
Thursday, September 29, 2022

I Like Thursday #d 317


the trees are starting to color up

must be the shorter days, and slightly cooler nights 

I love fall colors


I've read all of Dr Weiss's books, and need healing right now. This has been a life of pain...


Finished the Grace Kelly Dress on audio and it was so good... now listening to the charming story while working in the studio....


on a gift of leftover scraps from The Colorful Fabriholic (LINK) We both made the kaleidoscope quilt last year (mine is basted but not completely quilted) in Fall colors. Jan sent me her cut offs and I'm having so much fun making quilts from them... a this is the tip of the iceberg of what I've made so far....

watching on tv

finale's of a few shows, start of New Amsterdam, Amazing Race, Survivor. Sadly we are still in season 3 of Offspring out of Aus. and netflix is about to stop showing it. Know where we can see it? 


lots and taking two very heavy workshops running at the same time... paint post tomorrow

I am showing you a palette I bought on amazon that is very handy. I mix up colors to use in a painting and if there are any left, they stay put in the triple fold case. Link

Our prompt this week is to share health and beauty aids you like...the first ones are lancome face cleaner that smells great and is gentle. The shampoo is one that fluffs up my terribly thin straight hair. I also love the scent, and use his lotion too.

it's dry here, and ever since I was a little girl I've dealt with violent nosebleeds. If I remember to spray my nose each night, and put in some ayr like the ENT specialist said to do, my nose is healthier. I discovered arnica which helps with pain and bruises. Okay, I've daubed it on terrible bites too.
Our feet crack here in the extreme dryness and bee bar lotion is just about the only thing that keeps them in check. It's a solid bar you rub over dry skin, and is gently scented ( I like citrus) and I've been using this lovely product for years now.

This video is so touching.... 

and I'm now officially obsessed with this animal chiropractor. I've seen his videos working on cats, dogs, pigs, sheep, and more.  I wish he would work on my body pain...what a talented, strong healer, with such a love that he'll kiss a horse on it's nose during a treatment.

Milo's Moment

Milo: it's still hot and sunny here even though Mama said it was gonna get cooler

Mama: the weather predictions were for cool but they changed back to hot despite it being officially Fall now. 

Milo: well, I still want to go outside, still like to chase my ring toy at least twice before finding shade. I still like to get treats out of my wishbone toy at night and my teeth are getting cleaner! Oh, and I like ice cream after it melts!

  I like to walk at night in the dark but am afraid of all the critters out there. I am being very independent and getting on and off the big bed using the chair the pawrents put there for me.

when I was a young pup (3 1//2 months old) I got injured when a big dog leapt onto my shoulder and tore ligaments. It took almost a year to heal after surgery and the dogter said to not let me jump. 

to tell you the truth I'm kind of afraid to even step down onto the chair, then floor but I'm doing it!

now please visit mama's friends to see what they liked this week. Tell us if you wrote a post too

rosie and the boys nature pics  


  1. it's still hot and sunny? wow that is amazing... we got fresh and wet stuff... seems mr. winter sent a greeting ..

  2. Milo licking out the ice cream container reminds me of our dog growing up. Mom and Dad would let us give him our ice cream bowls to lick after we finished. He loved it! It's definitely dry here - I haven't tried the bee bar type product, but do like Gold Bond Healing cream.

  3. Hi LeeAnna! I think all dogs love melted ice cream! At least all the dogs I've known have. Our local DQ used to give the dogs a small treat whenever they saw them in the car or in line. I was wondering just yesterday if Milo liked to lay on the cement in the sun once it cools down a bit. Obviously not when it's so hot! Happy Thursday to you. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Always love your conversations with Milo! Our DD’s cat, King, loves ice cream leftovers too! He’s a purist though! No added anything, just vanilla!
    Anything you can find to fight the dry skin, lips, heels, elbows is a good thing! It’s definitely a problem in this high plains desert! Thanks for your recommendations!

  5. Here all still green and in neighbor´s garden loaded with pears! No one picks them, too sad.
    Great sewing jobs and oh. Watercolor...
    The shampoo!!! Would be mine!
    And same here. I have to use gel for my eyes each night.

    Oh, what a wonderful video. Just bad when animals forget how big they became, LOL - thank you for a great lunch-break!
    We also had such an animal chiropractor on TV, he sadly passed away in his mid-50´s.
    Glad Milo braves up!

  6. Delightful little glimpses of your sewing this week! I've been enjoying Survivor and Amazing Race too. My husband even watched them with me last night. He had never watched Amazing Race before.

    I had to smile about the animal chiropractor videos, because I know one personally. My oldest niece in Texas is a retired army nurse, who went back to school - after acupuncture school - to become a chiropractor and then went on to take the necessary course work to be an animal chiropractor. They live on a small hobby farm with several horses, a few cows, and a handful of dogs. Her passion is her animals and the granddaughter they are raising. The granddaughter, who is now a sophomore in HS, also loves the critters.

  7. Loved the video about the animals that love humans. Made me smile and tear up too.

    I always love seeing Milo.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to Milo. ♥

  8. You are bravely carrying on with the pain. I like Dr. Weiss a lot. Have you ever had a reiki treatment? I find it very helpful. I got reiki initiated and do myself now. I'm sending you lots of aloha and wishes for a happier, healthier time friend

  9. Here's mine ❤️

  10. So fun to get to play with such pretty fabric scraps!

  11. Sorry it's still too hot. We're going down to the upper 30's tonight, so I spent some time today moving tender plants inside. I'm not quite ready for frost yet, but Mother Nature doesn't seem to care. My hands are so dry already and my allergies are ramping up from the dampness in our basement. After no rain most of the summer, it's rained every day since Saturday. Bright sunshine today which is why it will get cold tonight. Just thankful I don't live in FL.

  12. Can't wait to see the full pattern on that quilt. Sorry it's still so hot there. It's bound to cool down sooner or later! Have a great week!

  13. We can tell Fall is coming but our leaves aren't turning quite yet. I hope the temperature change doesn't bother you too much. Milo, get that romping time in early dude. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  14. oh the horse whisper animal cracker tube had the dewy eye effect upon me. Lily, my last animal /companion /best friend had a few encounters with such amazing humans with hands of knowledge and kind treatment. one young lady actually showed us equine parents/horse boarders at crowbar ranch, some exercises we could do to help our friends relax and be more comfortable.
    bless this man and his kind!
    rip miss lily!

  15. Such a blue sky! We've got color peeking out, too. I agree, Milo, ice cream is good melted or not!

  16. Great post as usual. I've noted the hair cream; I've noticed grey hair is a little coarser but my hair is still fine so could use some help.
    Love to see your paint pots and quilty bits too. Ned still won't jump up on the bed...has to be lifted though we have seen him leap and jump so high outside. I don't say it enough, but thanks for hosting us LeeAnna. I love it.

  17. Lee Anna - I am pretty cheap when it comes to health and beauty products. My one splurge is Aveda products - shampoo and conditioner. Temps are cooler here and we got almost a half inch of rain today - what a blessing!

  18. I like that kaleidoscope fabric you are working on. I like the bold colors.

    I can tell we don't watch the same shows. I am not into reality tv. The only new shows I'm watching are The Rookie and The Rookie Feds. It is hilarious.

    Sorry to read about Milo. I had no idea he suffered like that. He is one brave pooch. Have a great Friday Smiles, dear LeeAnna.

  19. My heels crack during the winter months, when it gets too dry in the house, so I might have to try that Bee Balm. We learned the hard way not to use Arnica and then apply ice - don't do that! Our colors are just starting to change here, and the crisp, cool fall weather has arrived.

  20. Things are finally starting to cool off here in the NM high desert, but no turning leaves just yet.
