
Saturday, March 12, 2022

some weeks you finish art some weeks you nudge it along with your nose


Some weeks you finish art some weeks you nudge it along with your nose. 

 Welcome to this week's sewing round up!

   RSC color of the month is yellow/gold

When I start a new month's color, I pull out my scrap box (usually an overstuffed plastic shoe box) of collected bits and bobs of that color. When I start an improv scrap color piece I start by making lots of components to use later in the design process.

This time I made lots of improvisational geese units that look ragged til they are pieced in. Then I made some drunkard path blocks free cutting from some old scraps

sewed them together into blocks. 

At this stage I keep all component blocks that are square around the same size, not fretting . 

After all who knows where they will fit into a whole piece later?

they could have checkerboards sewn in or orphan blocks  or geese

I spent some time making free form log cabin blocks from raggedy uneven strips... just playing and happy while I listen to audio books (just finished Guncle and am into the third mystery in in Faye Longchamp series on native american archeology) 

I sewed 6 of these before pressing and trimming them to see how they might fit together.

round and round, back and forth, moving them around I decided to make two more and sew them into circles of a sort. Well by then I couldn't resist starting to lay out some components!

where will you end up? and the drunkard path blocks? where will they fit in?

I went through a phase of LOVING yellow when I graduated from high school. I went off to college with yellow twin sheets and towels. I made a predominantly yellow quilt once, despite my bee mates saying 

"You CAN'T do that!!!" and it went on to win national prizes and be shown in a lot of venues. 

Right after college I moved into my first appt and found one of Granny's old dining room chairs in my childhood home's attic. I was given it as it had no worth to my mother. I cleaned it up and painted it bright golden yellow and had it as a showcase in all my homes til the move to CO when we had to pay a dollar a pound to move our goods and it was so rickety by that point it wasn't usable. 

so I welcome yellow this month.

 Oh and this will become something... maybe my table scraps challenge piece?

I'm finishing up the decisions on my stay at home round robin... had to remove the long row of postcard blocks because they were visually distracting and caused the center to lose focus. 

A difficult decision for me as I love love love the row of postcard prints! They will become a separate piece to go in the stairwell so we can enjoy them  all summer long! Back to glamingo and it's final layout and fabrics.

(oh I did keep three postcards along the bottom edge, and inserted flamingos in each one, heh heh)

I auditioned several pretty batiks, all of which matched and would go. It came down to whether I'd go with the "pretty" choices (read: tasteful) or the whimsical choices (why go tasteful now?) 

One of them I chose, guess which, but after I cut the strip to add on, it looked too pale. Wha??? 

here are the pencil additions
I took out these colors to add warm magenta, and orange to the butterflies, and shade in darker blues and greens in the background.

permanent when heat set, I love using these pencils. They may seem costly at first but these have been in my studio for the past 15 years or so.  I have that brand's watercolor pencils I use on paper too.

The round robin is due March 21, so I need to finish the top, get it off the design wall and quilt it. 

If you made it all the way through this post, GOOD ON YOU! Thanks so much for looking and reading my words. If you need me I'll probably be puttering around the studio...

linking with

patchwork Sunday                    
oh Scrap Sundays 


  1. Love, love, LOVE those DP circles, LeeAnna!!! I thought maybe they would become your March 2022 TABLE SCRAPS Challenge entry. Good luck with each of those projects and happy quilting!

  2. Love the past thoughts about yellow. Makes me think of my favorite pair of yellow shoes as a teen!

  3. So much great quilting art today. I particulary love the circles. Have a great rest of your weekend. hugs-Erika

  4. Well, first, I wish I could see that award winning quilt! Second - wait, what? Are those Prismacolor pencils? I can use those on fabric and heat set them???!! Cool! And last, yellow was my favorite color as a kid - still comes in close to orange!

  5. Hi LeeAnna,
    Yellow is such a great colour !
    Folk say that " you can't do that" as well for yellow in the garden. They really don't know what they are missing!
    Love how sunny your creative post is !
    hugs, take care,

  6. Beautifully nudged!!! You have a remarkable nose, LeeAnna. I love yellow, although I struggle with using an appropriate background to provide sufficient contrast. White does not work with pale ones and black seems too stark sometimes.

  7. so amazing! Love the colours of the fabric. Yellow makes me happy. Have a lovely SundaY!

  8. Your yellows are so pretty, especially the circles. It’s such a feel good, happy color. I like the idea of using the prisma pencils to add color to the fabric.

  9. What cheerful blocks/circles! There's something very so enticing about yellow. 💛

  10. I love yellow, the brighter the better.

  11. Beautiful yellow blocks, and your artistic path is really interesting. And fun! I'm sure you will find the best place for all these blocks together.
    Have fun finishing the SAHRR!
    Thank you for sharing and linking up ;)

  12. I love reading about your process. And those circle blocks are amazing. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  13. I love all your happy designs! The log cabin blocks are really nice in yellow. Most of my walls are yellow - "Friendly Yellow" by Behr. It looks so beautiful in the morning light. Love your story about your grandmother's chair. The postcards are so cute. You have an amazing fabric stash!

  14. Love reading your posts, and love the yellow chair! Stay safe and sew on!

  15. Joy, joy, joy! That’s what I saw and felt as I read your Post, LA. I love the freedom. :-)

  16. Thanks for sharing some of your improve process! I’m inspired to try harder to let go of what goes and what does not! To be ok ! Thanks again!

  17. Amazing how that works...start playing and using stuff you have and pretty soon you have something great. Keep going..can't wait to see where it goes.

  18. Looks like your nudging worked!!!
    Love all the sunny bright projects!!

  19. Those circles are gorgeous! Loved seeing more of your thought process. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  20. I have never used pencils, interesting. Love your splash of color this week. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
