
Thursday, April 16, 2020

I Like Thursday # 189

Hey, Mama! it's snowing again....
welcome to my list of likes for this week...
Well the snow was pretty as it fell for two days. See the little Robin taking shelter in my big fir tree?
Poor thing...
(want to hear a song? Not about robins, but please don't fly away, and that's how I felt seeing this little someone... stay! please stay!         Seals and Crofts Hummingbird on youtube)

then... in an afternoon of the second day, the sun came out and melted most of the snow
Mama it's a little cold but sunny, come and get some Vit. D!!! (I think you need some)
Oh it's snowing again today, another 1-3" to replenish the water we're using washing our hands.

I love the embroidery blog my friend Joanne sent me, and the jigsaw site new to me,


I loved the videos from this week's posts  the gift, and Kindness,
and my favorite

I liked the fajitas we had this week. DH brought home a bag of chicken cooked in fajita spice, I sauteed onions and peppers to add to it. Layer with whole wheat tortillas heated in microwave, yogurt, shredded cheese, avacados, tomatos, salsa and the meat mixture. Supreme! Left over too.
(I even ate the picture lol)

I liked meeting with my local art quilt group on zoom, and learned if I tilt my Ipad sideways, it lets me see all 9 people at once. Upright it shows 8.

I loved meeting with Shannon, Sally, and Sandra last Saturday on zoom. It is becoming like stopping by a friend's house for a cup of tea. I am so happy to know these fine women.

I guess I like using the library's system of ebooks... had to activate the kindle on ipad but they had the next tea house series book by laura child for me. Holding the IPAD over my head in bed isn't easy but I get to read the book. Unfortunately the library doesn't have the next bake shop Ellie Alexander book for e-lending.
I had just learned to deal with zoom, then had to learn the library's  convoluted system but I now have an e book. Do not know if I can do it again.

I liked the new bachelor replacement summer show. The contestants seem much nicer

I got to chat to three good long distance friends this week and catch up.  We cried, we laughed, we bonded which is worth more than gold.

I loved Garrison Keilor's article this week, he is so clever! see it here:
I got to meet him in DC at the Nat'l Book festival one year, and he signed a poster for me. I miss a Prairie Home Companion but you can hear them from his website again!

You know what? That's about it... we have the necessities and some extras (the fajita chicken was one) so don't miss the lists being kept by these fine folk!


rosie and the boys nature pics  

Thursday Thirteen 


  1. oh you have more than one season in only one day!!

  2. Hi LeeAnna,
    Wow! that is a lot of snow in April ! Happy for you that it's mostly gone !
    Pretty cool stuff over on Needle n Thread. Glad you like it :)
    Fajitas sound delish ! can almost taste them here!

  3. I love the Garrison Keillor columns you share - he has the best way of saying things! Your fajitas sound delicious - and leftovers of favorite meals are the best right now. Hopefully, you'll get used to the ebook system. When I use my tablet to read in bed, I have to put a pillow on my tummy and rest the tablet on the pillow. Otherwise it is definitely hard to hold up! Have a good Thursday, LeeAnna!

  4. I too have difficulty reading books on my iPad while in bed but I squash pillows to hold the iPad and lay on my on my side to save my neck! I could almost taste those fajitas- yummy.

  5. Hi LeeAnna! Aww, I can just FEEL the sunshine warming up Milo. Ummm. It feels so good, doesn't it?!! I love reading eBooks on my iPad but I can't do it in bed. Those chicken fajitas sound SO delicious. The fillings are better than the chicken in my book! Take care, my friend. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Fajitas sound wonderful. I'm so sick of cooking!! :-) I especially liked Survivor this week. A very interesting tribal council. Glad you could connect with some friends this week.

  7. Loved the Keeler article!! :) ! Feel so bad you are still getting snow :( Stay warm and safe!

  8. Thanks for sharing Garrison Keilor's article. I just love him! I am thankful for the nice weather this week. Hubby and I can work out in the garden to stay busy! :)

  9. I love Garrison Keillor also. I remember reading Lake Wobegon Days years ago. I wish he still had the radio show.

  10. Wow, snow. We saw hardly any this year. A strange winter for Virginia, that's for sure.

  11. I love needle n thread too! It's been my favorite embroidery blog for a long time and she has tons of great stitch resources!! Have a good week!

  12. Obviously we Minnesotans know Keillor well. When hubs was in law school and studying for the bar, I was reading one of Keillor's books to do something quiet while he was study. He finally asked me to stop, because he could see me giggling out of the corner of his eye, and it was too distracting. Growing up in a small town in SD, Keillor's stories take me back there. Fun post, LeeAnna!

  13. I'm going to have to get some fajita seasoning for veggies for a change of pace to the ubiquitous burritos. It's snowing like crazy here now. Prepare your snow shovel in case it moves your way.

  14. We had snow, too! And we're supposed to have more tomorrow. It sounds like there's a few of us adjusting to ebooks. I miss my paper! I put a bunch of ebooks on hold today, hoping they'll be available by the time I finish my current one (the latest Royal Spyness). Mmm... fajitas. I tried making quesadillas for the first time. But I may need more fajitas. :-)

  15. We've had some snow on 3 days this week and more is coming tomorrow. Enough already. I want to get out in the garden. I've had an up and down week. I don't think we're ever going to get out of isolation here in NY. Thanks for the link to the jigsaw puzzles. I do one or two everyday.

  16. What snow came under at this time and your cute dog looks out the window.
    Everything is possible with the weather
    Stay safe and sound!
    Greetings Elke

  17. I love snow, but not in April, lol! Have been a fan of GK for a long time. Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend.

  18. I like that my dogwood and redbud seem to be in bloom longer than ever, because I am home to see them every day. Gonna check out Garrison K. Here's my TT.

  19. ...well I see that you have been getting some of the white stuff. Enough is enough, bring on the spring! Thanks for stopping by, take care.

  20. Great list of likes. Love Garrison Keillor. It has been snowing here all day long.

  21. How amazing to have a Spring snow! Glad things went well with your meeting! Lots of fun ways to connect now! Have a good weekend!

  22. Hello, the fajitas sound yummy. Cute photos of Milo. I assume the Robins can handle a little snow and cold weather. No snow in Maryland, it is a little chilly. I like the Laura Childs mysteries. Take care! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  23. Your poor robin looks a bit chilly! Better weather for penguins. Hope all your snow has melted by now and that you are staying safe & healthy.

  24. Even the weather is strange this year. It was snowing here this morning. It does take awhile to get used to e-books but it's worth it.

  25. Hello. I like that photo of robin. It is a artistic photo. Take care!

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