
Monday, January 14, 2019

The week ahead

Welcome to this week's happy homemaker post! Doesn't the cloud above look like a little star???
Our clouds are really outstanding.
I know she threw a snowball...
The weather in Aurora
cold with 7" of white snow. Snow then meltwater in the sun. Then ice in the shade.
Oh and we can smell the far away stockyards from here, nearly every day. Peee-ewwww (don't be jealous lol! )

Right now
I'm writing this last night, lol, meaning Sunday night but it will drop in Monday morning
I am thinking, will I have to turn in my two overdue books, really? I'm not done...
Aside from dust, I like looking toward the family room from my typing perch. I like the older entertainment center we got at a yard sale, with the shelves and cds, tv, etc on it. I don't care if it's old fashioned. I never had room for one before and I don't like crooking my neck to look at a tv on the wall. I might be tiring of the Christmas tree... might... it's still January and it did snow and the icicles still are appropriate.

I'm sorry, I just don't mind eating the same foods each week. I'm too tired to plan like all of you do... and too much of a moody eater. In fact I'm not one for planning. I enjoy off the cuff.

keep track of library books better
some laundry
the usual morning chores like empty the dishwasher and clean the coffee pot, walk the dog. Oh, speaking of the dog, er, poodle, I still need to grind his toenails since it was too cold to do it outside this weekend. They look like sloth nails
pet said poodle a lot more, he loves that and it's soothing to me too
Work in the studio on an abstract piece, from my picture of cattails in snow.
Finish reading those two overdue books
find out about changing the blog from http to the one with "s"... does it matter, do I have to?
Laugh more, drink more water, walk the dog

I keep a weekly calendar, by my fave Mary Englebreit, by the computer, for daily  to do lists, to jot down phone numbers or suggested books, or passwords that changed, any little thing that needs to be remembered. It's all there, always by the computer, with a pen and my glasses. Kind of a little record of life. 
The week on one page, I tend to lose little lists, or forget when I called the vet, etc. Not now. 

There is a big calendar on the wall to glance at the month.

Mama, come sit with me... watch the tv!
Woohoo project runway all stars is back on A&E! I love seeing the challenges!
 Victoria on pbs is back! yea!
The bachelor is lame but back, and I'll watch, yes I will. Don't judge me.
I've been watching my dvr shows "so you think you can dance!" and they were the most talented bunch of young things! I love love love dance. I can't erase the shows, I might watch again!
 We watched another two episodes of the Moodys... it's a train wreck of a comedy but makes us guffaw out loud.
Watched Murdoch Mysteries current episode.
Waiting for Amazing Race to start... when is it ever coming back?? It's been too long

A quiet death by M. Talley is terrific! A friend suggested it, and it's set in Annapolis so she references all my old stomping grounds... lots of fun to read. It's well written and the plot is engaging so I can't give any away. She's written other books so I'll have to find them.

Also slogging through the art book for my group. They all love it, me not so much. I like them however so I'll keep at it.
DH got me a subscription to Country Home magazine, and the first issue came... I LOVE magazines


I have an art quilt group meeting on Wednesday, and have something to show, yea! I combined my RSC color of the month (red) with the color study in our study book, to do Rubies!

Also Painted on fabric last week, and want to make those into something.

I am just now starting on my latest abstract nature piece...the beginning is so much fun. The start, when it's all new and shiny, the idea seems do-able, the fabrics are pretty. Before it moves into the middle phase, when I wonder where it's going, what to do next, why is it looking wonky, figure I've just wasted all that time and money on supplies, it looks awful or worse boring. The last phase is when it looks great again! I love it! This may be the best thing I've ever done!
did I say that out loud?
 Image result for quotes on perseverance

I want to quilt the little Valentine piece I painted last week, then put beads on the edge. How to quilt the face?? will I add a word to it? Maybe...

I made a new friend this week, also on QuiltArt online. We met because she answered one of my questions posed to the list, and I loved her answer. We emailed back and forth and she's a terrific person. I feel richer, less alone for having met her.... even online. 

Lessons learned
even when my body hurts, I still go for a walk... and am thankful I can.
Even if I hurt, I go to the studio to make something, and am thankful I can.
Even if I hurt, I chat with long distance friends and am thankful they care about me.
Even if I have much pain, my  husband loves me, and I'm ever thankful for him.

Inspirational quote, thanks to google...

Image result for quotes on perseverance


  1. reading is on my list too... I want to finish my book I've got in september... seems I have to start again, no clue how it started LOL

  2. I have so much reading to catch up on! maybe this week. I'm excited to watch Victoria again. I think you can just go to your own set up screen on, hit Basic, and put yes on the HTTPS to make your site secure.

    1. I miss my entertainment center which was exactly like yours. I thought when we moved it would be too big for the space. Ugh.

  3. Hope you are feeling better. That cloud really does look like a star! Such pretty blue sky behind it as well. I tend to renew my library books on-line, quite often ;) Hope you have a fantastic week ahead.

  4. Boy you have good noses to smell the StockShow that far away. Probably a farm close to you, but around these parts we call that stinking money (although the ranchers don't make that much). We didn't get any snow just rain. Have a good week, I am sandwiching a wedding gift quilt. Hugs, Sharon

  5. Have a great week! It's fun to see the results of your creativity. I'm feeling on edge due to no time for sewing or other creative endeavors lately.

  6. Hubby plans our meals and it's all good. We enjoy many different meals and I like that. I'm pretty much good with whatever he makes.

    I linked sleeping Milo to Awww Mondays. He's a handsome pup.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to Milo. ♥

  7. great post and I especially loved the lessons learned --
    I try to have food in the freezer but I also seem to eat the same things over and over--I do try to eat as organic as I can though and don't really plan meals--and when I cook a meal I always make sure I cook enough for 2 meals--like last night it was salmon, my organic rice and spinach--and now that will be Tuesday's dinner also-now tonight--that is still 'up in the air' as to what I will fix??????? I still have 4-5 hours to figure it out?????
    luv, di

  8. Your clouds are beautiful! We just got about 20 inches of snow over the weekend! It's gorgeous, but treacherous because of the weight on the trees, roofs and power lines. I don't plan meals either. I'm more of an improvisational cook!! :-) I vowed not to watch The Bachelor this time around on general principle that this guy is a hot mess that screams drama. Pass. Just finished John Grisham's book, The Reckoning. It wasn't one of his best, but entertaining. Your lessons learned are full of wisdom and your inspirational quote is a great way to approach life. Hope your week is a good one.

  9. Okay the bachelor is my "secret" junk tv too...but am not watching this season. CAN NOT wait for amazing race too!!! Foo: we do plan a menu each week...since we both work it's easier and keeps us healthy. You know I'm a walker...but DID begin my walks to and from walk and my after work dog an easy three miles a day. :) It helps.

  10. The Denver Library automatically renews if I'm overdue (don't know how many times it'll do that though) and sends me a courtesy email. Doesn't Aurora do that?
    Seven inches, eh? We only got maybe 4. Still when the slushy stuff melted, it ices up the same and decided to not let it pass without reporting to the city. They can decide whether to issue a warning or a citation. I know I have to shovel my walks, everyone else should too.
    P.S. I'm not really a curmudgeon, I just sound like like one after 'skating' on a dog walk. 😈

  11. I have four books to finish by next week. Sigh. I like reading paper books but hate having to return them. That's one advantage of ebooks; they just magically get returned.
    Love the Valentine top. Also thrilled you are in a local art quilt group. Putting down roots.

    1. Thanks for switching to https. I love reading your posts.

  12. I love Country Home Magazine, it's one of my faves, that one and the Taste of Home :)

    I have so many books to read, hope I can find time for them all.

    Have a wonderful week.

  13. I love the Rubies quilt piece! Does your library's website allow you to renew books online? That's what I do with the kids' things all the time. Otherwise, each movie is $1/day overdue fee! :O

  14. That's right, watch me. It's how I feel when someone says something to me and I reply, So what. Haven't done that in a very long time. Maybe that's a good thing. I've gotten better about thinking about planning meals.

  15. Hi LeeAnna,
    Snow! In January! Nice with a few decorations still up!
    ...still waiting here for the Winter and blue sky!! I still have a few Winter cards such as yours on display! Would be rather dull otherwise!
    You're right to have the tv at a normal watching height. There are guidelines.

  16. The Bachelor is my guilty pleasure too!! Love the quilting you did! Have a great week!

  17. Beautiful sky shot. I like that little star cloud! Looks like you have a very busy and productive week ahead!
