
Friday, October 2, 2020

painting show and tell


Welcome to this week's painting post... I am taking the course Start your Art with two instructors daily for 14 days. 

I find I have little patience for the talk at the beginning of each video so I tend listen a little while I draw the speaker's portrait, then skip to any instruction they give

The sunflower painting came as a result of the teacher on the top right who encourages you to wet the paper, drop in color loosely, then layer more dynamic lines and color after that dries. 

I LOVE it... and when it went on my mantel exhibit space, I compared it to the last sunflower painting. I like them both but the layering of color is so much prettier to me. I add color, removed some with toweling. Yep, I tried this again outside when the wind shifted and we had an hour without so much smoke yesterday

DH and I poured some wine, he read while I painted what I saw
while not as pretty as the sunflower, it was a joy to paint. When I paint outside here in CO I note the paper dries almost instantly though so there is less drift.

 I liked the purple gray painted for concrete at the end of the session though...
AND dh looked up from his kindle and said, "Oh, geraniums" so I clapped that he recognized them!
One lesson was fun, very like me to see faces in nature, and to add whimsy...
more teacher portraits in the sketchbook. Sometimes that's all I get out of a lesson but I'm painting and really looking at a subject which is valuable

the next lesson taught me the value of doing swatches... holding them up to your subject so you can choose colors that are true if reality is important to you that is!

Now for some beauty in music 

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  1. What a big difference in sunflower paintings. Very cool. The second geraniums is so cool too. Those classes are worth that time commitment for you!

  2. The sunflower is really beautiful. You've done well with the layering of color because it looks great.

  3. Those really are pretty and we admire your talent!

  4. Good luck with your art course. You are doing fine so far. BRAVO
    Happy PPF


  5. Hi LeeAnna,
    Looks so cheery and sunny ! An artists lifestyle :)
    I'll have to pour a glass and get caught up on your blog :)

  6. your flowers are wonderful.... I love them too!!!

  7. Amazing sunflower technics and beautiful result. I like the other flover painting,too, and the text book story is fabulous 😍
    Happy weekend 💐🌻

  8. Gorgeous course sunflower result! Well worth the time and effort! I’m

  9. Oops...sorry, had more to say🤣. I’m so impressed with th difference in your 2 sunflowers. It really is so perfect!

  10. Beautiful art, love the sunflowers! Have a great weekend, Valerie

  11. Really love that sunflower! So pretty but so is the geranium. 🌻

  12. Absolutely beautiful artwork! Lovely! Have a beautiful weekend!

  13. You are amazing. That sunflower is gorgeous. Enjoy your day.

  14. I love seeing your beautiful sunflower painting. And your journal face drawings. They are fantastic. Enjoy your weekend and your class.

  15. Fabulous new sunflower painting- love the looseness and vibrancy of it! Fun to sketch and practice in varied places. Happy PPF!

  16. Lovely floral paintings. Love the colours and the effect. And really nice illustrations.

  17. Beautiful art, i love this sunflowers! Have a beautiful weekend,Elke

  18. Love your flower paintings. You are so talented!

  19. Hi LeeAnna :) Your sunflower painting really is awesome, looks like you're perfecting the loose style. I need more practice at it. I love that you and DH sipped wine together while he read and you painted! How lovely and romantic! :)

  20. Oh, I'm really liking those sunflowers! Looks like a fun class!

  21. I like that you draw the instructor when you are bored. The newest sunflower is very pretty.

  22. How fun is that! Love the portraits you drew. Enjoy the class. Happy PPF!
