
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

want a diversion?

ufo's I could be working on but won't
I am beaten down by life so I looked around for something to stop the mental game of frogger I am on...

After drinking some coffee and watching my new obsession Safiya on youtube,

I turned to blueprint to see the "free patterns" they sent in yet another advertising bid to get me to subscibe.
 (I already subscribed at the half price rate thinking now is the time to learn stuff but they don't seem to realize I am.... .already.... a.... member)

Nothing interesting there so I hopped over to Bonnie Hunter's blog and started reading... she had this video and it's truly a hilarious diversion... enjoy

think there's nothing funny about masks? Oh con-trare

I will not be making masks today... don't get me started on the idiots who think drinking lysol is smarter than wearing a mask...
pushing those cords through a pony bead is no joke!

On the diversion trail today will be watching inane tv
my new guilty pleasure? Watching pillow talk of 90 day fiance. People watch the show from their homes and make hilarious comments, it's like watching with a friend. DH who ignores most numbing  tv I enjoy, laughs out loud at this.
I might watch something from the 50's too, as it was a much safer time for me
I might watch the Great British Gardening show on youtube... I love "sewing bee/pottery throw down/baking show" so I imagine it will be good

I might paint some fabric as it went from snow to heat wave here and I can be outside

I might spend a moment cutting dh's hair. I don't really know how to cut men's hair, but I cut the poodle's hair. (dh might end up with a poof)

I will not watch any people making grand stupid statements about the health situation on tv. I prefer to learn about it from scientists and people who DO know what this is.

I won't be walking near anyone who refuses to wear a mask, if I can outrun them. They buzz by panting open mouthed on bikes, so it's not easy to avoid the stupid.

I may remove the Christmas garland of pine cones from the mantle where it's been gathering dust for months. Oh it was soothing and pretty during the snow but now that it's HOT...
Speaking of which, I may have to dig out the bins of summer clothes. I have Spring like clothes but it went from snow to hot here so they're too warm to wear.

I plan to put iridescent sequins on this today, then bind it

The library is making sounds of reopening so I should actually look at the books I've had for months how, like peyote stitch butterflies and try it. Our library was one of the first places to close as they had infections nearly immediately. I won't be going back any time soon. Can books be disinfected?
No reason to risk it.

I might look through some old magazines hoarded  BC (before corona) to see how I won't be decorating my home, or what I won't be cooking from a recipe requiring foods I can't find on grocery shelves. I might look at fashions I can't squeeze over my growing middle innertube of a waist. I might chuckle at the celebrities who are together/not together.

the main thing I am looking forward to today is eating my leftover fajitas from yesterday's meal!
Love to hear what you're doing today

How about you?

Linking to
cheesy photos at ched curtain


  1. You do sound "beaten down" as you stated. I was in the same frame of mind over the weekend. It rained or snowed nearly every day in March and now we could actually use some rain for our lawn. I shouldn't complain about things getting warm and green around here because with that last week came my allergies. My husband is out mowing as I write this. Mostly however, I just NEED some people interaction.

  2. I love your fabric creations and fun references to YouTube excursions!

  3. Hi LeeAnna,
    The attic ! That's where I'm hanging out...sorting, cleaning, checking things out. The rainy days have arrived! Great for the garden!
    Love the link to Kay's attempt at making a face mask !

  4. Hi LeeAnna,
    Just posted Kay's youtube and a link to your blog!

  5. As my younger son would say, 'you can only stay on the pity pot for just so long and then you have to quit worrying about the super glue and just move on' -- although as he freely admits it is easier to say that than it is to do it. Maybe there is something within your grasp that you CAN control - that might be a good place to start. Idiots notwithstanding, all we can do is all we can do. Hang in there!!

  6. My sister sent me that "Oh, Kay" YouTube and I've watched and laughed at it every single day. I love her earnestness as much as her incompetence. Too funny and much needed these days. Like you, I have loads I could be working on in the studio and I just don't have enough juice in the tank to even go in there and dust, let along create. *Sigh* Maybe I just need to sew my sleeve to a mask or something. 😄

  7. Oh, Leeanna, I know just how you feel. It's such a strange time. I think we've watched almost every standup comedian on Netflix. Sometimes you just need to laugh! Hang in there and don't listen to any more "news conferences." They're bad for everyone!

  8. I have minimalized almost all of my social media, save for my blog posts and Instagram. I cruise quickly through Facebook in the morning, and when it begins to annoy/depress me, I quit. It's made a huge difference.

  9. A dear friend sent me that funny/scary sewing tut you tube and i winced when i saw her pull out rotary blade cutter...
    a quilting friend that had to to emergency to have stitches after slicing her finger tip in a class at Quilt Hawaii years ago....
    and she was a nurse!. i am fine but tend to be of the melancholy camp anyway.
    oh, I have already "trimmed my bangs only twice since the last haircut on January 16,2020... I do the what i get the "helicopter trim" where i twirl the bangs straight up to the left snip across and then twirl to the other direction, snip again.
    exclamer... do not try this at home or at your own risk...

  10. We, too, never watch the idiot or even pay any attention to his pronouncements. Our way of avoiding the world is to watch Perry Mason and other old shows like Andy Griffith! Looking forward to our Papa Murphy's pizza, purchased online and snuck in their door to grab and go!

  11. Oh, I am jealous if your library opens! I don't watch anything. I think it helps a lot. Well, except for the Fox in Sox guy on youtube. He's hilarious!

  12. Your post made me smile with its transparency - you seem to be coping better than you think, in my opinion ;)
    What am I doing today? I worked 8 hours as a virtual office assistant - zoom meeting, spreadsheet updates, sent an email to 1300 graduating students with info about a virtual job fair, posting jobs on our online job board, etc.
    Worked on sorting through old fabric and sewing/needlework items that have survived several decluttering episodes and found some good stuff.
    Right now I"m sitting in my recliner reading blogs and watching a home improvement show with my husband.
    Shortly I will get up and log on to Final Fantasy 14 (online role playing game I love) for a couple of hours before bed.
    I enjoy seeing what you are working on.

  13. I understand how you are feeling beaten down...I usually throughly enjoy my own pity parties for 24 hours, then pick myself up and find something to cheer me up. Our feelings are our feelings. No crime in that.

    That quilt block caught my eye - so very pretty! Handstitched?

    My mask making days are on pause for this week. Then, one more batch and shhhhh...bad luck to say those words.

    The shoestring and bead ties are fabulous. I made some, but with TShirt ties. Very comfortable.

    Take care!

  14. I was treated of this deadly disease within a 2 week, I am now free from Herpes. You can contact him robinsonbuckler11@ {{gmail}}com...............
