
Thursday, August 26, 2021

I Like Thursday #259


some colors I used this week while painting!
welcome to this week's short list of likes. I LOVE painting with watercolors!

 I liked talking to my friend Cindy this week.  It's like being together almost when we talk. We share so much and she makes my heart lighter. 

This week I also talked to Diane in TX and Joy in NC... these three calls made my week much happier.

I am now finished with my creativity and writing/meditation workshops. I learned from each. 

I found this person' who is sharing 4 art/meditation workshops, on color, line, shape and space, four principles of art. Go see:

In the first session on color I painted, accidentally three small works that I liked. It's magic when you release yourself from judgement and just make art...  

 I thought I was painting blobs of cool colors and dh came out and said, "Awe... the Adirondacks !!! This is the time we would normally be in Lake Placid. 

I'll do a special painting post tomorrow with some of what I learned during the last week. All the lessons translate to my quilt art and other art forms

My wildflowers are gorgeous but the vegetables all gave up the ghost it's been so hot...


I am still reading These Tangled Vines luckily because Amazon prime gave me the book free I am not rushing to finish like library books. 

On audio I listened to another in series of kilts and quilts the best one yet and ordered the next book to listen to when I am finished with #2 of the hatshop Jenn Mackinley book

I watched a forgettable movie last weekend... but on TV am enjoying Bachelor in Paradise which is so much fun to watch, saw the surfing show after but not into surfing or surfers. I am enjoying also some of 90 day fiance, America's got talent, The Hustler, some archeology shows including one on PBS  "Native America" Native America DVD : n/a, Scott Tiffany, Gary Glassman: Movies  & TV

I have been busy sewing which I'll share on Saturday's post, here is a snip of a painting I am translating into fabric 


Milo here, ( it's been in the 90's and sunny with poor air quality) takin' it easy this week. I did manage to eat some of Mama's French toast this week which made for a poodlicious change from that styrofoam I usually get. 

Mama: MILO! your kibble has meat and vege and vitamins...

Milo: It doesn't have Vit D... deliciousness. And no maple syrple. I'll just have some of your food

Mama: hmph, many times I try to give you something from my plate and you back away

Milo: well some of that stuff is green!!! 

Mama: so is the grass in the yard but you chew that!

Milo: well then, you didn't tell me you had grass on your plate, pass it over!

please visit these fine people with lists of likes too! The parties I link up to all have people with positive things to share too.



rosie and the boys nature pics 

friday smiles at a stitch in time 


  1. I love the colors... they are deep and so fab!!!

  2. Friends sure make the world a happier place! Love your painting, very pretty. Milo, I sure hope you get some heat and air relief soon pal. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. I'm sorry your veggie garden didn't make it - we've done okay with that. Good thing I like cucumbers! Your sewing and painting projects this week look really neat!

  4. What a blessing that being creative has been over most of my life! It is surely a stress reliever to create. Your little accidental painting immediately made me think of a lake in the forest. Our air quality has improved, and it hasn't been quite so hot. But no rain. All of this week's storms went around us. The sky looks stormy again to the north of us as I sit here at my desk.

    We will need to schedule another Zoom I think!!

  5. You always find such interesting things during your weeks! I do enjoy watercolor now and then, but I'm not very good. Your wildflowers are so pretty, and I'm sorry about your vegetables.

  6. Your mountain scene watercolor is very soothing and calm. I could use that as it is currently 84 degrees inside my house and I'm about to melt. Can't even think straight.

  7. What a great painting and fun to see where it sprang from. Lovely wildflowers and Milo you are lovely too

  8. Hi LeeAnna! I love that palette of water color paints. They just look so nice and soft. I'd say you have painting talent because when I put blobs of paint on paper, they look like blobs. ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. Pretty colors. You have such lovely art pieces. Milo....Bobbin says buck up...veggies are awesome. Who knew that cabbage is awesome and chewy.

  10. Lots of wonderfulness in your loves...I have been meaning to get over here forever! I am now MILO!!!! Such a beauty he is....mine is panting for his dinner and a walk as I write this. I am going to sign up to follow you after this!

    1. And it is done...following you on feedly - gave up on bloglovin as it keeps dumping me. I am interested in the painting and exercises you have done, too!

  11. Bummer about your veggies. Pretty watercolor. I like your sewing project!

  12. I love your painting. I can't wait see your other posts about your workshops!

  13. I always finish your post with a smile on my face...that Milo and his thoughts.
    Sorry you are still having poor air quality. Just when we need to be outside and breathing in fresh air. I've hated the humidity this summer and hope it is not going to be like this from now on. Meanwhile, your projects are beautiful as always. So nice to have such creativity!

  14. French toast sounds so good! I haven't made it in ages. Maybe a treat this weekend. I love your wildflowers and seeing your watercolors. So cool to translate some of them into paintings! I hope the weather starts to cool off soon for you guys!

  15. I love the painting and Milo always makes me smile.
    Annie x

  16. Seems I'm even later than late, LeeAnna. I knew this was going to happen, though. Still, I didn't want to miss another Friday Smiles.

    I love your watercolors and I REALLY like that watercolor painting you created. I can't wait to se the art quilt finished. It is already a real beauty. Hope you have a super weekend, too.

  17. Watercolor painting is a great way to tuss out wonderful bouts of creativity.
