
Sunday, October 4, 2020

sunday questions


what do YOU think???

From the questions at Sunday Stealing...a chance to answer silly questions in public... just pretend we're at a cool cocktail party and answering these... I'm wearing a little black dress and birks...

 1. If You Could Use A Time Machine To Go Back In Time To Fix One Thing Or Go To The Future To See What It Is Like Which Would You Do?

I would go back and fix something... not saying what

2. If All Of A Sudden There Was A Depression Or There Were No Stores To Buy Food, Clothing, Etc. How Would You Manage?

this is a little too close to home... I might just not have new clothes (like now) but build a green house

3. Are You Concerned With What Other People Think About You?

I am but less than I used to. We are a social animal and like it or not, we depend on others, so we need to at least keep peace. I no longer care what people think of my fat, or hair at least. I don't mind if they don't like me but they don't need to say it out loud. That's the problem now, people write things that are unnecessary, and expect others to cater to their list of likes. 

We over use the word like

4. How Do You Handle People You Don’t Like?

usually avoidance. I get terse, and uncommunicative. I don't like to waste my words or brilliance on them (lol)

5. What Do You Think Of Garden Gnomes?

I like one. More than one is a herd and that's too many in my yard, IMHO. Now a flock of plastic flamingos is another story altogether!

6. You’ve Been Given An Elephant. You Can’t Give It Away Or Sell It. What Would You Do With The Elephant?

easy! Elephants need other elephants and safety. It would go to a sanctuary. (are you giving me one? please? )

7. How Would You Design A Spice Rack For The Blind?

braille, and like my spices laying down flat in a drawer next to the stove.

8. How Lucky Are You And Why? not

9. What’s your biggest kitchen fail?

I have no idea, we just eat the evidence and never speak of it again

10. What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in school?

In junior high, I fell up the girl's stairs and everyone laughed. I started my monthlies at age 11 unprepared, and got it on the back of my skirt and had to walk home like that

11. If you could kill off any character from a current television show, who would it be?

12 . If you could make a rule for a day and everyone had to follow it, what would it be?

tell the truth

13. Would you rather be a hobbit or an elf for 24 hours?

14. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

when I drove from Florida to Alberta Canada, my friend and I drove thru the grand canyon at night in a rainstorm that put out the power. Dark... everyone had gathered at the grocery store as they had a generator and the food. We chatted with some guys on motocycles, one of whom offered to take me for a ride on his. 

I was shy, I was fearful in general, and I said, okay. I hopped on the back of a BIG bike, wrapped my arms around a stranger, and let him whisk me away into the dark slippery road. 

CRAZY! And fine as it turned out. A very nice guy who played his radio at top volume, and was trustworthy and kind. When he dropped me back off at the grocery storefront, my friend just laughed at me. It was a different time in the early 80's.

15. Would your rather shoot spaghetti out of your fingers or sneeze meatballs?

well, who wouldn't want to do both? er, kidding. Cooked spaghetti? yes, definitely that for all the times that would be useful! 



  1. Strange questions this week but you had fun answers!

  2. HMMM - your questions always make me think. The craziest thing I ever did - forge my mother's signature on my application to be a foreign exchange students. She said "NO" but I forged her name and mailed it off. I was accepted, and eventually convinced her I wouldn't die going to Germany to school for a few months.

    What would I fix if I could go back in a Time Machine? I would confront that same mother and ask for answers to some family secrets she took to the grave. Like the fact that her only child wasn't really an only child.

  3. Leeanne, people are different today than they were 30+ years ago. You're lucky that fella was a basically a good guy. I don't think I could be so brave to go anywhere with someone I didn't know. We have to like ourselves first. It doesn't matter what others think. We certainly don't need to waste our time with dramatic or negative people. I had to smile over your kitchen fail. Sometimes that's all you can do is just eat and not say anything about it. lol Have a good day!


  4. I totally understand taking the bike ride. Those were different times. Good for you. I did s similar risk and loved it. Once again, I love your sense of humor! Some of the questions are weird. But, I enjoyed this.

  5. More than one gnome is not a herd - it's an army. Beware gnomes!



