
Saturday, May 20, 2023

my creative week fast stitching, slow stitching drawing , painting and some learning too


it's been a week of learning (Zen Stitch workshop online) and making

Drawing faces and flowers, painting on paper and fabric, designing an Autumn quilt, trying techniques new to me like setting shisha mirrors and stacking straight stitches in embroidery. Trying some stitches in a slightly different way than I've done them before, using my supplies, getting new supplies... 

Toward the end of the week I just watched the lessons and stored up plans to try them later because my mind was full. (plus the occular migraines take a lot out of me) 

I often try out ideas on scraps of weird fabric, or oddly shaped scraps of paper. These are contained in a box of parts... bits and pieces of lovely components waiting to be turned into something new. 

One of the lessons was reverse applique in a bold primitive fashion. I've done it in heirloom style where you don't see stitches so this idea was bold. One lesson was painting fabric by squishing it in your hands, no thanks, but I reached into the magic parts box and pulled out these three painted pieces  to try the embroidery method. 

The fabric is apparently poly so it frayed like crazy, and I was too lazy to find a hoop to control it, so I just stitched the stamped bit with a big perle cotton in turquoise, cut out the center, pulled it back and tacked it down with coral perle cotton colonial stitches. I do french knots but now have this knot in my arsenal to use and I like it! 

I expect this to turn into a sketchbook cover soon, after more construction! 

I am learning Shisha techniques for fabric, and by learning I mean I made a dogs dinner of the whole thing...

The instructor had us make a pin cushion... (an ENORMOUS one) I had to use a button instead of mirror for my experiment, and never quite got the concept down but finished the pin cushion.

I liked the shape, the colors of felt and thread I chose, I liked adding a tiny circle and stitching to make little flowers, the colonial knots are very cute. I'll tune in to learn shisha from Sarah Humphrey instead of this teacher I think. 

the trimmed bits of felt caught my eye, and I arranged them into a dragon fly... I like the idea of adding this to something, with beads of course and pretty threads

While watching the videos I sketched two teachers, while having my morning coffee...

of course on scraps of paper from cutting out the pin cushion template... using just pencil

I kind of like the triangle shape of the paper!! When doing a portrait from a photo I look to see what makes that person different from other people... tiny angles of an eyebrow, shape of a nostril, lips... etc

it is training my eye to see... to draw what I see not what I think I see

speaking of which one very talented artist who does thread sculptures decided to teach instead, how to notice lines in organic matter to be stitched later (here is an example video of hers )

these were drawn with my new birthday pressie from dh... which I'm finding very useful for lots of things... calligraphy as well as sketch. One of them is gray, the others black different shaped nibs

I would use the leaf drawings to do this with thread onto solvy,  then dissolve that to have the lines left to use in art. whee! 

I discovered this person because amazon sent me an email that I might like her... and I do!

 I did another exercise by creativecove on drawing iris

and I loved it, but I also love iris' colors so I added in a bit of paint

Koi watercolors, small round brush

over the pencil and shading, pretty effect. Then adding a few black inked lines and white gel pen

I dug into my orange scrap bin this week to work on the blocks for my "portal" quilt... a walk in an autumn forest 

cut 2.5" X 10.5" rectangles, pair them up,  both face up, cut on diagonal....
pairs ready to cut on diagonal

sew two colors together into two blocks, retrim to 2" X 10" and go to the design wall to start that process

I love using fabric like paint, taking it down to color with the added excitement of the prints! All from scraps and now becoming a beautiful whole piece because they are all working together, cooperating to make something greater than any one of them. 

In my heart this is the way humans should be... each unique, each bringing beauty to the whole, working together to make life better for all.

It's a dream, but it keeps me going in these days of insecurity

 I am holding on emotionally by a thread of hope

As artists we are people, we are influenced by what goes on around us, our thoughts and feelings, and as artists we seek to interpret what we see, hear and feel. 

To keep sanity I use art to escape and since autumn colors make me feel peaceful, that's where I'll be...

immersing myself in color, in slow stitching and fast stitching like these blocks, in color and letting it soothe my spirit 

can you relate? 

find your creative happy place y'all

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts

 link party

finished or not



  1. Really fun pin cushion!! Your botanical drawings and paints are always my favorite, but the little poodle one is very sweet.

    I wish for the same peace in our country.

  2. So many different techniques you tried this week! I hope they all brought some peace into your heart! We are definitely in some trouble in this country! And I’m unsure of what we can do! But art, whether paper, paint and ink or fabric, thread and a rotary color, give us a sense of making a difference! At least we are in control of a little something!
    I love your iris drawing! Absolutely delightful! Fall colors speak to me too, so I am watching your slashed rectangles. Very interesting!

  3. I love those attempts at shisha embroidery. I have always been intrigued by that. Your efforts are brilliant. Love the poodle stamp/paint piece too. Sorry about the migraines...hope you are done with them soon.

  4. Your wool project is so beautiful! I’m so sorry you have been dealing with ocular migraines! I’ve only had one migraine and it was so debilitating! The reverse applique is interesting! You certainly are a life-long learner!
    Your pincushion is so cool! I love the colors, the buttons and the corner stitching! And yes, the shape is unique! Wow. Beautiful!
    Wow…creating such accurate portraits while drinking your coffee?!! Now that’s talent!
    I like how you discussed the way humans should be as well as your description of artists. It gave me deeper insight to one of my good friends…a deeper understanding of her. Thank you!
    Yes, I can relate to immersing ourselves in color, fiber and stitching. It soothes the soul. 😊

  5. You had a wonderful and busy week, and a lot of experiences! I love the pincushion, and the button/Shisha looks good to me. The iris is gorgeous!
    I love how you pieced the ladyfingers for your Portal project too, these autumn colors are beautiful and the green accent is pretty.
    Thank you for sharing your art, and linking up.

  6. Gah, can't believe I missed your birthday-I've gotta figure out why the reminder failed to show up. Hope your day was extra grand. 💙 Ear scritches for handsome Milo.

  7. I like that big pincushion. I still have one you sent me years ago that I use all the time. I agree that colour and stitching sooth the soul.

  8. Portal is coming along so beautifully! This is going to be something special. Love your pincushion and its bright cheery colors. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  9. It's always fun to stop by and see all the color in the your life for the week Leeanna. Those drawn irises are gorgeous. And I like the idea of sewing the quote into an opening. Give Milo a scratch for me. hugs-Erika

  10. OMGosh! I can't get over how talented you are with all the different type of art you create. You have a gift for sure. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a great weekend.

  11. I don't know how you accomplish so much in one week. I especially like your pincushion. Great colors!

  12. Oh you are a busy bee and so many different talents, from sketching, painting, stitching, embroidery. I loved your iris especially the soft touch you added with the paints. And all of your fabulous fabric colors ... I do believe you have found your creative happy place :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  13. All of this is fascinating, as usual. Should have known this is where I saw/read about those Inktense pencils! ;-). I love shisha mirrored textiles and I am looking forward to seeing what you'll do with that technique. Of course I am admiring your ACTUAL drawings with longing as I am over here making computer-generated fake drawings to compensate for my lack of skill in that department... I look forward to seeing what you will create this week, next week, and the week after that!

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