
Friday, March 26, 2021

paint party


I've been doing the Sketchbook Revival video lessons this week. I'm very very behind in them but wanted to show the things I've painted. Above is loose watercolor flowers taught by Neesha Merani. She taught a way to take down complicated shape into it's basic form... I love it! 

The next one was from a class by Jessica Swift who said to start with a message to yourself

I kept drawing and coloring with tombow markers, and at the end I realized I had hearts for love, helping hands, leaves for growth, a strong wall of stone for boundaries, and a cabinet at the bottom full of supplies. I didn't particularly like her style but it led me to this.

The following ones were done while listening to videos I didn't find engaging but while there I painted my own thing... some still  need some lines added for definition

I love when Klimt adds in gold, so I added in copper paint on this one, then dragged the hard end of the brush thru it.

Amy Maricle had us paint circles. That's it. To make it more interesting to myself, I combined some colors, used a subdued palette range, then used my silver pen to overdraw spirals. Then I liked it. It was to be meditative but I admit I didn't like her painting at all. I did this on folded stock, so did the pink flower on the back of it. 

I really didn't like the messy painting here, so I cut it into an oval, then sliced that, and sewed it to a blank greeting card. The outside edges became little rectangles sewn to this one

now I like them... I like the composition and way the lines look when interrupted. I like the texture and how it felt to cut up some work as wasted paper and see it become something better. 

So even if you don't do what a teacher wants you to, learning happens



  1. You made some wonderful pieces, I haven't managed to do anything yet! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. These are all so lovely. Great colours. Enjoy your painting. ANesha x

  3. Ohh these are excellent. I too am doing the Revival Sketchbook classes. I am WAY behind. I am so glad we can look at the videos anytime. Have a nice weekend.

  4. I can see how much fun you are having with trying out new technique or new paints or inks. Keep it up!!

  5. Your art always makes us smile and we'd love to have just a wee bit of that talent!

  6. I love the flower paintings! So creative with the lessons, too! x K

  7. You are more ahead than me, you've done a super job with those loose watercolours. I love the dissected display, quite dynamic.
    Happy PPF Tracey x

  8. Beautiful water colours
    Have a nice weekend


  9. My favourite is the first one. I'm up to date with SR but I did miss a couple out that didn't grab me but I see you've done them.

  10. The first flower painting is my favorite. Looks like a spring bouquet. I hope spring is coming your way soon.

  11. Hi LeeAnna,
    Those circles would make great buttons !
    A very creative way to make greeting cards !

  12. these are beautiful! You have done a great job with these lessons!

  13. Hi. I cannot believe how much you have accomplished here! What size are the sweaters? They are adorable. Of course I am partial to the “circles” paintings but love the bronze touch to the flower,best. You’re inspiring me to try something new.
