
Thursday, November 14, 2019

I Like #167

 Welcome to this week's list of likes!
We went to the free day at the Denver Zoo on Friday. It was so crowded we had to park one mile away, so lots of walking on Friday.
I am enthralled by zoos, and took many really cool pictures but for today... you know how I
Flamingos! They were in a warmed glassed in space for winter...
front pink ones from Chile, back ones are American
I stood a long time watching them mingle. Mostly the dark orange American ones kept to the back of the enclosure but toward the end of my watching they were mingling more. I watched them bite at each other, walk, puff up lovely feathers, eat, and loved every minute.

I also loved watching this mama...She had one baby, and kept a hold on his little arm so strong he leapt at the rope and she held on, he jumped at bugs and she held on, he pulled her arm out of the socket and she held on. Here she is tucking him in a tight embrace so she could eat. Apparently parents of every species are good mamas... how can people disrespect other species??
I was totally fascinated with this creature's skin... I'd loved to have felt it, bet it was soft. How cool is he/she???
Are you all laughing at me???
I have a great love of Science and nature, and a great respect for the earth and it's creatures. Humans are generally causing the most trouble on earth at the moment... we have a responsibility to protect our living space, keep the air and water clean, protect the balance of nature. I mean, Mother Nature is pretty ticked at us at the moment, we'd better straighten up!
The End... for the moment... more cool zoo photos to come later

I believe this TED talk is very important so I put it near the beginning...

We had a great time visiting the Denver Zoo but I didn't drink much and got a bladder issue. Did you know ginger is very healing as is cranberry? I drink Trader Joe's ginger ale made with sugar not corn syrup, and there are actual bits of ginger in the bottom. A couple drinks of that, lots of water, and a few ounces of cranberry (no sugar) juice mixed with water is correcting the problem.

LOVE my cuddle duds socks. I got them on sale last year at Khols and just opened them. Thin, warm, incredibly soft, in neutral colors. Win win win. 10-toes-up!

I like drinking yogurt drinks with fruit in them. It's an easy way to get probiotics and tastes like dessert to me. 

I liked finding a lime green shirt and a VERY pretty hand dyed coat at the craft show last week. I love this vendor's personality as well as her stuff. Her hand made felt hats are awesome too!
I like the book on disc in the studio
with two in the wings
and this one for nightime reading
the author is so lyrical she makes me want to write stories too... we'd be friends if we met.

I only painted a few times this week, that post tomorrow
the back of one painting
It felt good to see color on paper, and this is so pretty in person, aqua tree with light fuchia shadows. My logo makes me happy every time I paint it.

I liked starting a Christmas quilt this week... story on Saturday

I liked  this clip from the Writer's Almanac this week:
" Elizabeth Cady Stanton (books by this author), born in Johnstown, New York (1815). When her brother died, she was allowed to take his place in the Johnstown Academy; previously she hadn't been admitted. She won honors there, but even so, no college would take her. She studied law in her father's office, but wasn't allowed to take the bar exam or practice. In 1848, the first women's rights convention in America was held near her home in Seneca Falls, New York. With Susan B. Anthony and Matilda Joslyn Gage, she compiled the first three volumes of The History of Woman Suffrage.
Stanton said: "The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls."

While we're respecting nature and other animals, let's not forget to respect women

 Milo's moments
Hi Y'all! I've had fun this week, mostly hanging out with my people. I got a chance to play with Gracie over the weekend, when she was in her garage watching her Dad build stuff. We ran like crazy dogs!
Sometimes I like to eat cookies for breakfast...
 While I watch the squirrel channel. Mama says it's okay now and then, since some people eat donuts for breakfast... I'm a big strong boy so I think it's fine.
I take my time, while Mama looks at her computer or paints. It's been extra cold, so I keep my jim-jams on most of the morning, then after cookies I have a little nap.
shhhhhh let sleeping dogs lie...
Please visit Mama's friends who kept lists of likes too... and join us keeping it paw-sitive!
please welcome our newest member:


  1. we love this wonderful birds... and their color can help when you have the winter blues ;O) wow Milo that is great, we would love to get cookies for breakfast...

  2. Hi LeeAnna! I love going to the zoo and really enjoyed your photos. Penguins - I find them fascinating and could watch them for hours. Milo sleeping in the nice warm sun - umm. I can feel it so nice on his whole body. ~smile~ Roseanne
    P.S. We have someone new joining us as well - Carol at Just Let Me Quilt: . It's her second Like post.

  3. Great likes. I haven't been to the zoo in years. Love the felt hat, and your paintings are so awesome. Love Milo's coat. Bobbin is sporting a red one since it is too cold outside.

  4. I never get tired of going to zoos. We spent a day at the St Louis zoo on our honeymoon. This summer we got to the zoo in Sioux Falls just once with 3 of the 5 grandkids. The flamingo exhibit is front and center when you enter that zoo and I love watching them too.

  5. Flamingos were my grandmother's favorite bird. She had some of the statues in her yard for years. Such happy memories.
    I read a book about the American suffrage movement recently and knew Elizabeth wrote several books but didn't know how her education began. These are the months to snuggle up and read. Thanks for the other recommendations.

  6. The squirrel channel! LOL. I adore your pix of the zoo and your comments.

  7. I love animals and Ted Talks, so I really enjoyed this post. Always nice to see Milo. He is such a handsome dog. As always thanks for linking up.

  8. BTw, love that word spaving. We don't get the deals you folks get so don't get to spave often. New towels are a treat.
    Zoos are wonderful spots...The Toronto Metro Zoo doesn't use enclosures and you ride around on a little train and hope to catch sight of an animal. Neat but can be disappointing.
    I check out Ted Talks all the time. Looks like your days are full with your hobbies, etc. Love that Milo.

  9. The vibrant colorways on those flamingoes are just gorgeous....and those penguins are so cute....I totally LOVE that felt hat--definitely my style...hugs and thanks for hosting....;))) Julierose

  10. Those flamingos are just beautiful! So much color! Glad you enjoyed the zoo. Milo looks very entranced by the squirre channel! I find them pretty entertaining, too!

  11. The flamingos are just beautiful but we are not into the lizards. The rhino's hiney made us laugh☺ We love your jim-jams, Milo, and a cookie would never sit around at my house. It's down the hatch lickitysplit!

  12. Wow, great photos. I haven't been to a zoo in 30 years, at least.

  13. How fun to spend the day at the zoo! I love all of the shades of color in the flamingos! And I'm anxious to see more of your art!

  14. All those flamingos! I watched that video - really interesting. Hit the nail on a lot of stuff I'm dealing with at work. Who wouldn't like the squirrel channel? lol

  15. Honestly, Milo, I think you've seen ME on the squirrel channel. I'm the one running around chasing fabric. Haha! I should go to the zoo again; I haven't been there since our kids grew up. I'm not sure that Komodo dragon would be happy with you petting him, but I agree he's got some cool patterning going on!

  16. Lots of good stuff. Those flamingos are beautiful. I like cuddle duds-didn't know they made socks. I had Mornings on Main on my Ipad but it expired so I need to wait for it again at the library. Ugh.

  17. ...nature worked overtime when it created flamingos! TED Talks are great. Thanks for stopping by.

  18. It only takes one 'free' day at any of the SCFC locations to decide paying the entrance fee. 😇LOVE that felted hat!

  19. I love zoos, too! We can learn so much from animals. I am a distant relative of EC Stanton and the Cady name has carried forward in almost every generation, including my GD Cady.

  20. Hello, The flamingos are so pretty. Wonderful zoo animals. It is good Milo is watching out for the squirrels. I agree, we must take care of our earth and environment. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  21. I would definitely stand there watching all these fabulous creatures! Thanks for your awesome photos.

    My Corner of the World

  22. LA - Yay! Flamingos! And penguins. I have always had a thing for penguins, right after moose and hedgehogs. LOL. I would never laugh at you for loving Nature - we need more of us! Enjoy your weekend, my friend!
