
Thursday, November 7, 2019

I LIke Thursday #166

Welcome to this week's list of likes! The above artwork was for sale at the festival we attended Saturday.
Dia de los muertos festival at botanic gardens
1000 lb pumpkin with lots of painted pumpkins
 The Denver Botanic Gardens is one of our favorite places here, where we feel comfortable...
there were many activities and people dressed up... we looked at colorful pumpkins...
Near these were people painting in a watercolor class!!! I had a great time talking with the teacher and she told me there is a meet-up group in denver.
There were shrines to loved ones, or people who were admired
a big one where people could write a note in honor of loved ones... I wrote to my labradaughter chelsea and my poodle son Cole... rip my darlings, and we'll see you in Heaven
My message of love was tied to the shrine
we learned to make tissue flowers
Mine is left, Drew's is on the right
we looked at art booths
gemstone necklaces displayed on beaded sugar skulls!
music and dance in the amphitheater
It was sunny but cold, as we watched people rolling massive snowmen down the hill toward the musicians
Have you seen that guitar thing on the right?
the waterlilly basin was frozen over and there were big piles of snow everywhere thru the gardens but we sat in the sun to have a snack
with a new friend
yum! Sweet potato fries!!!
Hey! Giving me some fries doesn't give you the right to stare!

On the way out, we noticed this guy was chowing down on the festival pumpkins... ignoring the children who came too close, tails up in his foodie love!
Hey! Pumpkin seeds are really good for you!
On sunday we went to a craft show,
In a high school
where I wanted lots of things, but left with two Christmas presents
free.... then we own you
tried a lot of sauces and edibles, chatted with artists, and enjoyed the day

Other things to like this week:
The Durells in Corfu... (sad to see the finale of the show though)
sweet potatoes roasted  then mashed, with maple syrup, butter, and cinnamon
finishing up the Halloween quilt trimming it and sewing on the binding and hanging sleeve
talented kids on the Voice... I really like John Legend's comments, and Kelly Clarkson's
the T-Shirt sheets that are so stretchy and cozy in cold weather
Painting birds with watercolor and ink this week... post tomorrow!
working in the studio when I look up and see a pop-up snowstorm
listening to these two fun novels on disc this week, I'm a much faster listener than reader!
studio books
Did you know I grew up in Tampa? We have a latin quarter, where many Cuban workers had cigar factories, and they had a reader to read to them daily while they hand made the cigars?

Milo's Moments
seeing Murphy after a week of snow, running in it with him, then later in the week playing inside his family room! What fun to be in the house with a buddy, making his daddy laugh.
a new bag of kibble, all fresh!
sneaking onto Mama's chair, then hearing her squeak her anger(I'm going, I'm going)
having grass again to pee on again, as the snow is melting. Of course it snowed again yesterday... it might be a long winter y'all.

Now Sit! Stay! and after saying Hi to Mama, visit her friends keeping a list of likes too!  


cheesy photos at ched curtain
sundays in the city

Pink Saturday!
rosie and the boys nature pics  

Thursday Thirteen


  1. oh how we wish to see such a fabulous event... love the quirrel pics... the one with "997 pounds" looks funny, hope it isn't the weight of the squirrel LOL

  2. Great likes, love the squirrel photos! Milo looks great! I've been trying to reach you--you won the giveaway at Pennsylvania Piecemaker and I need your latest address. Please email me! Michele

  3. Watched the Durrell's finale (first episode for me) and now I want to watch the whole thing!

  4. Good morning LeeAnna! Those squirrel photos are so funny. It just looks cold to me, like the weather we are having already here. What happened to Fall?! ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Oh that festival at the botanical garden looks fun. All the different fall decor. You are an intrepid explorer, I just want to hunker down inside and hibernate. Love the squirrel picks. OMG that sign free samples, but then we own you was hilarious.

  6. I like the look of those sweet potato fries--yummy!! Looks like the craft show was chock full of fun items...hugs, Julierose

  7. My favorite photo was the sign for "free samples, then we own you" - that made me laugh!! A wonderful sales pitch. We've had snow and ice this week and it's COLD this morning, only 10 degrees.

  8. Everything looks fresh and new at those places. Have fun.

  9. How fun and seeing Milo is always a treat.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to Milo. ♥

  10. That looks like a great festival. I love those beaded sugar skulls. A lot of time and talent went into those. Thanks for linking up today.

  11. What a fantastic Dia de los Muertos celebration. The painted pumpkins are fantastic, and I really love the little shrines. It would be really cool to make some of those at some point for people (and dogs) we love but see no longer. It looks like those might be made out of tin or wood, but I bet you could make them out of mat board or something like that.

  12. What a rude squirrel ruining the beautiful festive pumpkins!

  13. I always enjoy seeing where you've been in the last week! Squirrels are so entertaining, and not too worried about humans either! I love listening to audiobooks when I'm sewing, but haven't tried Jude Devereaux yet - I'll have to look for one of hers.

  14. Looks like a great weekend. I would like to learn how to make tissue flowers.

  15. You find fun places to explore! Now I want sweet potatoes . . . :-)

  16. Mashed sweet potatoes sounds delicious. Looks like a wonderful festival. What a cheeky squirrel (looks well fed, too). Lots of good stuff.

  17. We tried to grow cherry tomatoes in pots on the deck one year and the squirrels would pick them just as they got ripe, at the seeds, and leave the skins on the deck. Now I just go the local farm store. Festival at he Gardens looked like fun and yum, sweet potato fries are my favorite. We had snow today.

  18. Rolling snowballs. What fun!
    I love the Botanic Garden.

  19. Hello, the festival sounds like a fun event. Love the cute squirrel eating pumpkin and your sweet Milo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend.

  20. I didn't know you were from Tampa...we don't live far from there. It sure is beautiful weather here now too! I went to a craft fair today and that's one of my favorite things to do! Happy weekend! That squirrel looks FAT on those fries! heehee!

  21. The Botanical Gardens do such a great job with the Dia de Los Muertos festival. Fun photos with the squirrels.

  22. It sure looks like lots of fun! I wonder if the squirrel thinks everything is a free sample!!

    My Corner of the World

  23. Looks like it was a great celebration--complete with shadows!

  24. A multitude of kisses to my man Milo. Sorry I've been in the weeds (waiting on New Years, hardee har har) and not very present. You are a sweetheart for dropping by my sorry arse. I LOVE the skeleton lady luncher. Gotta go pick up the rat boy now cuz it's my cousins' moving day and a bit too much for a compact pooch.

  25. Looks like a fun celebration. Love the photos.

  26. So beautiful weekend you have! Love to see these Photos. Thanks for sharing these!

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