
Friday, February 7, 2020

paint party Friday Blue Bird

Here we are again, watching paint dry!
I enjoyed learning from Johanna Basford, Ceeceecreations, and Shayda Campbell this week, along with sketching a flower from someone's blog photo.
Want to see what I've been doing with ink and paint?
Well, I got out a new tablet of  Fluid brand paper gifted to me at Christmas, and painted a background with KOI paint and a large flat brush. The style of brush makes a big difference in effect.
mixing colors, blending, watching them dry into new colors is meditative.

 Pencil lines, then .05 pigma black ink, white gel, dabs of blues and greens, a bit of ochre for the ground. I like the dashes of white and black on top to look like ground cover. Dots to add shade.
sketchbook for three days, see the idea of a little bird there?
I liked how the little border of fishes surrounding the words looked
On this day, Johanna was demonstrating how to draw in pencil, a basic shape to sketch around, leaving it open for words
 I was reading a blog bemorewithless and saw a close up of a flower that inspired me.

I loved the idea of tiny blossoms creating the center.
I also like to take notes after a sketch to remember what I learned.

I did very little pencil first, basic petal shapes, two circles to give an idea where to do the inking, then erased (or tried to) pencil guidelines.

I love the current look of this year's sketchbook.
I love black ink in a bold line, don't you???



  1. that is a super idea... the bird get's a life somehow ;O)

  2. Luv your cute blue bird

    Happy PPF


    much love...

  3. Hi LeeAnna!! :) I LOVE YOUR BLUEBIRD!!! He/She is adorable and I love the style of painting you did. I just recently got some good ink pens and I want to try ink and watercolour mixed together too. Isn't it fun to learn new things? By the way you little fishies are wonderful!! :)

  4. Lovely creation, love your drawings.

  5. Yes, I do. (love black ink in a bold line) :) Your poppy is my fave in today's drawing adventures.

  6. The bluebirds are so sweet. They look like a children's book illustration - so whimsical. The little fish in your drawings intrigue me too.

  7. You got a 3-D effect going on. Until I read your words, I thought you pasted your bird onto the background. I like the effect you got with your very cool drawing. I bought a sketchbook on Tuesday. My first! You've given this novice ideas of what to do.

  8. these are all wonderful drawings !!!
    Happy PPF, Elke

  9. lovely little bird art and wonderful sketchbook drawings. Happy PPF!

  10. Hello Leanna, its always so lovely and inspiring to take a look in your sketchbook. There are surprises and pretty things to see.
    I too love the look of that flower - a little different with a sweet addition. Your first painting is gorgeous, beautiful colour blends too. Happy PPF xx

  11. I really like your bluebird and the flowers are so delicate even the big one.

  12. Thank you for sharing the journey to complete this lovely bird painting.. So cheery.
    Makes me want to try. Love the fishes idea too.

  13. I really enjoyed seeing your sketchbook pages - you are right, they do have a great look, very strong. The poppy with the tiny flowers is my favourite, I think.
