
Saturday, July 15, 2023

watching paint dry and hand stitching a bit


not much this week, I've been getting poor health care and am in too much pain to do much. No details, just know my heart is in creativity but my body is in crisis. 

I was looking for something online and saw a stylized woman somewhere, so I tried to paint her. The stabilo crayon bled so much it made her look gray but...I liked the wallpaper I created

coloring book page

random index card art done over scrap paper glued to it

Index card ICAD prompt millefleur   I love pigma pen size 10 for bold distinct lines

hand stitching with red scraps for RSC color of the month 

I'm working on another star for my circular table, for the fall. 

petals done so far... browns, blue/greens, and orange golds

I'd appreciate all prayers as apparently the health providers can't help me here, and I need a miracle 

thanks, happy arting to you all, I'll visit when I can sit at the computer again... this may be the last post for a while... you know how much I love my connections with you...

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts 

finished or not


  1. I am certainly praying for relief for you. I hated reading this. Maybe a 2nd opinion is in order? Love your creative endeavors this week. I'm sorry that you may be away for awhile but know that all of us are thinking of you! 💕

  2. I'm sorry your health issues are getting worse and causing you so much pain. I have no solutions to offer, just love and hope. It's okay to take a break, just remember there are a lot of us out here who care about you and wish you relief. The world needs your creative spirit and determination.

  3. I'm so sorry that your health is deteriorating, and that you're not finding good health care.

    I'm glad however that you have your creative activities to hold you up at least a little. Love that "random index card".

  4. Very fun hexie project!
    I do believe in miracles and am sending you positive and hopeful thoughts for healing!

  5. I am hoping for your miracle. Good for you for creating in spite of your pain. Double extra credit for being organized enough to post! You make amazing faces and all your projects are balm for the eyes.

  6. As always, your art is a beauty, I love this lovely woman, and the cards are so joyful! Pretty hexies too, it's going to be a wonderful table runner.
    Take the time you need to, we will be there waiting for you. I send you love and hugs.
    Thank you for sharing, my friend, and linking up.

  7. Oh my friend, I am heartsick. Prayers for you as you try to get help. Tell me if I can do anything. If zoom is comforting, Monday or Tuesday would work for me.

  8. I like the woman you drew with the cigarette holder. She is just oozing sassy personality!

  9. I hope you get the medical help you need soon. A miracle would be nice.

    I really like the face. I don't draw so this is wonderful.

    You are putting a LOT into your ICADs. I am not following prompts, just working with my scraps. I love your millefleur.

    Those hexagons are amazing. You put a lot of work into that piece.

  10. I'm so sorry about your health. I will light a candle and send some magic your way. Please check your email.
    I love your sassy woman and the hexagons are wonderful.
    All of your art is beautiful.

  11. I am sorry to hear about your health issues! and so sorry its getting in the way of creativity. Praying for you
