
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

It's the month to celebrate hearts and remember how that feels... day 1

 in honor of February and love, I hope to share my favorite romantic songs...

the look of love.... great video

and a beautiful rendition by joss stone and burt bacherach

Think back to a time when someone looked at you differently... suddenly life was different and you knew they loved you... 

at a dance like dh and I? Maybe you'd been friends a long time but ... but, now they saw you in a different way.... that frisson of excitement that ran over you. 

Maybe you'd been dating but suddenly he couldn't imagine being without you... or you him... and that look was shared between you. 

Remember how that feels?


  1. a great idea!!! with getting older I love the tasty pink sugar apples for valentines day in the stores more than a date LOL

  2. Well, it's been a while, but yes that feeling was there many years ago. We had a literature class together our sophomore year in college. He followed me home from class for almost 2 months before he got up the courage to actually talk to me. LOL

  3. It's painful, but I remember my one and only true love. We met at work. He was gorgeous. I couldn't understand what he saw in me. We got engaged. I was in heaven. Then he was killed when a motorist flipped his car and it landed on my fiance's. I have never loved since, except cats.

  4. It's been so long...guess that makes me really, really old according to that timeline. LOL

  5. Well, today's email notification contained 3 posts going back to I like Thurs, which I knew I had missed, but kept forgetting to go back to find. Anyway, I'm caught up now. Can't help with the bread pudding. I'm not a fan, but my husband loved it. My only attempt was less than appealing. But, eggplant parm? Yum, yum.

  6. My song is Autumn Leaves...we were in a tiny bar, it was October, the leaves were flying inside every time someone opened the door, and his friend's band was playing a lovely jazz version of the song. I looked at him and realized, after 7 months of dating, that I loved him. Yeah, that's an awesome feeling.

  7. As a widow of 7 years after a happy marriage of 41 years I always recall the words of Lauren Bacall after Bogart's death, "There is no such thing as happily ever after because someone always has to die first." But I am grateful to have loved and been loved.

    1. Ah Martha....hugs to you. Truer words were never spoken.

  8. Beautifully written and yes. I remember. :)

  9. Wonderful songs....and I do remember....and am grateful for every day with DH.
