
Sunday, June 14, 2020

Getting to know you

Another Meme this time from Sunday Stealing blog, thanks Bev!
These are like a party conversation, a fun party!

1. How many gravy boats do you have in your kitchen?
A: none! If we have gravy we'd put it in the cow creamer where the liquid pours out the cow's mouth

2. Do the clothes in your laundry basket need ironing?
A: they might NEED ironing but...what's so bad about wearing textured clothes?

3. What is the last thing you wallpapered?

wow, in order to continue being married, one must NEVER wallpaper together.

4.  Wooden floors or carpet?
A: both

5.  Why do we put out guest towels if no one is supposed to use them?
A: everything in this house can and should be used! Useful and pretty are my goals

6.  If your spatula could talk, what would it say about your duvet?
A: well after the great duvet wars of aught 9 we separated them and the spatula is no longer allowed into the bedroom. Blissful peace reigns now

7.  Have you replaced the batteries in your smoke alarms this year?
A: we had to replace ALL of them two months after we moved in, because ALL of them started chirping, then screaming at the same time. It was not pretty!

8. If you could put thyme in a bottle, what is the first thing that you'd like to do?
 A: I don't even know how to crack wise at this one

9. Do eggs really crack or do they merely have a nervous breakdown?
A: oh they crack all right, under pressure everyone cracks. Why I'm cracking up right now!

10. Why are you whipping the butter? What did it ever do to you?
A: I suppose those extra 20 lbs mean nothing to you?

11. Do your spoons spoon in the drawer? Have you ever noticed? And more importantly, if wooden spoons spoon do they get splinters?
A: the spoons do spoon, and I'm a believer in let sleeping spoons lie

12. You hear: "Dumpling, my Dumpling, come hither." The candles are lit, the fondue is dipping, the Godiva is pouring, the scallions are steaming and the music is playing.....but wait, the windows are open.  Why did you close them?
A: what?

13.  Do you need a recipe to cook or are you a bohemian chef?

A: definitely bohemian, if that means finding a way to use the four ingredients on hand

14. Is your pot black?
A:  Our pots are all stainless steel and reflect whatever color I'm wearing

A: from my husband: we live in Colorado, the pot is always green here

15. What is the sexiest spice or condiment in your cabinet?  What makes it so?

A: dh and I debated this one... Salt and Peppa are pretty racy, Rosemary and BAsil played around for a while, but we think it might be Heinz 57 sauce... er... no that would have to be Heinze 69 sauce wouldn't it? 
Linking to


  1. This is the first time we have gone to eat. We made sure it was a place that was not busy and observed distance and vert clean. We ate outside. We did not stay long at the store either. California rates are steady. We use lots of hand spray that we carry on ourselves along with gloves. The place we ate at sprayed my husband's card before giving it back to him. We hold no menus, they are on our phones.

  2. "let sleeping spoons lie.." Bwahahaha

  3. Wow - a party in the kitchen! Love all the fun answers - so clever! x

  4. #14 Love your husband’s answer, however, sometimes it can have red, white, or purple in it.

  5. The pot is always green-- ha,ha! And you are sooo right about the wallpaper-- we said never again 25 years ago and haven't looked back. Have a good week!

  6. Ha! Love your hubby's response to the "pot" question! It was something I had to get used to when we visit our Colorado family. My mom used to say the same thing as the mom in your meme! :)

  7. Hysterical. I thought number 6 response was my favorite but then Heinz 69 was best.

  8. You are clever to come up with these answers. Thanks.

  9. Saw a dark coated standard poodle today and thought of you. Air kisses to Milo from a safe distance.
    I was sure you were going to say that gravy would flow from the cow's butt.
    I feel the same way about guest towels and the towels over the edge of the tub that no one uses. Drives me nuts. As did the amount of time and noises coming from my smoke alarm before they changed it.
    Despite the now meager efforts I'm making for "the Diet" I can't bring myself to give up butter.
    Although who doesn't like classic Salt 'n' Peppa, I have to go for Spanish Paprika, Paprika's hot blooded cousin.

  10. Glad you visited! As a person not afraid of color, you MUST come to New Mexico. Check out Georgia OKeefes home of Abiquiu. Or a sunset basically anywhere. Google "New Mexico True", you'll find lots of ideas. Madrid (pronounced MADrid) is a fun and beautiful little artist's hangout off the beaten path.

  11. please shared me gravy boats that you have in your kitchen
