
Thursday, April 13, 2023

I Like Thursday #345


last year's table topper with my canoe from Lake Placid
welcome to this week's list of likes

... starting with a flannel backed vinyl tablecloth with elastic to keep it on our patio table! I think I found it on amazon but can't remember. The wind in colorado is no joke, and I've watched the table and chairs skitter along the patio from winds so finding a table cloth that stays put??? priceless!


 our prompt, are you a morning person or a night owl? When are you most alert? What do you like about being the way you are... 

Hmmm I think I've always stayed up late, not wanting to miss anything maybe? or afraid to go to bed? Once I worked a night shift and found I was most productive on the 4pm to midnight shift. 

these days, I wake up with the bright sun and dh getting out of bed, but am dull witted til about the second cup of coffee, and 14 videos on youtube lol. I am most creative around 10am to 5 pm. 

but I'm retired myself... and can listen to my instincts. I fit into dh's work schedule for lunches and dinner, and want to just quietly sit and watch tv while hand stitching after 7, but generally I'll stay up til midnight at least.

what about you? I always said whatever time of day you're at your best,  don't waste it on doctor appts or trivial stuff... use it to create! 

speaking of creating....I love to sew and spent time on that plus painting this week

story on Saturday's post

watching on youtube

funny and loving! They fell in love then I fell in love with both of them!

watching on TV

Murdoch Mysteries and Brokenwood are back... whee! On regular tv I'm watching Spring Baking competition on food network, top chef on bravo, reruns of The Love Boat on metv, Sanditon, A million little things, Midwives on PBS, Finding your roots, and American Idol. 


on ebook


listening on audio books


It's been too darn hot to bake... 

 I was in a production of Kiss Me Kate... once upon a time and love the songs. I still remember all the words, the cues the dance numbers... several shows a day for a while will cement something in your mind!

do you notice sometimes you remember a song because of something you're doing, like saying it's too darn hot just now!

Milo's Moment

Lookie what the Easter bunny brought me! Yipee! Barking for joy! A new squeaky toy... a stuffie in a ball, I love these!

good thing I didn't catch the bunny in our yard!
I like to think a bunny ran through my house! I'll give it a good sniff after we're done here...
 I love my little lamb ball! I know Daddy wants it too, so he should chase me to try to get it! Before the legs are chewed off!

now please visit these peeps to see what they liked this week too!

friday smiles at a stitch in time  


  1. ooh milo has a little lamb.. how cute!!! a new BFF... we love this time when the garden and porch time starts and when we can sit outside.. even when it is only for some minutes...

  2. YES!!! Sometimes I do remember a song because of something I'm doing! Or the other way around. I hear a song and remember exactly who I was with, what I was doing, and how old I was when I heard that song!

  3. I absolutely adore last year's table runner, LeeAnna!!! I think when you get tired of it, you need to mail it to me. To answer this week's question, I'm a midday person. 10 AM to 10 PM. The majority of my crafting gets done during the afternoon hours. Speaking of which... I really enjoyed our virtual Sew Day yesterday afternoon!

  4. I'm definitely a night owl, and usually read until midnight - or 1 am like last night. I firmly believe it's genetic, because my mother and her mother were both night owls. And one of my 2 daughters is also a night owl, although her kids and work schedule forces her into an early morning schedule.

    I've been watching Survivor, Finding Your Roots, Spring Baking. Last night I worked on a puzzle on the coffee table while watching evening TV.

  5. Your tablecloth for the patio table is such a great idea! That's definitely only way to keep a tablecloth on an outdoor table around here. The bunny video was a hoot! I didn't know they shed like that, though. Happy new Easter toy, Milo - looks like fun!

  6. S o true about the tablecloth! I have a question…how do you download the images of books you are reading! I seem to be having some difficulty. It’s not always successful! I hope the Easter toy lasts through to the end of April! It’ll definitely be loved to death!

  7. I'm like you in the morning! My daughter did Kiss Me Kate and I loved it! The songs are so catchy!

  8. Milo looks so happy with his new toy! Love it.

  9. Thanks for making me feel good. Milo!

  10. I like your back yard! Yes the wind does complicate things, doesn't it. Would you believe my daughter actually likes wind? She says it keeps things moving - lol! I hope all is well with you and that you are feeling good. Thank you for hosting this so cheerfully each week. I will check out everyone else's posts tomorrow. Take care!

  11. What a sweetie! One of my dogs loves squeaky toys too, the other isn't bothered. I've enjoyed ready everyone's Thursday posts and reasons as to why they're early birds or night owls. Happy weekend!

  12. That's pretty windy if the chairs scoot around like that. Those bunnies sure are cute in that video. I didn't know you were a stage performer, cool. Hey cool Milo, your new pal looks like lots of fun. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. Milo is welcome to come and chase bunnies around my yard (preferably before they eat the new sprouts that will be erupting soon). Yes, I remember songs sometimes when I look at a cross-stitch that I did while listening to it. Funny how that happens! Thanks for hosting I Like Thursday!

  14. I’m a morning to wake up to enjoy the Dawn chorus of the birds. Love Milos new toy...I wonder how long it will last?
    I use an app called layout for my well for me.
    Annie x

  15. Oh, I've always been a night owl and preferred night shifts. I get productive around midnight. I start to do all sort of things. It takes a lot of self discipline to turn the lights out late at night and go to sleep. because I will be in full flow. Of course I'm no good in the morning. I don't function very well and at work they knew not to ask me anything before midday. I'm not grumpy, I just don't function at that time of day.
    I love Milo's new toy. Milo had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Milo went the lamb was sure to go etc.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  16. Brokenwood! We were surprised and excited to see that come back. We finished up Sanditon (cries). The lamb ball is cute - is it still in one piece? LOL

  17. I love seeing Milo with his cute little lamb. Just perfect for Easter! I love your table runner. I don't cook much when it's hot. I'm looking forward to getting the grill ready! We're lucky we don't have to get up early anymore!!

  18. Milo is so cute! Mine is afraid of the squeakers in his toys - haha! He usually tears them out. Your tablecloth is such a good idea. I like your pretty back yard, too. I see you are a fellow night owl. I love the peace and quiet late at night. x K

  19. Even here in Spain our garden furniture can get blown away, so mI appreciate your cloth.
    I am a late person, and if my nose is in the right book I have to force myself to close it and go to bed, so there is a chance I can get up the next morning. I am retired too but I have a husband and animals who rely on me getting up by 9.00. Milo is obviously pleased with his Easter gift. Have a good week. Kate x

  20. Love the canoe on your table - a great memory piece. Milo is too sweet with his lamb. Is he a destruco dog? Percy would have had that apart in to time. Its a bit warm to fabric shop with SomethingRoseMade, who is visiting in Portland.

  21. That table topper is so pretty – almost looks like Easter eggs with a surprise in the middle! What a cool canoe!
    Yes, we have some serious winds in Las Cruces – and dust!
    I am a night owl when I’m stressed out! LOL! However, I love going to sleep about 11 and waking up early in the summertime to work/enjoy a few hours of gardening.
    Yes! Hand sewing/crochet is my evening gig whilst I visit with Dad.
    My best creative times are from about 10 a.m.-3 p.m. If insomnia makes a visit, I am pretty productive from about 11 p.m.– 3 a.m.
    I have enjoyed Ellery Adams’ Secret, Book and Scone Society series! I’ll have to check out her Book by the Bay series.
