
Thursday, October 6, 2022

I Like Thursday # 318


Welcome to this week's list of likes. The temps went from high 80's to high 70's so that's great. Late but great! The wild flowers are hanging on, and these look so pretty right now. That's a pic of the underside, with the intense sun shining through it!  here it is face on

and these happy daisies have a new flush since I deadheaded some of them

 Our prompt this week, as it's Fall, is apples... which ones do you like, and how do you prepare them?

Image result for honey crisp apples
recipe I'd like to try is mini apple crisp baked apples with ice cream

As a child I liked a red delish  in red candy apple coating

 Candy Apples | Candy apples...just like you get at the state fair!

Then as a teen and health conscious, I moved on to the crisp Granny Smith, the sweet tart of fruit. Now I am all about the honey crisp. Not the tiny little ones you can get in Colorado, but those giant crisp ones from back east (Penn.) Oh make no mistake I still eat the small ones here!!! 

I am not the largest fan of apple pies, and have made one with caramel sauce that was good ( recipe here), but generally, I peel, and thinly slice them for an appetizer tray, a charcuterie board for just we two. (sorry no pics)

They include:  the apple slices, some thin cheddar slices, crackers, pepper jelly, some turkey summer sausage, some olives on a pretty plate and we feel fancy! 

I grew up in orange grove territory not apple region, so I never picked my own but in Maryland one of our neighbors had two apple trees, and as he'd pick one, his lab would grab it and play with it like a ball til she bit too hard and tasted it, then she ate it! Game over!

I've spent time painting this week, 

 and finished a little wall quilt last week ( link below the quilt) Creative Week round-up coming on Saturday. Last week's quilt...

Listening to on audio books, a great series about an Inn with special powers, that focuses on books


reading on ebook, not about Nantucket as usual by this author. Family run detective agency case

 I like music from bygone eras and these are all autumn songs....

I am quite interested in other languages, especially French. Now I studied French in high school but as I found out when I lived in Canada, I was pronouncing words as if I was Spanish. What? I finally remembered my French teacher in Florida was actually Cuban... oy... this video tells us how to really pronounce common French brand names... I skipped the intro which was actually a commercial, and went to the middle when she started. I loved it!

Milo's Moment

 Milo: Hi, be with you in a minute, first did you all know there was a pumpkin cookie on the counter?
Mama: yep it was in the freezer and needs to thaw....
Milo: what does that mean? 
Mama: you have to wait...
Milo: OH NO!!! I hate "wait" and I'll be skin and bones before I get it!
Mama: and hair... you'll always have all that hair!
Milo: haha very funny the mama.... I have big poodle teeth, I can chew through frozen...

Mama: oh all right you win, here! 

Milo: it's gone already... what's next for me? 

Mama: well... as it turns out, Auntie Wendy from, sent you a toy! ....

and it SQUEAKS really loudly when your strong poodle teeth bite down!

Milo: okay then....let's go outside, show it the yard, and play keep away with it!...

but first let me break it in...

now sit! Stay! visit mama's friends to see what they liked this week, and get their recipes for apple treats!

rosie and the boys nature pics  



  1. Yes on the Honeycrisps! Since we discovered those, they are the only apple I buy. Your flowers are still so pretty! I learned French all through school, too, and even was an exchange student to France one summer. When I was teaching I took some Spanish classes, and half the time when the teacher asked us a question in Spanish, I wanted to answer in French! Happy Thursday!

  2. Definitely a fan of.the Cortland and the MacIntosh

  3. I do love honey crisps and apple crisps. I only usually make them for my son, as he really loves them, but I just saw a recipe for two and think that would be perfect! Happy fall and so glad Milo enjoyed his treat and his lovely new toy.

  4. Beautiful flowers. I took one of those delicious apples. Yummy.

    I'm always happy to see Milo. He's most handsome.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to Milo. ♥

  5. Love apples too!

  6. Honeycrisps are yummy too. Perhaps the ones you get that are tiny are more organic, without all the pesticides. Love your otter pic, and your tiny quilt. Did you know that pumpkin is given to animals when they have upset tummies? Pigs, goats, dogs. Bobbin gets a spoonful when she has been up to no good eating wild strawberries and has over indulged.

  7. Your painting and quilt are so colorful and beautiful! We like honey crip apples to eat and Granny Smith to bake with.

  8. Cute quilt! And gorgeous flowers.

  9. I have a bag of honey crisp apples in my kitchen right now. We love them! I was thinking of making a little apple tart for the weekend. My French Canadian grandmother was very excited that I was taking French in HS, but we quickly realized that I was studying Parisian French and it was very different than what they spoke. I taught French for so many years, but must admit my skills have shrunk a lot over the years.

  10. Honeycrisps are my favorite too! The flowers are so pretty. I took 4 years of French and cannot understand it at all. The first language I learned was Italian since that was what my parents spoke at home. I learned English when I got to grammar school. I still understand Italian since my mother still speaks it. So nice to see Milo!!

  11. We like apples too and about 40 miles north of us up in NC there's lots a apple orchards and and annual apple festival that's amazing. Milo, I know that cookie was worth the wait and your new toy sure looks like fun. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. Wow, those mini apple crisps look great! Mmm... pumpkin cookie sounds good!

  13. Your little quilt is gorgeous and I love your sea otter there with the little heart. I like Honey Crisps too basically I like all apples and also have them with cheese, etc. as a snack. It's required that we take French in school as it is our second language. Both my daughters did their high school years in French Immersion. It's a good thing to know another language. Labs are hard on toys too.

  14. The little wall quilt sure is cute! And I love apples. It's one of the snacks I take to eat after a hike. I like Galas!

  15. Fuji apples are my favorite. crisp and firm. a chunk of Dubliner cheese, sliced apples with bit of lime squished to keep oxidation at bey and a bunch of grapes makes up my lunch some days. as it cools off a bit, I'll be making apple crisp and might ad a granny smith to that dessert that also is a great breakfast with a cup of coffee.
    love your pumpkin and friends quilt!

  16. The first flower was wild! I love it. Your painting is brilliant. Just tugs at the heart. And Milo? Who could be cuter!

  17. The quilt is beautiful, but we love that first flower with the two colors. We have never seen such a flower. It is so pretty!

  18. What a beautiful red and yellow wildflower, and those daisies are cute too!
    I am so happy your Mama didn't make you wait too long for that cookie, Milo!!

  19. LeeAnna - that Blanketflower is stunning from both sides! I love apples in any form. Growing up, we had Winesap and Yellow Delicious trees in our yard. Us younger kids got to climb the trees and pick the apples from the tops of the trees. We ate many of them raw, but Mom made every apple dish you can imagine - applesauce, apple crisp, apple pie, baked apples ... Loved them all!

  20. Beautiful flowers!
    Not into sweets here, but tonight I dreamed I´m on some fun-market and got a candied apple!
    I had one as a child (way too sweet even back then).

  21. I'm amazed and jealous that you still have flowers. Mine are long gone. We had frost this am on the ground when we got up. By then it had warmed to 34....I'm in count down to Spring mode. Apples, I like a variety, Gala is probably my favorite. I like to bake them in the microwave with raisins, butter, and cinnamon.
    Traveling Suitcase

  22. I enjoy all the things I learn about you in your posts - you speak French, with a Cuban twist? :-) Oh Milo - I hope you have lots of fun with that toy. Do you chew them to bits like Tundra? I hope not!

  23. Milo is looking as handsome as ever. I always enjoy seeing him. Thank you for linking up.
