
Thursday, March 23, 2023

I Like Thursday # 342


Welcome to this week's list of likes! I like pretty easter pastel fairy lights, and put them along the stairs with some green leaf garland, and around the family room window too. So pretty!

I've been under the weather, dealing with a very poor back, several migraines (from yard chemicals neighbors put out) and the burst of cold temps started my chillblaines again (blistering on fingers) so this might be short...


audio book, just finished, was really good. Imagine writing a new ending to stories and having them come true in real life... recommend it highly!

 now listening to: next in the by the bay series


approaching the end of this ebook


next up another Celeste Ng 

fine dining

Although this recipe looks really good, and fun, 

Pan Dulce on a blue serving plate with a cup of coffee in the background 

I made these oatmeal/pecan/chocolate chip cookies again from the Gasparilla cookbooy

I also made greek eggplant parm. again, so delish, (recipe here but I prebake not fry the eggplant. Lots of work but we have lots left over for meals too.

just fun

 I thoroughly enjoyed reading this short list by Melissa McCarthy, agree on several items! 


one of the I Like members lost her beloved, 17 year old poodle... our hearts and love go out to her...

Pat at

 Our Prompt this week is vegetables....

 the time will come when it's hot enough to grow them... do you grow any, are you successful? what do you always plant, and please tell me what seed companies you like best! I can't go to Home Depot and buy seedlings again this year.

Survival Garden Seeds Vegetable Garden Collection Seed Vault - Non-GMO  Heirloom Family Garden Seeds for Planting - 

every year I try tomatoes. Twice I tried planting old tomatoes, and while plenty of greenery came up only one tomato fleshed out. Back in Maryland I had a lush garden, growing tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, herbs, and two years, white eggplants! They were the best I've ever eaten! 

Here the ground is less hospitable. The heat too high over 100F. The sun too intense. I try basil, which lives if not thrives. I tried pole beans, peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, in containers so I could regulate water but, nothing thrives. I think I'd be quite happy with a BIG veggie garden, complete with flowers. 

Milo's moment

Milo here, I like it when Mama plants a squirrel/bunny/chipmunk trap out back! 

Mama: MILO! what are you talking about?

Milo: when you plant veggies, all the critters show up for dinner! 

Mama: well they're disappointed... what veggies do you like? 

Milo: Oh I like a lot of what you like, I like them cooked with butter too. Potatoes, carrots, cabbage, any beans especially lima's... no asparagus though. 

Another of my likes is destruction

It's not like eating but it's so much fun and so satisfying to hear that r i i i i p p p p sound! 

now stay and visit mama's friends to see what they liked this week and tell her if you wrote a post!


  1. Oh gosh. So sorry you are so sensitive to chemicals in the environment, among other things. Hope you feel some relief soon. Park Seed Company is a good company to check out. Their catalogs are a joy to browse. I bet you will find some varieties of tomatoes etc that will withstand the high temps. Let us know if you have success!

  2. Sending hugs to you and Milo! Hope you are feeling better soon! I can't believe Milo eats so many vegies (Scout never would). It was so nice to see the picture you posted of him this morning. He looks so much like Scout in that one! Hugs and have a better weekend!

  3. I sure hope you are beginning to feel better.

    My parents planted a huge garden, and enjoyed it so much. I grew up enjoying the fresh (and home canned) veggies but do not enjoy gardening. I kept a small garden for years when our kids were around. Then I just did a few tomato plants when we moved to this house. The past couple of years I've given up on that too. Now a couple of pots of geraniums or petunias on the porch is the extent of my garden.

  4. I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well, and hope today's better. Glad you're finding good books to read and listen to - that always helps me when I just need to rest. Milo, sounds like you are a good veggie eater!

  5. I'm so sorry to hear of your ailments. I share many of them, and I'm particularly disturbed to hear of your neighbours spraying of chemicals. I know firsthand how debiliating this can be. I hope you mend soon.

  6. The lights are even pretty in the photograph. I hope your will feel better soon. Regula

  7. I like your fairy lights. I keep a string of them around my old Hoosier cabinet. Be well and thanks for linking up.

  8. I'm so sorry that Pat lost her beloved pet. I know how sad that can be. You've shown some good books to read. I love every book by Rhys Bowen and I just had a Keto oatmeal cookie...yumo! Hugs, Diane

  9. Chemicals in the neighbor's yard reminds me that my dear husband and I are complete opposite when it comes to gardening. I like organic, he likes to spray for weeds - ugh. We lived for a time near his sister who shares his love of weed killer. The day I caught her striding toward my garden to "help" me and "kill the weeds" for me, I lost it and told her no weed killers near my garden! She told me I was weird - lol!
    I hope you feel better. I think those cookies would help me get back my health in a jiffy. ;)

  10. The fairy lights look so pretty!


  11. hope you feel better soon. delightful pinkly fairy lights!
    well, grow baby bok choi, a cute little cabbage that i make in my noodles dashi. and
    i continue to grow grape cherry tomatoes that originally volunteered one year, (they were the costco ones)so i kept seeds and started all over, for years. what i found interesting is that sometimes they fruit revert to a round shape and other times show up oval. ain't nature grand!

  12. I sure hope you're feeling much better super soon, that's never fun. Milo, you've been having some shredding fun I see. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. I like your fairy lights. Sorry you're not feeling great - I hope you feel better soon. Cookies look delicious. Good luck with your veggies! Milo is having a ripping good time! ;-)

  14. Do hope you are feeling better. I didn't know folks got chilblains anymore. Yes, I've tried growing veggies many times over the years. Conditions are never quite good enough for me to have real success. Well, I blame the weather but could be the poor gardener, LOL. Sweet Milo is like Ned...ripping paper/cardboard/tissues, etc. is Ned's favourite pastime.

  15. So sorry you've been suffering health wise...hope things improve soon. How funny thatboth our fur babies have been ripping paper this week.
    Annie x

  16. I love the fairy lights. My son has them all around his room, but my fading eyesight means I need much broghter lighting to see what I am doing.
    I always grew veggies in UK and runner beans were my favourite, with tomatoes in the greenhouse, but out here it is too hot, and fresh vegetables are readily availabñle in the wekly market, so I have settled for cacti and succulents in my garden, and a few other flowers that can cope with the climate.
    My little cat is for of ripping paper too. he just seems to enjoy doing it and then walking away from the mess! Kate x

  17. I do hope you feel better soon. The fairy lights look wonderful! Milo is so funny chewing up all that paper!
