
Thursday, March 26, 2020

I Like Thursday #186

Let's get right on with some likes for the week, shall we? I admit, it's hard to find a list this week.

I liked American Idol this week... what talent these young singers have! The format is so much better than the way it started with three icky judges making fun of people. Katy is still annoyingly immature but Luke and Lionel are professional and at least she's kind.
SO clever and funny! Recap of survivor, I really like the show

I think I'm really going to like the new show on Dads that followed This is Us. Great premise.
A man anticipates his cancer will take him from his family so he sets up wonderful men to stand in for him with the family, after he's gone.

ahhh for an old fashioned chat on a park bench
I loved this post on diversions from Chasing Stories
she listed some books and a wonderful podcast I'd never heard before

I liked going through some moving boxes this week, the ones that get pushed in a room and forgotten? I am coming to accept that I can let go my teaching materials and samples as I doubt I will resume teaching. I had to stop in MD as I never knew when someone would spray pesticides into our air and I'd be injured, and unable to teach.
I've now had several migraines recently, here, after seeing companies are out spraying pesticides all over the parks and yards.
It's time to pull the plug on scheduled commitments which will happily free up a bit of space inside.

You know how I love cows... yes I do... these two baby cows were taken to a rescue farm

I like that the garbage trucks are still running, and they have mechanized equipment to pick up the cans, not man power

I like that sketchbook revival lessons started with two videos a day.  I wish I could focus on art like last year, and make use of the lovely instruction. It's at the top of my list to try to create again.

I get newsletters from Johanna Basford, with lots of follow along coloring and drawing opportunities. It's a calm, pretty respite, and she's starting color along times on IG and FB which I don't do but you might. You'll like her newsletter for sure.

I like that dh is trying to minimize his exposure at work, where  co-workers don't believe this virus kills ten times the number of  people as the flu, and is twice as contagious, and there are not enough respirators to keep the sick alive.
 Since we are no longer trying to travel, the days have little meaning, so weekend's previously reserved for exploration,  are now just another day, he has changed up his schedule.
I'd like some capuccino flavored dog biscuits please, just for the mornings?

I try to walk Milo outside still, as walking helps to reset my spinal issue, but it's harder to avoid people on the sidewalks. I ricochet back and forth when I see someone coming. I have trouble sitting on the porch as idiot neighbors are having parties and bonfires in their driveways. I still look out on the day, and still am allowed to walk with Milo,  luckily.

the days seem unreal.
I doubt anyone reading my blogposts would get their news from a man who won't allow expert advisors in his presence, but let me encourage you to rely on scientific facts, from the world health organization for instance, and to take the shut-down seriously. Every person who gets the virus infects on average, at best, 2.5 people. The nurses who are selflessly helping the ill do not have enough masks to protect themselves so they can help us. Ann at Fret Not Yourself donated her small amount of masks from the wildfires last year to her hospital.
I really like Ann.

For all the friends I've made here, who continually uphold and support me, for my few wonderful friends that I talk to on the phone, I am grateful. So grateful as they help me feel less isolated.
Generally we share our fears and struggles, then move on to laughing at something, or describe some way to divert ourselves.

The important thing is to be heard, to have another person hear your fears and share your struggles with love. We don't tell each other to buck up! or ignore it! We listen, share the pain, then share the joys.

Please visit these people keeping lists of the paw-sitive too


Musings of a Menopausal Melon - mmm! quilts


  1. I love the bench!!! even when it is not allowed to take place there with the new rules... and to wait till that lady leaves could need some time ;O)

  2. I'm linking up today too with lots to like and be thankful for! Take care of yourself sweet friend! Hugs from Florida, Diane

  3. Thanks for posting and hosting and helping me to find the good in life today, my friend ... <3 Pat

  4. Great bench. I have no words for the people who think it is just like the flu, they should be reading the scientific papers on it. Unfortunately my grand daughter lost her great grandmother on her dad's side to the COVID Tuesday, and she has been exposed. Great grandfather in his grief when the hospital told him to quarantine, dropped the grand daughter off at home. Grrr. So now their family is quarantined too. Social distancing is tough, I know that I give lots of people at work a wide berth. I know when I have a moment I appreciate the fresh air, the sunrise, the bird song. Thank heaven for books too!

  5. Me too! Me too!! We have also tried to practice isolation except for going to the store when needed. My husband has been very stressed, worried about his 35 employees. They have 3 major projects going on and think they are within days of being shut down completely. Two of his 3 business partners also don't believe this virus is so much to be concerned about. And I worry constantly about my respiratory therapist daughter and the OT daughter - both working in big hospitals. And both concerned about bringing germs home to their families.

  6. Certainly does seem unreal every day, though now I try to start with reminding myself that I am doing absolutely everything in my power to ensure my little bubble is a safe as possible. And by that I mean my home and my yard. We have not left in 9 days other than to walk our dogs far away from everyone and that’s the way it’s going to be for at least a month. Groceries will be bought online and picked up at the curb. Yet still we have to notice good things and things for which we are grateful. So thank you for continuing to host this and for another thought-provoking post. I am glad that we have been shut down completely here in Ontario for two days now, but for essential services. Many many things have been shut for ten days like gyms hair salons spas, and restaurants coffee shops and bars for a week, takeout only. Take good care. Best to ‘overreact’ which you are not doing, according to the WHO which is the one to whom to listen, as you say.

  7. I hope you can avoid people well enough to still get outside and walk Milo! More people have been outside in my neighborhood, but we have so far been able to walk and avoid people without too much difficulty, so that's been good. B+B are thrilled I think. Those cows were super sweet, and it's always good to see Milo. I like coloring- it feels a little creative without being too demanding. I haven't been working on much creatively either, and I really need to as I have one more deadline next week! AcK!! So glad to see you here!

  8. Hi LeeAnna! It sounds like you have a bunch of people in your neighborhood who do not follow the social distancing rule. Is your husband able to work from home? I have to think Milo is on to something, with a capuccino-flavored dog biscuit for the morning. Sounds yummy to me! Take care. ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. I wondered how you were doing with all this stressful stuff, LeeAnna. Sounds like your neighborhood is not helping much. You do have some good likes to share, though. I'm going to check out the link to book recommendations. You and DH are doing all you can to minimize exposure, so good for you. Milo is looking handsome as ever.

  10. Things are very quiet around here - hope your neighborhood settles in. I'm thankful for so many things going online and favorite TV shows to watch, too. Scritches to Milo!

  11. Sounds like you're handling things well. Also, your link on the Thursday Thirteen site doesn't come to this blog, you might want to revisit and fix that. I came here from the blog list on the Thursday 13 sidebar.

  12. Oh Milo, lol. I had to check out that pic you linked, your bench gator reminds me of someone I once knew. I sense a song in that. Not from me, I have zero musical talent. Umm, you can't flush tissues? Roh roh.
    I don't know if you meant to do this, but you put an image in my head of you guys cleaning up your waste with doggie bags and Milo giving you one of his looks (or laughing uncontrollably). I bet Susie could draw that. Or you, I never asked, can you draw? I can't, I think it has something to do with math.

  13. Our small town garbage collection is still done by hand. It's a tough time for them and many other workers. Glad that you are remaining well. There are plenty of people here who think this illness isn't that big of a deal. I know it is and can only hope people start staying home. Thanks for linking up and stay well.

  14. I loved the video that you shared about the cow rescue. Those little guys are so cute!! And hang in there: yes, some people don't get what social distancing means, but some of us do, and what we are doing will help slow the virus. Take heart, it will get better. One thing that I heard last night on the daily briefing from Dr. Berks (sp?) is that the projections are of what will happen if we do nothing. And we are doing lots, so my hope is that our efforts will help in the long run. Hugs, H

  15. I am paying more attention to little things and appreciating them more now than I did before.
    I am calling friends on the phone a whole lot now than I did before, hopefully another month of this 'social distancing' will be enough.
    Hope you and your husband stay safe and healthy!

  16. Such a beautiful sunrise/sunset image. Blogville is such a supportive community; I thank my lucky stars daily to have found you and all the others. Stay well, strong, and keep smiling. It'll confuse the likes of DH's co-workers. 😇

  17. Yes that is a most lovely sky.The little things ya! Oh,Today i actually found TP at my local grocery for the first time in weeks. and they have put up signs of the items you can by only one of. We are officially shut down as of today. I usually go once a week as most of it is fresh produce and we used to shop Costco every 2 or 3 months. I still like to talk to the checkers and vendors who are glad to have work and thank them or wave an acknowledgement of support today.I Hope you and your husband stay safe and healthy! Thanks for posting and sharing!
    Be well,Sonja

  18. You're so right. It was definitely not easy to find likes this week. My neighborhood is very quiet. People are walking outdoors weather permitting but keep distances. I'm still going to work but hope to work from home soon. Let's just try to stay hopeful. It's the best we can do right now.

  19. I can't believe your husband's coworkers can't see the threat. Nuts. What a fun bench. And Milo is looking handsome. {Hugs}

  20. Maybe Yul will come back. I'd like that.
    I felt the same way about research I kept for various projects I worked on. Boxes full. I'm down to two boxes. Shuck away or work on, hmm.
    I'm doing the workshop,too. Can't keep up though, which is fine. So many ideas and techniques to absorb. They're tickling me. :-)

  21. Sounds like you are really struggling these days LeeAnna. I'm keeping you in my prayers and pray we all get through this intact. Hugs!

  22. ...never take medical advice from an idiot who looks directly at the solar eclipse. Take care and stay safe.

  23. We are lucky as we have acreage and can get a nice walk in without leaving our property so I don't have to worry about running into anyone. Stay safe ((Hugs))
