
Friday, October 29, 2021

paint party Friday

 welcome to paint party Friday when we watch paint move around on paper

this week I did one plein air painting,  some expressive work in a workshop, and three bookmarks

made from this tutorial by Shayda Campbell... so easy...

 I tore a sheet of watercolor paper in fourths and painted. Now I think I might want to add something else maybe... crystals? threads? and send them to friends.

I was inspired by the sprinkler in our back yard last weekend to paint something to capture water droplets...

 the workshop I took wasn't all I hoped for but it did cause me to start this

we were to add a section a day for the 8 days, but I went off on a tangent. The blue section represented the flow of creativity, the rocks are roadblocks and I labeled my roadblocks... then on the next section I added in how to get around the roadblocks...

the last section on this side was to imagine your crown of power if you were queen...


by now I was done with the course but on the back I'll put something now and then, I quite like the format of accordion folding stiff paper and painting in sections to stand up on a desk.

quote from Ave Mateiu

I thought I'd put the phrase, reality is overrated but when I googled color quotes I saw this one:

"Broken crayons still color" and it resonated with me. I am not as good as I could be, or paint as often as I'd like, my supplies might not be just right, my body is broken, my spirit is skint, but I can still paint. I can sew, and write and tell a joke. 

what does that phrase mean to you?

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  1. I like the quote and I love the bookmarks... :O)

  2. The online workshops do sound like fun. I love that quote, and just saw it somewhere else recently. It reminds me that it IS POSSIBLE to overcome obstacles.

  3. Oh, no, another video I have to watch. I really like her style. WhenI get back to my paints, I am going to give her a try. I like your bookmarks, too.

  4. The workshop sounds fabulous and I love your bookmark watercolour creations, a beautiful medium to work with.
    Happy PPF Tracey x

  5. Lovely bookmarks.
    I , too, love the quote. To me it means never give up.
    And to shine and spread your unique and beautiful light.
    Happy weekend…

  6. Beautiful bookmarks. Nice painting of the water droplets coming from the sprinkler too. Love the quote! Happy PPF!

  7. And the moon said to me, darling you do not have to be whole in order to shine.....

  8. What fun bookmarks (great little project for trying diff techniques!) and I was just writing about wee booklets - having made a half-sheet stand up accordion fold one in our Creativity teacher training!
    I like your approach of adding something when it seems right - that's often the way my inspiration flows as well. Happy PPF!

  9. Wonderful bookmarks. The quote is quite apropos for me right now. I'll fill you in later.

  10. Hi Lee Anna. Those are great bookmarks. It's a great quote and you're living it - adding things to a concertina book that you made during a course that you didn't especially like. You are making it your own! I made a series of note books and love adding bits in them. Take care.

  11. Love the bookmarks, it’s a shame the workshop wasn’t what you expected.
