
Thursday, May 9, 2019

I LIke Thursday #140

Welcome to this week's list of likes

It's going to be short... I'm coping with a few things but through it all I've been drawing and painting daily The workshop is over, I'm still going through the videos and exercises for the next week.
One of them was a happy  journal... draw some little icon of what made you happy that day...
She keeps a weekly calendar open and jots down a sketch a day. Kind of nice, right? She said her kids do it too, and looking back through is fun. Mostly I've learned how to draw faces, paint flowers, be free with color, and look at life differently.

I watched videos on youtube by Brenne Brown who has a terrific message for all, check Monday's post for details.

I've been reading Map of Heaven, which is profound. Written by a medical doctor who was brought back to life during an illness.

I'm watching American Idol and really love Alejandro's artistry and ability to write and play music.

Milo has been a good boy.
learning to draw coloring shapes, then painting them in

Enjoy all these people keeping it pawsitive this week: (I don't know why the spacing won't correct)



Minou's Minute 


  1. I love the idea of a happy journal... and I think I will use my "drive your husband crazy and make him poor" book to my happy journal ;O)

  2. I really like your happy journal...I have been a diary/journal keeper my whole lifelong...I want to make a journal quilt--a friend just picked one fabric square per day reflecting her mood...and sewed them together by hand...wonderful memory piece....
    thanks for sharing another week of wonders...hope you feel better soon hugs, Julierose

  3. Awe the happy journal. Hugs and hope you feel better soon.

  4. Hope you are feeling better soon! I like the idea of a happy journal. I needed one of those to get through the last 5 days of cold, dreary rain every day!

  5. Hope you are feeling better! Love that "vulnerable" portrait.

  6. Hi LeeAnna! I think the idea of a happy journal goes hand-in-hand with this weekly post so well. Additionally, when you feel down or just want to recall what was going on on a certain date you can easily see in the journal. Even when we have storms there is a rainbow at the end to enjoy. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. You have Milo as an icon. That's a very happy thing.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to Milo. ♥

  8. I love the idea of journaling with a little drawing each day! It would be fun to look back on over time! I've never heard Brene Brown speak - I'll have to check her out.

  9. I'm glad Milo has been good :) I admire you for drawing every day. Drawing is my kryptonite and I just don't do enough of it (any) so then I feel like I'm not good at it, blah blah blah. I hope you are feeling/coping better soon!

  10. I am learning to sketch and water color and love seeing what you are doing! We always seem to love the same things! Enjoy your afternoon sweet friend!

  11. Love your journal idea. Nice drawings

  12. The idea of a happy journal is what most of us need. Makes one focus on the good and we need more of that. Thank you for linking up.

  13. I wish I could draw but my drawings are terrible! I think it's a nice idea. I hope you feel better soon!

  14. I think all these ways to be mindful esp. of what gives us pleasure are so important. You seem to be connected in many ways. I've noted Map of Heaven to look for it at the library. Thanks for mentioning it. Give Milo a pat for me.

  15. A picture journal. I may need to try that when I have just too darned much to write about! I understand coping - good luck with all that you're tackling.

  16. Love the vulnerable quote and watercolor. My artistic abilities don't extend beyond quilting (and gardening, I guess, but even that is suspect these days). Wishing you better days.

  17. Happy Journal! Great idea! I hope things get better for you LeeAnna. Hugs!

  18. Sorry to have been MIA, Sam has been under the weather and I've been dealing with that and out of town company. Hope things are better on your end now.
