
Thursday, September 22, 2022

I Like Thursday # 316 flowers, movies, books and a poodle


last summer blooms in the 'hood
welcome to this week's list of likes... I like color! Yep! and aren't these saturated hues?? What do you see? When I see something I like I try to figure out why.... In the above pic, I see the red flowers first, then my eye travels to the blue/purple blooms, and then to the bright intense green of the leaves on the left. I note the shapes of the leaves are curvy like petals. Also in this pic is black dirt, and dots of white. 

Not much this week, but here goes....

on audio I'm listening to this,  a contemporary family story of three generations and one wedding dress


 and just finished this book in series about a southern archeologist and Native American solving crimes, and already checked out the next one in series

 still reading Pamela Kelley The Restaurant... about 3 sisters who inherit a restaurant but must work together a year. Love her writing for easy, night time reading


two baby bell peppers I've been nurturing for months, broke in the wind and a day of cooler weather probably stopped the rest from growing. I am coming to acceptance of not being able to grow food here

the back of my card, more on Saturday!

 I sewed a lot this week, painted a card for my friend Lane, cooked and cleaned and watched tv... Survivor and Amazing Race are back, as well as Bachelor in Paradise starting next week. New Amsterdam (drama on NBC) is back! Still enjoying Offspring (family comedy)
on netflix

Our prompt this week is what movies do you like enough to stop and watch when you are channel surfing... which ones do you know almost by heart and never tire of? For me...

Wizard of Oz... watched once a year when I was a little girl and any time I see in on...

Dorothy's Ruby Slippers | National Museum of American History 

Sound of Music.... yep, know every song and nearly all words. Took the tour in Austria!

The Making of The Sound of Music 

Dirty Dancing... oh yes.... love all of it and Patrick Swayze's hips, and that adorable Jennifer Gray when she still had her original nose... so pretty. I admit I am a dancer and love this movie

I Had The Time Of My Life' Scene | Dirty Dancing - YouTube 

Singing in the Rain, or any Gene Kelly movie... love! Wanted to belong with people like these three did. American in Paris too.... Gene is my all time favorite male dancer

Singin' in the Rain (1952) - Photo Gallery - IMDb 

sleepless in Seattle... the romantic in me wants to think that people meant to be together will be

Sleepless in Seattle (1993) - IMDb 

Any Harry Potter movie any time. Pretty woman... again the romantic in me is charmed by young Richard Gere and Roberts. 3 weddings and a Funeral.... I'll stop and watch. So many...what are your favorites? 

Milo's Moments

the silver collar is just on to remind Milo of his training since he's so strong

  Milo: I admit I used to throw a lot of tantrums as a pup, not as much after I grew up but recently I got very mad that we turned to go home before I was ready! I grabbed that leash and yanked on my peeps to stop! Mama takes the leash when I do that, because Daddy is a push over. She stops and asks...

Mama: "okay, what do you want honey? " and waits til I drop the leash. I try to send her messages with my big poodle brain, and she sometimes gets it. Otherwise I turn where I wanted to go for a long look. This week Mama said, well we need to go home this time, and being a VERY reasonable poodle, I gave in. Plus you don't want to hurt a Mama by pulling as you will never hear the end of it!

now visit her pals to see what they liked this week! Tell her if you wrote a post she'll add you in!

rosie and the boys nature pics  



  1. Hahaha Scout doesn't get that dramatic. She just sits down and looks at me as if to say, "you're going the wrong way." I usually always let her have her own way (she's not spoiled or anything). Have a great day!

  2. Hi there-I've been away for a couple of weeks and didn't have much chance to do much for blogging. It's good to stop by. I like color too-no I love color. And like you I see the red and green first in your photo. And Pete's a leash grabber too, but more so because he's excited. He has enough lab to have that trait of needing to put things in his mouth when he's excited. Sounds like it's been a nice week from your post. Hope your weekend goes well also. Hugs-Erika

  3. Yes to all those same movies, especially Sound of Music! Anything I can sing along with! Thanks for the book recommendations, too. The one about the Grade Kelly dress sounds intriguing.

  4. You view the world with the eyes of an artist, so I firmly believe you find textures and colors where many of us miss them.

    I so enjoyed the seasons of Survivor and Amazing Race beginning last night. Always some new twists to keep it interesting. I'm always up for watching a good romantic comedy movie, or most any movie that isn't dark or gruesome.

  5. ..Milo needs a bone and not a leash to chew on.

  6. Beautiful, beautiful and handsome Milo.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to Milo. ♥

  7. Your movies are a lot of my favorites, too. I may need to watch one of them soon. Did you ever see Truly Madly Deeply - an English movie we love. Give Milo a few pats from me please, and good job on not pulling mom!

  8. This has been a brutal year for gardeners!
    Greetings to Milo!

  9. Great list of movies. Gene Kelly is awesome, but I am a huge Fred Astaire fan myself. So many movies I will watch over and over, which is why I own them on Blu ray or DVD. Great books on your list. Love the flowers....recently they widened the ditch along the sides of the road. In my case they dug out my ditch lilies, all day lilies that had started to grow in the ditch, but some of the neighbors seem to have huge swathes of what looks like cosmos in orange, red, pink, purple, yellow, white, cranberry red, is distracting that huge pop of color. Bobbin just lays down and refuses to budge. :D Great likes.

  10. Oh Milo, we can't always get what we want and dogs are never satisfied no matter how long the walk has been. Or so it seems with a certain Labrador. Always lots to see here and love all your movie choices. We like them too. It's so wonderful these days to find any movie on some channel or other.

  11. Those sure are pretty flowers. The movies are good too, we still watch Wizard of Oz whenever we see it is on. Hey Milo, you don't look like the bossy type but at least yo know what you want. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. Hi LeeAnna! All great movies you've shared. The Wizard of Oz - I've watched that since I was a small child. The monkeys used to scare me - I'd keep my eyes closed during that scene. Milo, I'm so glad you acquiesced and returned home when mamma wanted. What momma says goes, buddy. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  13. Lee Anna - what do I see with those flowers? That the geraniums need to be deadheaded! And that tells you most of what you need to know about me ... My list of movies/animated films - Grease, It's a Wonderful Life, first Toy Story, You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, Up. I am feeling so happy this week that I have had time to do some drawing and prepare for some new cross-stitch projects. Pretty soon, I will have every color that DMC makes!

  14. Your flowers are beautiful. Singing in the Rain is good stuff. Thinking of old movies - I will pretty much sit and watch any Cary Grant or Danny Kaye movie. :-)

  15. I chose Dirty Dancing too! Those are great movies! Your books look interesting too. Your flowers look beautiful. Give Milo a hug for me!!

  16. Love, love. LOVE your "brand stamp" LeeAnna! Lucky, Lane!!

  17. Love seeing Milo and all of those movies are a "yes" from me. Loved them all. Thanks for linking up.

  18. I love your choice of films...I’m right there with you on them all. Milly loves to play ball off the lead and always chases until she’s exhausted and then just gives up and comes to be put back on her lead...they are such characters aren’t they?
    Annie x

  19. Always YES to colors!
    Sad about the peppers. I´ll try beans next year - on the balcony, let´s see...
    I love Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, such a sweet movie, too.
    Milo sure has character! ;-)

  20. Being relatively new to dog walking and tending, I am amazed at how persistent and stubborn they can be; however, I'm also amazed at how well they can understand you too. It's fun to see their personalities come forward. I'll have some catching up to do with my Thursday post!
