
Sunday, July 5, 2020

getting to know you...

questions are from Sunday Stealing

1. Have you ever had a vacation ruined by the weather or did you just work around it?
A: we were packed and ready to leave for a Christmas vacation to Charleston then a freak blizard hit the Virginia area of I 95 making it impassible for just long enough to ruin the whole trip! We never made it down there before moving from Maryland

2. What small changes do you feel people could make to give the planet a fighting chance against global warming?

A:Use less plastic, walk more, drive less (combine trips or don't make unnecessary trips) and unless you need a big truck for work, couldn't you use a smaller vehicle? 
 stop using pesticides, save resources like fresh water, use cleaner forms of energy like wind power and electric mowers.
Solar panels? 
3. Are you adversely affect by the weather, such as SAD?

Oh yes, I used to say I ran on solar batteries. I loved living in Alberta because it was sunny even when cold.
5 days ago... flooding and golf ball size hail
4. How is the weather where you are and have you seen drastic changes in it during your life time?
We've been here 2 years, in Aurora Colorado. The weather is schizo... dropping 60 deg F in a day, going from extreme heat to extreme cold. I hear it has warmed considerably in the last 50 years. The rivers we lived near in Maryland used to regularly freeze enough to skate on, during the youth of some neighbors... no longer. 

I grew up in Tampa, and like MD waterfront homes are being threatened with rising water levels, Miami is about to lose their fresh water from rising water levels. But. They are in denial.

hail covered surfaces like snow before it was done
5. Do you think we can stop global warming or is it too late?
A: It's increasing at such a rate, with humans refusing to do anything for the common good... I read various reports by the world's scientists who study such things, and it's dire.

the most we can hope for is mitigation so that we will have clean air and water to survive.

6. What could you do for an hour or so today that you would really enjoy doing?
A: if my neighbors would be quiet, we would greatly enjoy sitting on our own patio and listening to birds. Remember peaceful sounds? 

7. What could you do for an hour today that might improve your life in the future?
A: maybe find a new place to live, where we can breathe cleaner air than here, where we can find some peace and quiet? where no one is burning wood, or blaring loud engines? Find that Valhalla... ahhh....

8. What could you do for an hour today that could strengthen or improve a skill you would like to be able to rely on?
A: I could pick up that dusty Ukelele and play it... sing a song by James Taylor...I could start the 2nd sock... I could pick up a pencil and sketch my poodle including shading that's hard for me.

9. What could you do for an hour today that would make your living space more pleasant to live in?
A: vacuum mop and dust

10. What could you do for an hour today that would improve your relationships with loved ones?
A: find something they did right to mention, walk my beloved poodle. suggest dh practices his guitar

11. Do you like, dislike, or pay no attention to the wind?
A:I like a breeze, but we have constant wind here. It is so seldom still that when it is we look around and wonder what's going on. Strong wind annoys me, whips my hair in my eyes, blows the patio furniture off the patio, tears up flowers, blows the odors and breath of neighbors into our space.

12. Do you have allergies or sinus made worse by the wind?
A: I'm allergic to a lot of trees and plants so yes. If people around us have wood fires, the smoke is all over the place and I get nose bleeds, then sinus infections. Nose bleeds requiring cauterization often. I tell people and they laugh.

13. Have you ever been caught in a big wind (not a hurricane or tornado)?
A: I'm a big girl, sturdy frame, and have been nearly blown off my feet walking in the neighborhood here.

14. When was the last time you flew a kite?
A: I'm trying to think if I did it with my little girls when I was a nanny.... otherwise I rode in a hot air balloon basket in the Gasparilla night parade once, throwing candy to the people!

15.Would you like to have the power of flight?

If I could still walk, then yes! Very much. Once I had a vision, while undergoing acupuncture and being very still, of flying with an angel, being shown things. I won't say more, I only hope it all comes true

My dog and I beg you not to shoot off fireworks today. Think of the people with PTSD from actually fighting for our country and freedom...haven't they heard enough gunfire?
 Haven't we all heard just about enough noise for a while?

Excuse me while I turn on some Brazilian music and get a glass of wine (it's Saturday evening as I write this) a good book, and go out to see if it's quiet on our patio...

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  1. Beautiful, peaceful sky!! Ditto, Fireworks, my dog says.,

  2. Nice sky pic - I love a good sky pic.




  3. We had hail like that photo last week (in Northern Maine).

  4. I had strange visions after acupuncture once, too. It was freaky. Sounds like you need a new place to live.

  5. I hope you and your dog made it through the 4th fireworks safely.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. You noted my confessed love of bad TV. Specifically, my friend and I were discussing Autopsy on Reelz. It's horrible, and a real time suck, and yet we admit we're hooked. (If you haven't seen it yet, don't tune in. Save yourself!)

  6. Each year the noise gets louder around here. Quiet came back during the first 2 months of the lockdown. That was wonderful. Also the air and the sky looked better, relaxed. Hope you had a joyful, quiet 4th.

  7. Every day, at least one of our neighbors is using a loud machine and I wonder, was it always this noisy or are people acquiring more loud tools because they are stick at home? Yes, a nice, quiet hour on the deck would be good for my soul.

  8. I hope you enjoyed the wine, Brazilian music, and quiet patio. That sounds like a perfect evening to me! We hope to be driving out to CO at the end of this month to visit family (too afraid to fly).
