
Saturday, February 13, 2021

sewing saturday


For this week's sewing round up, and two challenges, I'll start with my painted heart. Sometimes I wish I would not start my experimental sessions with scraps. It helps to reduce creative stress by thinking I won't be wasting any material but then if I like the outcome, I have odd edges to deal with. 

more later on that one.. this is the design wall I saw all week:

1. painted heart
2. round robin --checkerboard row
3. wine bottles in RSC color of yellow
4. sewing all the odd scrappy log cabins together around the endless diamond blocks
this is a free pattern on the Moda fabric site. My plan is to make two a month in the rainbow scrap challenge color (yellow) and at the end of the year make a long table runner with them for Joy's "Table Scraps" (inked in the word mead, appliqued a tiny bee, word fabric on the other one)

it's challenging to put together improv log cabins made in all different sizes! But fun like puzzles are fun. These are in two big panels now!! Can't decide how large the finished piece should be, how many of my other 10 endless diamonds (from happy to be scrappy)  should be included

the "stay at home round robin" row this week is checkerboards

I wanted my squares to be a bit different so I made kind of a "rick-rack"  shape with them

then I thought, I like them but that background is a little too busy... so I made another row with the same dots I used behind the geese last week


and something isn't quite looking right... they all match up, they were all fussy cut and are all cute fabrics but... 

I'm not sold on the row placement, and since it's not a traditional round robin, I can wait to see how I want the whole piece to come together. 

I would like it to stay relatively small so I can hang it in the studio which is small too. 

It's getting so big though!

the painted heart is on it's way...

after auditioning a lot of border possibilities, and knowing I'd like it to go on the mantel easel (so it must be small enough and done on peltex) I trimmed it down, plan a wide binding of that purple/blue/fuchia fabric and started quilting it. Just around the painted flowers so far, not to take away from the image. 

the leaf is pieced, quilted and cut to shape. I'll do some edge stitching maybe with buttonhole and beads! then it will extend out from the binding. It's always a challenge to combine quilting and painting. 

Hope this is done by tomorrow's post for V-day!

LInking to


patchwork Sunday                    
oh Scrap Sundays  

 scrap happy Saturdays




  1. Fun bits of YELLOW is those projects, LeeAnna!!

  2. Everything on that design wall is delightful. Those wine bottles are so fun and the painted heart is beautiful.

  3. What beautiful work! Your bottles made me thirty. 🍷

  4. The wine bottle will make a nice collection. Hope the round robin turns out to your liking. Not knowing what will be next can be hard for people who like to plan.

  5. I’m liking your wind bottles! My SAHRR is at a stand still! I think yours is so cute, but I hear your concern about size! Waiting to see your painted heart!

  6. Hi LeeAnna,
    Spring is coming to the design wall ! Yellows, pinks, purples...daffodils and crocusses ! en bees !

  7. Hi LeeAnna! I love how your SAHRR piece is coming along. The checkerboard border looks so cute. Monday is the next round and it is my very favorite of all so far - we'll see what you think. Thanks for linking up this week! ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. I love seeing your quilt board. You have so many beautiful and clever ideas going! Hope it was a nice Valentine's Day! hugs-Erika

  9. Love the wine bottles!!! Color me tipsy in all shades of the rainbow :-) Hope you had a lovely Valentines Day and wishing you loads of creative energy this week.

  10. Creative play in so many different aspects! Love your additions and reworking these small bits.

  11. I love the wine bottle idea for RSC!

  12. Wow I love that painted heart! Can't wait to see how you finish it. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  13. Your design wall is looking very nice, I love these blocks all together. Fun bottles, and very pretty heart!
    Thank you for linking up.
