
Friday, August 21, 2020

Paint + Fabric


welcome to Paint Party friday... this week I watched a tutorial by CeeCeeCreations where she used Inktense pencils to paint leaves. Well I decided to use my new-to-me kit of Derwent watercolor pencils.
 to make a little card. 
I like the Derwent 
 Although I'm not sold on using pencils all the time to do paintings, it was fun to do this exercise. It seems kind of harsh to me. The Derwent color moves easily with water, the colors are pretty good. 
I made something... always a good thing right? After the leaves were done, I filled in with tombow marker to add a little blue sky, with staedtler pen to define leaves a bit, then folded it .

Last week I shared some painting on fabric, and I'm still deciding how to best use those. Sometimes painted fabric sits around waiting for just the right project to use, and here is some from years ago, now finished into quilted artwork
I'll show the whole quilt tomorrow on Sewing Saturday, but I cut up a piece of painted, fabric for the top and bottom of a piece, quilted around it, added in some rhinestones and baugettes. It looks perfect on this piece, so I'm happy I waited to use it!
Speaking of which, here is the heart from last week, on the design wall, which is how I view components before making final decisions on how to use them...
the piece on the left is lovely cloth, and I'm considering just appliqueing some free-form flowers and stems to it, very simple subtle color scheme. Different from my usual style. 
Life is just so complicated right now. Tomorrow I'll show other fiber pieces I'm working on, some finished like my latest flower series quilt, in a technique quilters call "watercolor" where the art is made up of tiny pieced squares of different colors to form a unified fabric painting... 
here's a sneak peek!
finally I rediscovered Gary Larson's cartoons this week, after the Writer's Almanac did a tribute to him.


  1. Love the leafy card, and the fabric art is beautiful. The cartoon is great. Happy PPF and have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. I always love your art works bright colors. Wonderful textiles 😍
    Enjoy weekend ❤️

  3. Gary Larson's cartoons were always a favorite of mine. I'm totally intrigued by that piece on the left with the floral applique. Will you leave them 3D? Looks wonderful so far.

  4. Those leaves are beautiful. The fabric painting is pretty, too!

  5. Wonderful projects all around. That Larsen cartoon made me chuckle out loud but reminds me I need to do more happy trees practicing.🌲

  6. Hi LeeAnna,
    It's great when fabric meets its purpose/design destination!
    Love your creativeness!
    Vote ! That's what we hope lots of Americans will be doing in November.

  7. G. Larson has been a long time right on cartoonist especially as his animals relate to humans, can relate! am more of a winter chicken these days, these days
    paint on! i will today also!
    leaves are like feathers on the trees and on the ground after wind and autumn arrives

  8. glorious cheerful artworks, both paper and fabric! Happy PPF!

  9. Your work is always so beautiful.

  10. Wow Leeanna everything is so pretty. Full of lively colors and inviting patterns.

  11. Lots of luscious color. Looking forward to seeing more of the heart and that gorgeous fabric with the applique.

  12. I like to play with color and the application you did the fabric is lovely. PPF

  13. Ooooh! So pretty! Love all your amazing quilting! Gary Larsson cartoons are so deliciously wicked! x K

  14. I have a set of watercolor pencils, and I really don’t know how to use them. Your nice card motivates me. It’s lovely! Off I go to YouTube....

  15. Everything is so pretty! I always enjoy the way you blend and use colors. It makes me happy looking at it. :)

  16. You are so creative...😊 Your equation with colors is just wow!! Happy PPF!

  17. Hi LeeAnna :) Your leaves are great! I'm a big fan of Derwent too. :) I like your "watercolor" quilt technique, very cool! :)

  18. Oh, geez, the cartoon makes me laugh louder than I should! :D Beautiful leaf art! Happy PPF!
