
Thursday, July 16, 2020

I Like Thursday #202

I like poodles on porches with silly toys
Welcome to this week's list of likes.

1. I like my M.E. desk calendar's page here... heh heh...covid "15" is catching up with us around here... maybe even 20...
my self portrait

On Line
2. I liked finishing my blueprint class on art quilts and starting one on using a bead loom. I've had an inexpensive one from JoAnn's for years and now I want to try using it.
3. Bluprint said their plan now is to return to a craftsy format in a few months, til then we can continue on, so I plan to watch as many videos as I can concentrate on for now.

On another note, our library offered a zoom lecture by Eliz. Gilbert, (Eat,Pray,Love) that I plan to do tomorrow evening.
beans and lettuce
4. I like that the two beans that made a "stalk" are still growing so far, knock wood, and gaining in leaves. 2/8 beans seem to have taken. The tomato we sliced and planted is trying to sprout too, so we need to make "sophie's choice" and thin them out. There are three clumps.
5. I like the bamboo yarn as it's soft and pliable. I finished DH's pair of socks and am using what's left of the yarn to make smaller cuffed ones for me. I like knitting while watching tv at night.

6. I love Sonja in Hawaii... we are sympatico and she has lovely flowers in her yard that she takes lovely pics of, and then I try to paint in watercolor. More tomorrow with that

7. I want to get a moon face cabochon to bead around, but didn't see a good source online yet, so I drew out a face, I'll show you tomorrow, and plan to make my own kind of cab to try bead embroidery around!

8. nothing spectacular. I made pancakes again with half whole wheat and they behaved better... it takes some time to make them one at a time, but then we have enough for we three to eat for breakfast for three more days. We have had some sweet potato "tots" that bake up nicely and come frozen too.

9. I like to put watermelon in bowls to enjoy for dessert. I use an ice cream scoop to make little melon balls and it feels festive, with less mess as the water stays in the shell when dipping it out!

10. I made more blocks for the color challenge, and used the cut offs to sew tiny half square triangle blocks to put around a lady I painted a long time ago. She's been in the parts dept. for years, and will be nicely situated in these blocks. I like the way the colors blend with my scraps. It feels good to make something. each pinwheel block is 2" finished size, really small.
I feel like life is out of control, which leads me to a dark place, so anything that I can make and finish helps me feel better

>I am finishing season 5 of Grace and Frankie...
>we watched a show done at the British Museum (on youtube channel) on Vikings. (the link is for Pompeii exhibit I'm watching on the computer)These productions are wonderfully done, they take you through the exhibit and experts tell us about the items.
>I watch the housewives of NY and of Beverly Hills... don't judge.... and by now it's like watching friends do wild things from a distance
> I'm listening to a new book on disc by Danielle Steel, Child's play in the studio... typical D.S. book, but entertaining and doesn't require a lot of concentration to follow while designing.

12.I talked to a couple friends this week, and that lifted my spirits.

(Another neighbor got a puppy, so there are two that touch our fenced yard... oy... now we have to build an inner fence to keep Milo from interacting as dogs can get covid and NONE of our neighborhood is being careful with contact so it's a big risk for us. Both the new owners have no idea how to deal with a puppy either. )

13.A good contact happened when we went to two virtual contra dances last weekend. Our old group, the Friday night dancers at Glen Echo in DC held a dance, where we got to hear great music, imagine doing the moves with long lines of people, watch others dancing at home too, and see people we miss. The waltzes were especially nice. After the second dance, out of Toronto, they broke us up into groups of 5 to chat. That was so much fun, to meet and talk to dancers again... life is so changed.

I love the way Milo's freshly washed hair feels


look what Mama and I found when we looked out my window in studio 2...

I keep a good watch out this window on what's happening out front, and one day it poured rain, so Mama came in to stand with me and watch the flooding street, and we saw this!

poor little nest of eggs... all alone with no mama

and one night we came in from our last walk, and sat on the front porch and saw these two
trying to sleep on a ledge. Guess it's safer than out in the trees with all our wind and rain. I watched them a long time, and one tried to lie down, spreading it's wing to balance... which made me really watch it. It looked down at me, then looked at mama, and it must have known we wouldn't hurt it, so it closed it's eyes and we went inside so I could close my eyes up in the big bed.

Sit! Stay and visit mama's friend's to see what their list has this week!



  1. we hope the mama of that nest will come back... and we love your beanstalks... do you think they will grow as big as in the fairy tale?

  2. It's so cool that you're growing beans and lettuce from your very own seed/starters! Hope you see some bean blossoms soon. I'm wondering about the mama of those eggs, too. I'll enjoy finding out more about your lady with the blue border - creating definitely helps in these strange times!

  3. Hi LeeAnna! That virtual dancing sounds like so much fun! And then to be able to chat afterward is really super - just like you would sit around and chat after a real dance event. Milo looks so pretty after being freshly washed. Happy Thursday to both of you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Great likes this week! I'm loving how busy you are keeping yourself and all that you are accomplishing! Way to go!!! I'm proud of you!

  5. I love bamboo yarn too. It's so great to knit with and wear! I've been knitting more this week as I haven't felt up to starting a new big quilt, but I suppose I'll have to sometime!

  6. That Milo is just the cutest looking out the window! My dogs do the same thing, but bark at everything...EVERYTHING. Milo looks so calm. I love watching birds and find them so fascinating. We don't get as many birds in our yard in NV as we did in UT. But we do get a lot of lizards and they are fun to watch, too. Thank you, thank you for encouraging us to search for likes in our lives!

  7. No judgement on the Housewives watching because we all have our guilty pleasures. I'm back to making masks again as our schools will require it. I'll make a bunch for my grandkids and for a friend's kids too. She brought me fabric, elastic, and bias tape this morning so I didn't have to use mine. I tried to assure her that I couldn't possibly live long enough to use up my fabric.

  8. That was a wonderful list of thankfuls and Milo, you sure have some interesting things to watch! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. OMG LOL at “Sophie’s Choice”. I don’t know where to begin on this fun post. YAY for Elizabeth Gilbert. It’s been years so I need to read that book again. I was disappointed in the movie. BTW your garden of repurposed veggies is great. I didn’t know you were dancing again. Enjoy!

  10. I always love to see your art! The lady you painted for the quilt is gorgeous! What a beautiful work of art. Enjoy your week!

  11. Hi,
    Really like your Lady...the little pinwheels go perfect with it. Our dog, Bob, stands and looks out the back door, he either wants out or he barks at imaginary
    Have a great day!

  12. I am jealous of the zoom with Elizabeth Gilbert! I am currently listening to Big Magic. I read the book but wanted to hear her read it.

  13. So many likes this week - online contra dance sounds interesting. I like your flower painting, and Milo is cute as always.

  14. Love your flower watercolor! And I vote for the beans. Even if you only get a couple, they'll be tasty and tomatoes take up so much space and often have that white core which doesn't taste good.

  15. Love your flower watercolor! And I vote for the beans. Even if you only get a couple, they'll be tasty and tomatoes take up so much space and often have that white core which doesn't taste good.

  16. What a beautiful watercolor flower! I found a phantom tomato growing in the yard (a bird must have spread a seed from last year's potted plant) and looked today and saw it actually has tiny cherry tomatoes on it. Squeals! We'll see if they mature and taste good but how incredible that it germinated. Nature is something, isn't it. Hope your birdies are well.

  17. Wow, so much to read in this post. Lots of good stuff to note and nod my head yes to. Thanks, LeeAnna, always a treat to visit you.

  18. I always feel uplifted when I come here but put to shame by how creative you are. I love the watercolor. Used to love to contra dance and I can't remember what Frankie and Grace season I left off on.

  19. Great likes. Love your consumed garden( garden from food you have eaten). Sweet birdies, and how cool to finish up a lonely girl waiting for just the right thing.

  20. Beans and lettuce look nice. You always have such neat artwork. That zoom lecture sounds really cool! We have a pair of phoebes that like to do that, too.

  21. LA - you just amaze me with the amount of things you are involved in/watch/read/do. I struggle to keep up with my blog/house/hiking/one volunteer activity! I know that the world can be overwhelming and there is much that is wrong with our country, but don't despair. It's people like you that raise the hopes of others!!!

  22. Hi LeeAnna, Angie's people like you that raise the hopes of others and the amount of things you do is amazing!
    Gorgeous painted lady in the quilt block...I do miss your trade mark painted finger nail in the picture :)

  23. The birds know your home is a safe place, Milo. You're a good guy.
    LeeAnna,this was the first year I intentionally planted tomatoes and beans in big pots. I felt bad about not giving the thinned out guys a chance to live that I planted them in the ground, which I had said I didn't want to do when I first began. lol I love your Hawaiian flower. That color pink is vibrant and delicate at the same time. It reminds me of being in Hawaii. I also like what you did, and the deep rich colors you chose, for your color challenge. I haven't been playing with color much lately. Soon, I hope.

  24. What a great list of Likes! The calendar page is my favorite!
    Hello to Milo!

  25. I'd keep an eye on the nest, wonder what will hatch? I bet mama was just out on a "coffee run" or something. Hope you're having a terrific weekend!

  26. Your flower #6 is gorgeous, and I like the lady in #10.

  27. Your quilt piece is so unique and wonderful. Your pink hibiscus watercolor is breathtaking! (I too love to paint & sketch ...shared many of my works on my personal blog - you'll find a list under my art easel on my sidebar). The swallows are terrific.

    Thanks so much for coming by I'd Rather B Birdin this week and linking in!

  28. Grace and Frankie is a good show. So much fun to watch! Thanks for linking up!
