
Thursday, May 12, 2022

I Like Thursday #296


Welcome to this week's short list of likes.... I love paint and I joined Joy in doing the Messy May prompts once this week... draw a series of circles/squares, then make marks in each one, and embellish.

we got a new door mat (from bed bath and beyond):

I wish...

I love my really small KOI paint palette 

and used it to paint these quick poodle studies this week

I didn't even finish the video as I liked the gesture painting just like they are now!

I have enjoyed a few drawing videos this week on celtic knots, I found the circle art school (Link: HERE) that walked me through drawing this imperfect set of imposible sketches

 Fine Dining

we love this sauce for dipping chicken nuggets in and on sandwiches

I tried a new crust recipe from Bigger Bolder Baking and it kind of worked but too much flour, and she added 2 tbsp sugar which made it too sweet. You mix it in the actual pie plate, no rolling out,  and it has melted butter not oil. Into that baked shell went another egg-white quiche. The reason I mention it was I used left over leeks this time and gosh they are so flavorful. The other vege were orange and red bell pepper slices, and leftover raw spinach. A mix of cheddar and feta with parm sprinkled on top finished off a really good quiche. 

I had to take advantage of a slightly cooler day to bake, and made not only the quiche but more pumpkin almond butter doggie cookies, and an oat flour banana cake.  

The quiche makes 3 meals for the two of us, so no baking for three days. The cake is  enough for a week of desserts. The cookies last a week in the fridge unless somebody refuses to eat, then he will at least have a cookie in the morning and they go away sooner.

Heyyyy if its made of pumpkin, almonds, eggs and oats that's a GOOD breakfast

Milo's Moment

Mama cut off lots of my hair this weekend and it's good for once. It's been really Hot here in Colorado. So hot that mama turned on the wind over the big bed. 

Mama: the ceiling fan spooks Milo

Milo: it's weird that all winter it was still now it spins right over my head like it could fall on me!

Mama: I think it ruffles your hair and you can't stand wind to blow your hair

Milo: so I'm the sensitive type!  

now sit! stay! visit mama's friends to see what they liked this week!

                                                                  LINKING WITH 
friday bliss




  1. Love your poodle renderings! ADORABLE! It's so much fun to see your artwork! Wishing you and Milo a great day!

  2. it looks super cute, we love the poodle art...

  3. The little poodle studies are so perfect. Wish I enjoyed baking as much as I do eating what someone else bakes. LOL

  4. So many wonderful thankful things. Live Happy is my mantra.

    I always love seeing handsome Milo. He makes me smile.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to Milo. ♥

  5. You are so creative- have a fun day!

  6. Love your art, that Milo art is so darn cute. Hey Milo, just look up at the ceiling, it's your fan club pal! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Wow! That Celtic knot is amazing, LeeAnna!! I know you are happy to have (finally) gotten that Garlic Pesto Aioli. Enjoy!

  8. Hi LeeAnna! It seems to me that it's been HOT all over the place this year. I refuse to turn on the a/c before the middle of May in Wisconsin. That I'm even talking about it is nuts! But after five days of high temps and equally high humidity, I may have to succumb tonight. Just to sleep comfortably! I'm so glad you were able to give Milo a nice short haircut. That has to feel so good. I have my ceiling fan on all year - it's okay, Milo. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. Oh your poodle water colors are fabulous! I don't think I have ever had Aioli. I have been making simple sheet pan dinners with veg and a protein. They last for 3 meals for me too. Bobbin is not a fan of the ceiling fan either.

  10. I agree that your poodle water colors are terrific! You can tell you have a real-life model - so realistic! Thanks for the recommendations of the drawing classes; my daughter and I are trying to find out what to do.

  11. Good stuff. I enjoy your drawings and paintings - always something creative. Mmm... you got me thinking I need to make some quiche soon. Stay cool!

  12. Your little poodle water colors are lovely. And the Celtic knot is amazing. I'm going to have a look a t that video and have a go at it.
    Poor Milo and the ceiling fan. Perhaps now he has had a trim, the 'wind' doesn't bother him so much. How's his health? Are things getting better?
    Have a lovely weekend,

  13. Your poodle doodles are adorable. I hope you find some peace and can "live happy". Keep working your arts -- it's good therapy.

  14. My comment failed to publish TWICE before. Then there was no comment block once. I almost gave up nearly a week late.

    Love the poodles. They are adorable. Also glad Milo's doing well even though he is afraid of the ceiling fan. Hope all is well in your world.
