
Saturday, May 18, 2019

Orange chandelier

12 more chandelier blocks, this time using orange scraps. Orange makes me very happy. I love the orange scent, and orange blossom is such a lovely  scent. I remember riding along with my father through orange groves as he estimated the yield. When the trees were in blossom it was an unforgettable aroma, that a young girl never forgot.
so my design wall was pretty this week. I've done about 12 blocks in each color so far. I have no idea how they will go together, but I know orange will spark the whole quilt.
Orange is made with the energy of red, and the joy of yellow.

I found this online
Orange promotes a sense of general wellness and emotional energy that should be shared, such as compassion, passion, and warmth. Orange will help a person recover from disappointments, a wounded heart, or a blow to one's pride. The meaning of the color orange is stimulating, vibrant, and flamboyant.
There are many shades of orange, one of the prettiest to me is coral.
The block was designed by Stitch therapy.
linking to
design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts
oh Scrap Sundays


  1. Was never fond of orange as a kid, but it's been growing on me! These blocks are so cheerful.

  2. I made an orange spiderweb for my eldest grandson as his "going away to college" quilt--it's his favorite color...I need to see it with either white, b&W or blues for me to like it--the peach variation is more my favorite...your chandelier is growing and it will be so gorgeous...hugs for a happy weekend Julierose

  3. These are the cutest blocks yet. It's going to be a lovely quilt!

  4. I had no idea about the meaning of colors! I know, a sheltered life. Heehee. Thomas' favorite color is orange. I like how your chandelier blocks are coming along. mary

  5. What a beautiful quilt this will be! I love orange! It's such a warm and cheerful color.

  6. Orange has really grown on me since I joined in with the RSC! I love your chandelier blocks - looking forward to seeing all the colors together!

  7. I love orange too. I grew up in the orange groves of Southern California in the sixties. Nothing but happy, loving memories! Those chandelier blocks are so cute - and on my short list for next year.

  8. I love orange too -- the color and the smell and the taste! Love your chandelier blocks. They're going to make a pretty quilt!

  9. Love your chandelier blocks. I have my orange ones cut out, but only have two sewn together. Other projects need finishing and I've been doing outdoor work (and my neck knows it tonight. It was in the 40's last weekend and tomorrow is going to be in the mid-80's. No spring I guess this year.

  10. You found some really great ORANGE scraps to add to your blocks!!

  11. Orange is a favorite color of mine so I live your happy blocks. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  12. Nice blocks. Cant wait to see the quilt

  13. Yes, a pretty design wall this week with those beautiful 'orange' blocks! So looking forward to seeing all of the blocks together, but I'm patient, there's a few months of RSC to go yet!

  14. Thank you for providing the meaning of the color orange - such a cheerful color! Some of my favorite foods are orange - sherbet, oranges, carrots......yum! Your chandelier blocks are really coming along! Take good care!

  15. That looks like a really versatile block unit enjoy your week!

  16. What a great idea, LeeAnna. Love the chandelier :-)
    Hope all is well with you and Drew. Sending hugs and best wishes.
