
Saturday, September 5, 2020

Quilting this week


Summing up a week of sewing... here's a look at the design wall. The green strip waiting for applique got pushed off, this year's Halloween top got finished, I tried a new to me hand piecing project from Happy to be Scrappy. 

This little fellow is challenging. It is full of angles that create bias, and I apparently have no starch here at this house. All the seam allowance converge together, and despite pressing them in little star rounds, they take up space right where the joins show. I was entranced by Deb's stars so I thought I'd "whip four up" to try it!

cut them all out, trace around each one, put into the working tray with thread, glasses and needle

start the current audio book by Ellery Adams, The Book of Candlelight and start stabbing myself with a sharp needle  sewing

whew! here's one section sewn and pressed... only 24 pieces in this block so 19 to go plus putting them all together! Almost there!

Done with that one!

only three more to go. 

Earlier in the week, I worked on the halloween quilt... what happiness to do! I got to use a lot of halloween fabric scraps, play with placement, try the smaller magic star blocks from the JOyful Quilter, Joy herself, and make kind of a row quilt. I don't want to show it all in a close up yet, but here's a top secion... it's about 23" X 43" long now

It's always amazing to me, how long it takes to choose colors and pattern. A teacher I had early in my quilting life, once said it takes a lot of stare time. I love having the design wall, so I can put something up at eye level and leave the room, and when I come back in I see it afresh! Last thing I added were the three wee ghosties cut out from some old JoAnn's scrap. 

Ya never know what will work out! The three bats were from a printed vest (just cut out and sew) that I didn't want to wear but liked some of the prints. 

my painting from this week

this was a stressful week, with major appliances going out, causing me to have to go through wet boxes of Christmas decorations and throw many away... have workmen in my house who mistakenly think covid is overblown (America has nearly 200,000 deaths and still spreading) and record heat to deal with. 

but no worries! It's going from near 100F this weekend to snowing on Tuesday. 

I expect the next few days will be figuring out what to do with the tomatoes that are finally fruited out, the mums we got last weekend for Fall, and cleaning all the floors again from workmen. Red is the color of the month at RSC, so I have all those blocks to do also. I'm watching videos on how to paint like the masters, so my paints aren't going to use themselves either. Laugh with me...

By the Yard™ Comics for Train Guys and Quilt Girls in 2020 | Sewing humor,  Quilting quotes, Quilting humor


 Linking to
can I get a whoop whoop Fridays


  1. Your quilting is very creative ~ and ambitious to me ~ lovely artwork and sweet doggie ~ hope your home is back to some peace and quiet ~ ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. *wow* this quilting is very nice! Your painting is very pretty with the name and your dog is sweet!
    Greetings Elke

  3. I've been fascinated with Deb's blocks, too - good for you for trying them. Love the Halloween quilt, and the cartoon is perfect!

  4. Very nice V block, you are much braver than me! Love the Halloween quilt, and thanks for the cartoon laugh. Good luck with all the appliances/workmen hassles.

  5. The cartoon is wonderful! I am afraid to show it to my husband, it’s so true. He would probably say “yeah”. It’s my birthday today, though, so I think I should be excused! So sorry to hear about the appliances dying and the workmen being so inconsiderate.

  6. Hi Leeanna,
    funny cartoon :)
    great halloween fabrics...those jackolanterns are so real !

  7. Love today's cartoon and the one yesterday, too. Halloween quilt looks great. I don't think I could handle all the biases on that star block. Diann mentioned that snow flurries were in your forecast, but I didn't realize it was still near 100 today. Time to find the sweatshirts.

  8. Gotta love a design wall full of fun, LeeAnna!! Sorry about your tired appliances and the need to have people in your house. I can sympathize, as our air conditioning needed a repair a few weeks ago and we just got new internet installed this week.

  9. Throwing away things from water in a basement is just heart breaking. Been there and hope to never repeat it. I love your Halloween quilt - those little triangles make me think of Jack O Lantern faces. I have a friend from Rapid City who told me yesterday that they were expecting 100 degrees today and snow by Tuesday. That’s even crazier than normal. She had gotten out some old sheets to cover her tomatoes.

  10. I gotta redo my design wall or move my ironing board! The ironing board is always in the way! Love your Halloween quilt! I need to “ Create” one! I saw your mums and bought some too! I maybe sorry, or I may just put them in the garage for the coldest days! We usually warm up again after the first frost!

  11. Your block came out great! Good job working through it. Sorry to hear of the appliance issues and the water damage. Crazy weather this year, but I'd trade places with you for a chance to wear jeans and a sweatshirt! Glad you have plenty of creative juices to keep you calmer. (and away from that dreaded housework!).

  12. Great projects. Crazy weather. We are going to be 110 to 111 the next few days.

  13. Loved todays cartoon! And love a busy design wall, so much to look at. The star block looks intriguing.

  14. Your post made me smile. Your hand-stitched star is really pretty. I love the jack-o'lantern fabric. It looks like they are 3D. The bats and ghosts are definitely perfect additions. Oh I can't wait to see the whole think up close. I am completely frustrated by those who don't believe in the seriousness of this virus. I actually reported my small independent grocery store to the Dept of Health after the workers behind the deli counter did not have their masks on for the 2nd time. I complained to them loud and clear both times, but they don't get it. We have some work that could be done also, but we are putting it off for now. Obviously you couldn't do that. So sorry that you lost some Christmas decorations. Stay cool or warm depending on your weather. Most of all stay safe.

  15. Ugh! I feel your pain .... my refrigerator is leaking water periodically (think it must be when in defrost mode) and I can't get a repair guy out here for several weeks. I hope I don't have to use my "stash $" to pay for the repair! Hahaha! Love your Halloween quilt. Looking forward to seeing the entire finished piece! Your funny at the end is spot on for me!!!

  16. Really loving your Halloween quilt. I agree about the design wall. I like to let thing percolate too. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
