
Friday, September 3, 2021

paint party friday a painting a day


also practiced lettering here
I've been trying to paint something each day, preferably in 5-10 minutes. This reduces the dithering and worry of painting a magnum opus each time and gets me in the creative mindset for the day.

it's a pretty display on my desk for now!

they sometimes end up as cards for friends... tear watercolor paper into fourths and fold. 

I just loved how this one came out, the spray of pink flowers especially. I tried to replicate it...

but on a beach for my painting pal Sonja who also likes to watch paint dry
these two showed up, unfortunately just drawn on scrap computer printer paper

yesterday I felt like trying to do a portrait with just one color of pencil. The only thing I did was soften the cheek area with the water pen after. Then I experimented with dots as background filler 

tombow watercolor markers and water brush

the dots wouldn't spread on printer paper so I tore a tiny piece of watercolor paper to try them again.

with no goal in mind but to see how a series of dots in blue and gray acted when dampened, this happened. I like that some dots remained and some blurred into the paper. I felt it needed another color and swiped on the orange... then sketched a hint of a lotus

I like how the pen skipped on the damp paper, and how the orange blended in when I tapped it with a paper towel. Love!! Keeping this one! 

and this little somebody started the week on Monday... and now sits in the studio to make me smile

unfortunately also painted on printer paper 8.5" X 11"


I have been highly enjoying the series on youtube, Find out Fridays where artists make a piece with supplies they are given...

if you need me, I'll be watching paint dry


  1. Lovely cards and art great idea to do smaller quick pieces.

  2. Lots of interesting art this week.

  3. I'll say it again - you have such a talent for painting botanicals! What lovely cards these make, but would be pretty framed too.

  4. Lovely flower cards, and your paint palette with the face meade me smile too:) Happy PPF!

  5. Such lovely artistry. Nice cards in particular. Well done!

  6. Wow! What beautiful flowers and such lovely colors!

  7. I am just in awe. What about attaching the computer paper pieces to another sheet of paper, especially if the edges are frayed or torn? It would be a shame to not use them in some fashion.

  8. Oh these are so pretty. You always create such beauty.

  9. You draw so well, LeeAnna. Your flowers are especially lovely, dear. These would make great all purpose cards. You asked if I was in PPF. I have never joined because I don't draw OR paint, except backgrounds. I'm more a cut and paste gal!

  10. Lovely work, each and everyone. Your so lucky to have a moment each day to create, fabulous results.. I love watching paint dry too.
    Happy PPF Tracey x

  11. Your artwork is beautiful! You're so talented!

  12. I love your hand painted cards!

  13. Painting like this is a great idea, guess it just takes a brave heart and the first steps are probably the hardest! Your paintings are perfect. Thanks for the lovely comment over at mine too xXx

  14. I love the 10 minute a day plan...gets the creative juices flowing. I love the experiment with the dots and the end result.

  15. Your little flower paintings always make me happy. With just a few strokes, you bring pen and paper (and paint) to life.
