
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

t is for Tuesday


Welcome to T is for Tuesday... or chooseday as I say... where we talk about our lives, cooking, drinking and art! 

The above pic is my coloring of Joanna Basford's weekly calendar (little by little it gets colored in thru the week, I'll show the whole scene on Friday!

as to my featured "drink" this week, it's buttermilk that was used to make lovely whole wheat pancakes and a wonderful chocolate cream cheese buttermilk pie!

listening to Kitchen Front while working this morning

whole wheat, cinnamon sugar buttermilk pancakes

I've been sewing and painting, and grooming the poodle this week as my creative work.

Mama did you call me to come have my pancake?

 I found the recipe online for whole wheat pancakes using buttermilk. Do you look at what supplies you have then google what to make with them? I do... and I usually combine several recipes, like the pancakes, I drop in some brown sugar/melted butter/cinnamon crumbles that caramelize in the pan. 


so have a good week, and enjoy this lovely song

 spring.... enjoy this lovely song from the show South Pacific

linking to 

T stands for Tuesday... like a "drink' post


  1. Your pancakes sound delicious, we can’t get buttermilk here, I’m guessing the Spanish don’t use it!
    I love your calendar, your colouring is so beautiful and the song is too
    HappyT Day
    Jan x

    1. Stir one tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice into one cup of milk and let stand for about 5 minutes if you don't have buttermilk.

  2. MMMM . . . pancakes!! Now you've made me crave them. Maybe tomorrow night for supper. The calendar has such a whimsical feel. So cute.

  3. I make pancakes all the time. I use kefir as a buttermilk substitute... I wrote about it recently on my blog, as there are many discussions of what makes a good sub.

    best... mae at

  4. I'd probably have the buttermilk consumed before it ever got into the pancakes, but they sure look good. Seems Milo thinks so, too. That calendar is looking good already. Thanks for sharing your calendar, buttermilk, pancakes, lovely song, and Milo with us for T this Tuesday. At least it's still Tuesday in YOUR world.

  5. Yum! Buttermilk pancakes sound delicious! I always have buttermilk - it lasts forever! Milo does look extra fluffy silhouetted in the window. Love the calendar and nice song. xx K

  6. pancakes.... why I'm always toooooo lazy in the morning ?

  7. I am a pancake person too. Especially when you add buttermilk Yum. And my pups always get a pancake too. Plain though. I made some Saturday morning with choc. chips. No choc. chips for pups. That pie sounds good. I don't know about hat. Hope you had a great Tuesday. I'm a little behind. hugs-Erika

  8. Buttermilk pancakes! Yes, please :) I've always liked South Pacific :) Perfect song for the season. Happy T Day!

  9. Love the bright colors that you chose for that lovely calendar page. Sounds like you have been keeping busy creatively. And the goodies you have been baking sound delicious!
    Happy Tea Day,

  10. Those pancakes look lush! I guess I am too lazy to make pancakes in the morning, but some time ago my hubby used to make pancakes every Saturday morning. I should remind him of that, perhaps he will do it again this Saturday....
    Happy T-Day (belated),

  11. I'd not heard of this calendar. Fun. And thanks for the tip to Google my ingredients. What a good way to find something new to make and use up what's on hand.

  12. Thanks for the lovely music while I comment. I think your version of pancakes sounds delicious! Happy belated t day!

  13. I love your calendar! Yes, I do look up how to use leftover ingredients! Your pancakes look great! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  14. Fun calendar and the pancakes sounds absolutely wonderful. I’ve baked with buttermilk, but use a powder as it lasts longer than real buttermilk especially if I only need a small amount for a recipe Happy T Day!

  15. Your calendar coloring page is a day brightener. I've never used buttermilk. When it's called for I add vinegar or lemon juice to the milk. But then I rarely bake and haven't made pancakes in years.

  16. OMG buttermilk pancakes yum yum yum. That art piece is just wonderful. Lots going on in it. Have an ice evening.

  17. Love the song! So pretty. The pancakes look and sound great, and your coloring is so well done! Cute dog - I am impressed with your grooming skills. Happy late T-day!
