketching clothing designs and coloring them with colored pencils. Thought I wanted to be a fashion designer. LOL

  2. Wow! Her wardrobe has grown by leaps and bounds! I guess she hasn't hear of packing light, huh? Lovely job on her portrait, LeeAnna!

  3. Hi, LeeAnna! I'm visiting from Nicole's Friday Face Off. I love this collection of sundresses and more! I've read through several of your preceding posts and watched as the wardrobe grew. I'm sorry that you are dealing with some physical issues. May you improve soon. Meanwhile keep creating!

  4. I think dresses should be in fashion more than they are. Well at least not here, they aren’t! I like the purple one with the rhinestone belt, but my favorite in her wardrobe is still the polka dotted one with the white collar! And you are correct! Creating is messy!

  5. Dream wardrobe!!! Such cute colors and styles!!!

  6. These are just so fun! I'm looking forward to seeing what they become altogether one day!

  7. Those fun blocks are just amazing! So many tiny details. They look like just the right thing to take your mind off of things!

  8. What a fun project! The brocade dress is my favorite. . .likely because it is also my favorite color! LOL Each outfit has so much for the eye to see. You've nailed the embellishments! WOW!! Well done!

  9. I'm always blown away by your creativity and talent! Thanks for sharing. I can't really express what joy your blog brings to me.

  10. Wow, the wardrobe is growing very nicely, and I love the new additions! Cute jean's, and of course I love the bikini for the south of France ;)) The brocade silk dress is a pure beauty.
    Love the drawing of the pretty woman too.
    Thank you for sharing your art, and linking up!

  11. Well, this is just adorable! Love the little story to go along with your beautiful work, too. Do you display your work somewhere? Love it. x K

  12. she is gona need a steamer trunk for all those lively dresses and such!
    i recall making some bell bottoms out of a brown cotton suede with a paisley facing (and they were hip huggers!) ...former home ec major here who once made a apricot brocade strapless prom dress....long ago, on my singer featherweight 221.
    "...teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini!" adorable!

  13. Love the vacation wardrobe! I've used the Vintage Dress pattern in a quilt. They are fun to make, but oh so fiddly. Your blocks all turned out beautifully.

  14. Hi LeeAnna,
    Beautiful wardrobe !
    There's a show here where a group of seniors go travelling in their RV's. It's a really relaxed hour per week. Yesterday they chatted with a man that was wearing a suit and tie. Yes, trousers, jacket , shirt and tie. He explained that after 3 very serious acindents he's going to treat each day like its his birthday or Sunday! That's the reason behind his new daily clothing style. So his RV/camper closet is full of great clothing if the tie he wore yesterday is any indication !
    hugs, take care,

  15. Such a gorgeous wardrobe, full of dreams and memories! Love it. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  16. Thanks for linking to AFFF
    This is also perfect for Monday WRites linky during August the theme is cloth


  17. Always lovely creations here ~ so creative ! wow!

    Wishing your good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Thanks for sharing your pattern sources, including the fact that you designed the bikini yourself. That is some travel wardrobe. I'm envious.

  19. Oh LeeAnna, if I was in my younger years I would wear all of these dresses but especially the first. Beautiful. The women in Jazz are too sassy. You did a great job in replicating here. I use to crochet those flowers and then later in life I used the pattern with beads. So versatile and pretty. Hope you are feeling well. Thank you for joining FFO and have a nice weekend.

  20. These are so fun LeeAnna. I bet they were also fun to make. I can just picture the woman who would wear each of these, and I think that's the best part about them is you left them open for the viewer to decide. Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

  21. A very stylish wardrobe indeed! Beautiful!

  22. I am here from FFO, and I thought the face you drew was great. However, those dresses are fabulous.

    In 2010, I joined a paper dress collaboration. The pattern was sent to me and most people used it. Most people also only decorated one side. Not only did I decorate both sides, I designed several of the dresses myself. If you are interested, here are the 12 months of dresses:

    I hope this link works. If not, and you are interested, I will send each link separately.

    My contribution by month:

    Nope, didn't work. However it is also under Previous Collaborations and it is near the bottom under Dress Up 2010. The only reason I mention it is because your dresses reminded me of the ones I made.

  23. Hi
    Today's Monday WRites is HERE


  24. Hey
    Thanks for linking to Monday WRites


  25. Hi, LeeAnna! I hope you are doing alright!!! Take care!

  26. These dresses are just so cute! Brings back my early dabble in fashion design.

  27. Hi, LeeAnna! I'm thinking of you on this misty morning and hoping that you are okay!
