
Saturday, May 25, 2019

Orange inspiration

I finished my two blocks for Rainbow Scrap Challenge, using Orange scraps. There were small curved bits left after cutting the snowball blocks, so I sewed them together to make little petals.

  I practiced on paper, painting one with petals for hair...
before painting a face on fabric.

It wasn't as simple as painting a watercolor face, I used prisma-color pencils to do her face on muslin, and although the pencils blend well, there's a tug on fabric's weave. I'm pretty happy with her though. I think I'll use the batik for clothing, and applique it all down. Heaven knows how I'll quilt the face and keep her young...

I also found the smallest orange pieces to make this little mug rug...
Which came out cute, so I could turn it into a little purse for treats on walks, or a checkbook cover.

I am pretty jazzed about the face... a flower person... she wouldn't have come together without the challenge to use my scraps, and the renewed painting practice. Funny how inspiration finds us!

Linking to:
off the wall Fridays
can I get a whoop whoop Fridays to do Tuesday 
design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts
oh Scrap Sundays 

 scrap happy Saturdays


  1. Have you tried pigma inks that come in stamp pads?

    1. I have used pigma pens on fabric but don't like the way they pick at the weave and skip. I can't find anything online about pigma ink in pads... send info!

  2. What fun. I love that hair! The mug rug is cute, too.

  3. Beautiful pieces, love the orange, so colourful.

  4. Wow- just a stunning flower lady. Such a cool idea.

  5. I do like that lady with the orange hair. Such fun.
    BTW every time I see a cute flamingo I think of you. They seem to be everywhere these days.

  6. OOOH! The face with the orange petals is awesome! So fun.

  7. the face is soo great and I like the idea of spikey orange hair- how fun

  8. Love the way you were able to draw those beautiful expressive eyes. Some people I know with drawing ability use those derwent inktense water soluble pencils. They are costly for an experiment, though. I am loving the colour orange right now, so love your hair choice. Have a lovely weekend filled with all of the fun observations that you carefully look for.

  9. Your jazzy orange petal-hair lady's face turned out fabulous! Love it. She's got a little 'tude, something a lot of us need a little more of. :-)

  10. Love your orange haired lady.

  11. On fabric or on paper, she looks MAV-ah-lous!! A favorite? I would choose the one on fabric. Wild-haired Woman shows off her softer side on fabric.

  12. Orange is such a fun color! Love your mug rug!

  13. I love that lady -- both paint and fabric. You're quite talented and resourceful.

  14. Your orange scraps made such great hair for your lady! I love the mug rug, too - you are so good at putting those little bits together into something fascinating!

  15. What a very cool, interesting piece. Your mug rug is great too. (Unless it because a checkbook cover!)

  16. First of all I love the orange hair/petals. Second of all I am so impressed that you can draw a face that actually looks like a face. I wish I could do that.

  17. Isn't it wonderful how creativity comes when we just start working? Love the orange feather earring. And I'm also impressed with your drawing abilities.
    A treat bag sounds good. {Milo asked me to tell you that.}

  18. LA - the flower lady reminds me of Mona Lisa - quite mysterious and with a little smirk lingering at the corner of her mouth - well done! More proof we can surprise ourselves when we accept a challenge!

  19. You are so talented! I love your lady the hair is perfect!
    Purple used to be my go to color, but the more I see projects with orange, the more I am seeing that as my go to color!
