
Thursday, July 9, 2020

I Like Thursday # 201

 Guess what... it's Thursday! So that means it's time for an I Like list!
 We spent some quality porch time one evening, where dh read, I painted a tree and looked through a quilt book.

1.  I painted a tree-a-day this week, I'll show them tomorrow. I started putting them on the mantel and now think it would be cool to make an accordian book of them
2.  nothing fun... but we did have jalepeno poppers several times this week as a snack... crispy, spicy, cheesy... all good. Oh and the watermelon was sweet and crisp! winning!

a little sketchbook drawing

3. I got to have a long chat with my good friend Cindy in SC... And talked to Preeti in VA again for the first time in a while. So good to talk to friends! 
Distance doesn't matter when your hearts are close.

 4. I met our backyard neighbor's new puppy, 13 week old Kola a minipoodle/Wheaten terrier mix. All black, fuzzy and adorable. We chatted about 40 feet from each other about the fun and frolic of raising a puppy. This is her very first dog!

5.  On our morning walk Tuesday we saw a man walking on the other side of the street, with two BIG dogs on leash. They were bumbling into each other and silly so I asked if they were puppies. Yep, 3 month old mastiffs. We chatted about puppies and being shredded by those teeth. He asked if Milo was a "giant poodle" It was just easier to say yes. 

6.well, moving at the speed of a herd of turtles...the bean gathered more leaves, the lettuce is probably  too hot
7.I planted some flower seeds (I know it's the wrong time of year) and hope they come up, I had the packet for two years

8.I'm enjoying the two flower baskets DH brought home from the grocery back in May (the opening photo was a pretty close up)

9.we watched a movie on xfinity "Feast of Love"
dh gave it a 6, I gave it a 6.5 or a 7
Morgan Freeman, Greg Kinnear, Jane Alexander and a host of others. Acting was very well done, script okay, storyline good but odd, surprises, touching, human foibles.

10.On episode 4 of You, me and them... so funny and endearing comedy on BBC (Acorn)

11.World of Dance  so much talent in the world, and all the iterations of 90 day fiance... heh heh... what a hot mess!

12.the way these two flamingos know their people is simply amazing... then they are taken to water therapy and this one learns how to look underwater

13.This post looks like it's about a quilt but it's so so much more... I wish everyone would read it

MILO'S Moments

I like this toy again! I wonder why I didn't like it when it was new... must have aged enough now (the toy)
Try and get it Daddy!
(muffled) Ha! you're no match for my great poodle strength!
Whew! it's kinda hot to be playing like this
I may need a nap... better keep this little guy close while I close my peepers
it's too hot, let's just go inside for a little nap, and maybe a bite of lunch???
Now sit! Stay! Visit mama's friends and read their lists!
New this week is:



  1. A wonderful, upbeat post, especially for these times. I love it when a dog enjoys on toy so much that it’s carried around. So cute! Our dog’s biggest pleasure is ripping everything into shreds!

  2. I enjoyed today's visit! You always have such colorful, pretty posts. And I do love Milo...such a handsome fellow. :)

  3. Awww Milo found a new old toy!!! Great likes! Your potted plants are lovely and you seem to be keeping yourself well occupied! Have a wonderful week!

  4. Milo and his “new” toy made me smile. Just like a kid with a favorite toy. Thinking of your flower seeds made me remember I need to replant the front half of one of my big flower pots where one of my plants died. It needs some new color over that bare dirt. Have a good weekend!

  5. That flamingo video is super cute! And I love your friends painting! I've never grown lettuce here, I think you have to do it in early spring because it's definitely too hot now, but my tomatoes and dahlias are doing good!

  6. That was a really good list and it's always great to catch up with friends, especially with all the weird times. That's a cool toy Milo!

  7. Hi LeeAnna! I loved seeing the video of the flamingos. Who knew they would interact with their handlers so closely?!! They followed them just as a puppy would - how delightful. Oh, all the 90 Day Fiance - most of them are a hot mess. It's like watching a train wreck or something. Milo, I'm glad you're enjoying your new/old toy. There doesn't look to be much to destroy on it. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. Your flowers are so pretty! And watermelon sounds really good - I haven't bought any yet this year, and now I need to. I love Preeti's posts - she really has a way with words! Looking forward to your post about the trees you've been painting. Happy Thursday!

  9. Your hanging basket is absolutely gorgeous. LOVE the color. I planted zinnia seeds recently (they're about 10 inches high now) that had been in my fridge for at least a couple of years ago so hopefully yours will germinate. Stay cool this weekend and remember there's 'only' 74 days until the official arrival of autumn. But who's counting? 😂

  10. I read Preeti's post last week. She has written some very thoughtful posts as well as some very witty and humorous ones. She also makes remarkable quilts which she gives away generously. Funny that Milo rediscovered an old toy. Maybe he wasn't attracted to it at first because it was too hard to destroy. LOL Try to stay cool. We finally got an inch of rain in a thunderstorm yesterday. Yea.

  11. I'm looking forward to seeing the tree paintings, and I hope your flower seeds grow. I've never tried jalapeno poppers; I'm the only one who likes hot peppers in this house, so I don't buy them.

  12. I love flamingos but I loved swans too and then discovered, like geese, they were pretty aggressive. We're eating blueberries and garden arugula. Italian flat beans are next! I can't do mindfulness well either but I can meditate I need a passage or a meaningless word (TM mantra) to repeat over and over.

  13. Good stuff! Seems like you're keeping busy! Yay for getting together with friends (even if just zoom). Milo - will this toy last any longer than the others?

  14. Hi LeeAnna,
    I read your quilt moving and inspirational..everyone should read this..Milo has the right idea...stay inside and take a we are under a Heat Advisory...temps 90 to 100...have a great day!

  15. Milo, hang on hard, that is such fun. The link, how thought provoking, magnificent portraits, and the fine red thread, I would have missed that with my diminishing eyesight if I had not read the words.

  16. You stay very busy! I'm impressed.

  17. What a fun great week you had... and Milo.... cutie patootie!

  18. Milo probably doesn't get his feelings hurt to easily...just glad to be outside! Love to see the books you are reading and look forward to seeing your art. I know I need to get creative but I just keep finding chores to do! lol Hugs!

  19. Hey Milo, the more aged my new clothes get, the more I'll wear them. Well back when I bought clothes regularly.
    LeeAnna,I love your social distancing drawing and, particularly, the message. Most of my Husband's and my closest friends live far away, so we try to get together with them at least once a year.
    I'm very impressed with your lettuce. It does seem to like its location. Beans sure take a long time. Ours is putting up feelers (that the name?) but hasn't bloomed yet. A farmer friend says that the seeds I planted may take 60-70 days to have fruit. Some of the seeds are 4 to 6 years old, so there's hope for yours. :-) Ciao, Mssy!

  20. I think the best thing we can do is to keep in touch with our friends. It always helps me feel better after a great conversation. I still have to buy watermelon this year. It can be so tasty! I'm with Milo! I'm staying in away from that heat and humidity!

  21. Loved seeing the Milo photos. They made me smile. Jalapeno poppers and watermelon sounds like a great combination. Now I am hungry for both!

  22. Hi LeeAnna. Loved your post today. You’ve got it all covered; painted trees, jalapeños, watermelon, comedy, philosophy, comedy, puppies and Milo. Thank you for sharing all the smiles and giggles today. 😁

  23. Hi LeeAnna,
    Tress! painting trees! that's a challenge! Looking good :)
    With climate change is it too late to plant seeds? Don't think so ! Beter in the ground that in the packet.
    some of those are self seeding now, so next year you will have blooms for sure!

  24. Milo is such a handsome dog <3 I am sure it's fun to play with him. I love the painting 'Distance does not matter...' - that is so true. The Covid-19 situation in Finland is good and calm, but I still keep my distance. Have a sunny weekend, thank you for linking. Hugs.

  25. Love your distance hearts drawing! Have a good weekend.

  26. Wonderful post,i love your dog the very sweet!
    Greetings Elke

  27. What a great list of Likes!
    Hello Milo!
    Hope you are having a great weekend!

  28. flowers, porch time, painting, reading.....sounds good to me! Hugs to you! Hello there, Milo!

  29. Love the frames of your glasses. So colorful. I would like those.

    Milo is always a huge Awww. He's so handsome.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Extra treats for Milo. ♥
