
Thursday, February 23, 2023

I Like Thursday # 338 it's the little thoughtful things that count!


welcome to this week's list of likes! Starting with a morning sketch. As few lines as possible, two colors of watercolor, painting only negative space. 

Sometimes you can convey a concept in very little time... 

It's cold and snowy... went from mid 60'sF on Tues to below 0 and snowing all day on Wednesday. 

Weather whiplash! 

Reading this week: 

finished Golden Girl on audio and just loved it! Now on audio is one recommended by Wendy


intriguing look into a different life, Bangalore in 1920's and a terrific reader. I'd listen to everything she reads.

reading myself on Ebook this week, two books: 


I read Red Mountain by Boo Walker, want to read everything by this author. A flashback to my high school years takes us to a wonderful character driven story about a young woman who longs to be an artist and see the world

Watching on TV

American Idol is back, Survivor is coming soon. A million little things (ABC) is back but for the final season, boo hoo. On Hallmark Movies and mysteries channel is The Way Home, very good. We both are enjoying Anne with an E on netflix, and when we run out of seasons, what will we do? Netflix doesn't have all of them. 

As usual I find a lot of cool stuff on youtube... this is WONDERFUL

Sewing this week

I made a book cover with fabric collage, to keep track of my quilts this year 


Fine Dining

lots made this week, but I'll focus on two items, one new to me, and one a repeat

Mini sweet peppers with cheese, baked with some olive oil and salt... DELISH

before cooking
recipe, not that I followed it I used cream cheese/feta/ cheddar mixed

after baking about 20 min

and new to us Pecan Tartlets... I combined two recipes... the cream cheese crust from one, the gooey nutty filling from another

recipe for filling

pecan pie baked in muffin pans, for quick individual desserts.  I use egg whites, maple syrup (not corn syrup) and real butter. SO good DH said we need to make these again! (and we still have 5 left) 

it was messy on the muffin pan tho

Mama's little Guardian watched over the cooling tarts

I want one!!!

The prompt this week is: rounding out February the month of love

"what thoughtful things does your special person do for you, or you do for them? Little things that mean something to you... for example brings home flowers, or folds the towels the way you like it, chores or little hugs when you're disappointed, shares secret jokes, watches a movie he knows you'll like just to be nice"

my husband does hundreds of things for our family and for me. I'll mention a couple:

> puts on coffee for me when he hears me get up each morning

> carries the portable heater from our bathroom to the studio each morning 

> if he isn't working, he reads to me when I have to lie down with a migraine

> in the early days of our marriage, he stopped at the florist every Friday for 2 for one day, and brought me pretty flowers. I loved and miss that

> he's a willing sous chef now that we eat at home every meal.

For him, I

> do not hang things on door knobs, since he said he hates that years ago

> he prefers towels hung a certain way, so I do that

> I find good things for us to eat, and watch on tv, and make him laugh

> I make the bed each morning( whether that's to make it easier to get in at night, for tidiness during the day, or to even up the blankets and avoid blanket wars, I'm not sure LOL) 

Milo's Moments

Milo here....sorry  I'm a bit cranky at the moment... my pawrents are walking me more, that's good, but I have to put on my boots, that's bad. I mean, ALL the dogs are probably laughing at me from their windows. I know they sure bark at me!

Mama: the boots keep you safe on ice, and keep your widdle feet warm. 

Milo: Mama... puh-leaze!  and while you're listening... how come you and Daddy can bark all the time, "blah blah blah Milo" and sometimes sneaky talking.  I know you are talking about me when I hear

 "he" so I stop what I'm doing to listen to you.

but, just let me gently bark to keep an intruder away and it's "Milo STOP BARKING" 

Mama: I do come to see what you're barking at, to share the experience with you but if it's just someone driving by, or walking across the street... well, STOP barking buddy!

Milo: Mama... it's a dog thing, you wouldn't understand! But I appreciate all the little things you do for me... taking those stinkin' boots off when I come inside, baking me cookies, rubbing my ears, and petting me a bedtime story every night. I appreciate Daddy chasing me around the coffee table and letting me win, feeding me the way I like it (kibble in hot water) and walking with me out back. 

now sit, stay, go see what Mama's friends have to say!


  1. the peppers are super!!...and we love the new friend this dog brought home LOL

  2. Hmmm - good question to make me think about those little things. He takes the snowblower and removes the snow from the driveway. Now if I could just get him to scrape a plate after a meal, and put his dirty dishes into the dishwasher!

  3. We're American Idol watchers too! Love it! We watched the first 5-6 seasons then quit for several years. We started again with the new judges and love it so much more than the older ones. We'll see how it goes this year!

  4. I enjoyed the Bangalore Detectives Club, too! So fascinating to read a book set in a place and time period I don't know anything about. Those peppers sound yummy - I'm going to have to try that recipe. Cute video - lots of curious animals! I loved your Dick and Jane book. Stay warm today!

  5. Aloha Milo! You and your husband sound like you are like you are lucky to have one another


  6. I love the Dick and Jane fabric!

  7. I appreciate reading that you and your husband do things for each other. Marriage takes a lot of work! I like your pepper/cheese recipe. I am currently struggling with cooking supper. I feel like I am out of ideas! Thanks for linking up and have a great week.

  8. Enjoy your books! That video of the pups was so funny, that one was really bringing home the bacon. Your foodies always look so good. Hey, Milo, it sounds like you do enjoy a good BarkFest. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. Fun post. I don't know what I'd do if my dog brought a cow home. lol The peppers look good. Have a great day!

  10. You always make the best recipes! The books look good too. Marriage isn't easy so you have to do nice things for each other. Over the years, it just becomes what you do and not anything special. I love Dick and Jane. I still remember loving them while learning to read!

  11. LeeAnna - love the YouTube video - it really brought a smile to my face!

    It is the little things that we do for each other that really matters, and we never stop learning. Recently, my hubby told me it bothers him that I don't wipe up spills from making cocktails on the island in the kitchen. Well, I never thought about it. So, now I wipe them up!!! Thanks for hosting I Like Thursday!

  12. LeeAnna you and your hubby do the sweetest things for each other! Thank you for sharing your book suggestions, the yummy recipes and of course Milo’s Moments. For once in a long while I actually got my Thursday post up on time. 😉

  13. It’s so good to do the little things for each other to make life sweeter. I chuckled at Milo wearing shoes...but please don’t tell him I did.
    Annie x

  14. Yes, it's the little things. I totally agree.
    Thank you for another fun Milo story. He always makes me smile.
    And oh both those recipes look delish!
    I'm not familiar with any of those books.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  15. You've been super busy! Fun with Dick and Jane, that sure takes me back and made me smile. Love the art work, love the feeling the colors bring. The peppers look yummy, may have to give that a try.
    Sandy's Space

  16. Beautiful posts so full of great things to like and love. That pepper dish looks good and the tartletts sound so yummy. Thanks for sharing it all. Milo in boots, how chic tell him.

  17. Dogs can make friends with anyone! LOL Those pecan tartlets look good! My mom was over the other weekend - and we joke about Mother Bites! I learned about "poison checks" and "taste testing" her. Maybe I should teach Milo? :-)

    Rob does so many little (and big) things for me, I can't even start to list them all!

  18. Pleased I'm late this week as I got to see all the things you've been up to since Friday but Milo is always the biggest smile for me, he's adorable. wishing you a lovely week. Hugs, Angela xXx
