
Saturday, March 19, 2022

Sewing Round up " Summer Breeze"


Summer Breeze  17" X 21"
My project quilting challenge piece for this week is finished! The challenge was to use pieced flying geese, start and finish the piece within one week. I made my improvisational flying geese with white sparkly fabrics and surrounded them with blue scraps

I used improv curvy strip piecing to form the sky,

I had to include the tiny sun scrap between the clouds

and put a hoarded pond fabric at the base

I cut out some components of that fabric to have taller grasses, embroidered then free motion with multicolored cotton thread, and stitched in some more grasses and dragonfly. Really that might have been the most fun of all!

I later added in a few crystals to catch the light,

I used a mix of walking foot, and free motion in the quilting, here are some leaves, and some more quilted geese to carry on the cloud "geese" sections, and when it came time to finish I needed to trim some off one side. 

On a whim I included the trimmed section on one side as I like Asymmetry  


To recap the challenges this season,  and each one of these has a post full of details:

1. "All the colors"challenge to use many colors

#2  challenge Sihouette   "Disco Poodle"

3. challenge word Kitchen  "too many cooks" 


4. challenge diamonds..."morning on Mirror Lake"


 5. challenge Repetition/rhythm  two pieces 

6. challenge Flying Geese  and "summer Breeze"


and another season of the excitement and stress of having to follow a prompt and make a quilt in a week is over for this year... I like a prompt, and a challenge but the joy of quiltmaking for me is in design and that takes time and thought. Being rushed takes that joy away. I'm working hard to finish my stay at home round robin for this year, and will share it when it's finished. 

Meanwhile I tried a couple more blocks in the RSC color of the month, yellow

this one from Superscrappy is called twinkle and the next one is from Gylene Fitzgerald called Wish upon a star free from AQS

It didn't come together perfectly for me, so I have to solve that issue but I used yellow scraps for each

happy sewing y'all

patchwork Sunday                    
oh Scrap Sundays 



  1. Happy belated birthday to Milo. Your summer breeze quilt is gorgeous. I especially like that little smiling sunshine. It is time for some happy sun, isn't it? Disco dog is made me smile too. Have a great weekend! hugs-Erika

  2. I can't express how much I love and admire your Summer Breeze piece. It is gorgeous and the little elements you describe make it so interesting too. But as Sally said, all your pieces are beautiful. You are a talent, that's for sure.

  3. Congratulations on finishing six challenges. I love the whimsy in your pieces. I will be smiling all day after seeing your current quilt. it's sunny where I am and international quilt day (and lots of quilts hanging in my city) so what better kind of day can there be?

  4. Wow all of those quilts are gorgeous. I love summer breeze, you are so talented. You did an awesome job doing a quilt a week.

  5. "summer breeze , blowing through the jasmine in my mind."...Seals and Croft's music sweet for all these decades. Love your weeks work and especially fancy the last yellow start made with retro fabric. you shine on!!

  6. Hi LeeAnna,
    All those quilts ! Great job keeping up with those themes and deadlines !
    Summer breeze looks great for the first day of Spring !
    Yellow blocks are great !
    hugs, take care,

  7. The light and sky blue pink in that piece…they give me shivers in a good way. Just lovely!!

  8. The first piece makes me think of the pasture east of our house many years ago. It had a shallow pond, and the snow geese would visit that pond every year. That is a beautiful little quilt that triggered some really good memories.

  9. I really like your summer breeze piece. I can feel the warm breeze on my face....and I can't wait for summer.
    I really like the wide variety of pieces you have produced from these prompts.
    Thanks for sharing!

  10. Wow LeeAnna, you made 6 so very different challenges in the row! I love Summer Breeze, such a lovely mini. The embroidered grass is perfect!
    I love your yellow twinkle block too, looks like a little Sun!
    Thank you for sharing and linking up ;)

  11. Thanks for the challenge recap. It was wonderful to see some of your lovely projects again. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap! Your newest piece is lovely!

  12. That's so pretty, LeeAnna! I love the pastel look of it - sweet and spring-y! The flying geese flying through are perfect for the challenge and the look of your piece.

  13. All your challenge pieces are great. I like that you recapped the whole season of your pieces. I might have to try that.

  14. You've had a spectacular Project Quilting 13 season. Each piece is a mini-masterpiece. You put so much thought and effort in to each one and it really shows. Bravo, LeAnna. Summer Breeze was a perfect place to use your hoarded pond fabric.

  15. OMG! Summer Breeze turned out to be SEW adorable, LeeAnna!!! Good idea to add your PQ13 collection.

  16. Summer Breeze is perfect! I love all the little things you did to make it just right - amazing - the added pieces from the pond fabric and the asymmetrical addition on the left!!! All so much fun!

  17. Absolutely lovely! It may be my very favorite! All your entries were truly unique!

  18. Love your "Summer Breeze" and the flying geese. Perfect mix of fabrics, piecing and quilting all the way down to the pond fabric.

  19. Totally beautiful; your summer breeze holds the promise we're all awaiting. Well done.

  20. I have been gone a long time. All you quilts are beautiful and breathtaking, LA.

  21. Mini masterpieces indeed, I love them! "Summer breeze' is delightful, so much detail!

  22. Love your gallery of Project Quilting quilts! Each is so wonderful. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  23. Hi LeeAnna, I love your final challenge quilt - it's adorable. I have tiny scraps of that pond fabric that was given to me. It's so pretty! Congrats on all of your PQ finishes.
