
Thursday, January 10, 2019

I Like Thursday #123

Welcome to this week's list of likes... and it's short and sweet.
I like the sky pictures mother nature paints around here!

I liked finishing the bargello top, to be folded up and stored til next December because I want to.
After the border was pieced and done, I noticed the two pieces of yardage I thought was exactly the same, weren't. Same maker, same year, stored the same way, and the gold was much more splashy on the one little piece at the top left
Nope, not going to take it all out. It will be unique! Like me!
I enjoyed using my supplies this week, painting this pretty lady who is now bordered and ready to quilt...(post here)
and using my new stencil by Folk Art found at Michaels

I used SETA shimmer paint, a sea sponge, poured a bit of paint on the stencil and swiped it all over to make pretty white shimmering dandelions.

Didn't put a lot of thought into it, used a green scrap at least 20 years old, and will make it into something.
I just wanted to use paint, and if it was going to be perfect, I'd never have done it.

I like the way it looks cropped in the photo.
I liked the rusty metal goat sculpture in someone's yard... 

they had a bull, cow, the tin man and more
I don't know what the tin man did wrong to be hung like that

My friend Diane (yarngoddess) sent a video of a freshly hatched flamingo chick... so I looked for more videos after seeing it step on it's own foot and get stuck!

The one above shows the gently care given by flamingo mamas to the babies.
It made me smile and happy to know they are such good care givers

I'm liking this author's book... she's from Annapolis so the story's setting is very familiar... feels good.
Image result for marcia talley a quiet death
It's a mystery  and intriguing

Milo's Moments 
on another scavenger hunt, I mean, walk
 Milo here! I can tell you what I didn't like this week... my feet shaved, and the trip to the vet,. Sheesh! It was just another ear infection, no need to take me for torture to be poked, and swabbed, and tested, and get medicine in my ear. 
I screamed bloody murder I'll tell you. No mistake. I did not like the meds and my pawrents sat right there and let that monster (vet) put it in my ear! I deserved two bones that night, and I told mama too! 
She gave me two, cause she knew she was guilty of not helping me fight off the vet. 

I love my new toy, watch me tease mama with it on this video 

Now sit! Stay! visit mama's friends who made like posts too!

Minou's Minute 

Linking to these parties

https://comedy-plus.wordless wednesday
pet parade 

cheesy Tuesdays! 
ruby tuesdays
 Free motion by the River Tuesdays to do Tuesday Awe Mondays
design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts
sunday selfie day for pets                                
oh Scrap Sundays
sundays in the city

Pink Saturday!
 scrap happy Saturdays
sewcanshe Saturdays
http://sky watch Fridays
rosie and the boys nature pics   

Thankful Thursdays pet parade

Thursday Thirteen 


  1. oooh Milo, we are so with ya! we were at the vet yesterday... the mama said she feels so much shame that she wants to hide in a mice hole... butt we have some doubts that such big mice holes exist. We love the ruty tin guys too... that would be the diy project to give them a new life ;O)

  2. Hope Milo is doing better. Pretty dandelions, makes me think of spring. Thought that goat was real for a minute. Hope you have a wonderful Thursday full of good things.

  3. Poor Milo and his paw shaving! It's fun watching him play with his ring toy. Blue does something like that- he loves chasing his ball, but what he loves more is you chasing him while he holds the ball. More exercise for mama that way, but I'd rather he just drop the darn thing and let me throw it again. So glad you got your bargello top finished, it's really lovely! I say your post on the stamping the other day, it actually prompted me to pull out paint last night to make my SAQA 12x12 donation for this year. I hadn't really had much idea for it, but I enjoyed using my paints in a different way than I usually do. Have a great week.

  4. We like all of your goodies, you're so talented and that wee flamingo is a sweetie. Milo, pal, you're a sweetie with your new too toy! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. Hi LeeAnna! How odd about that red fabric for your border. I wouldn't take it out either; it's definitely unique like you and a conscious decision. And those dandelions are so cool and pretty - why are they disliked and called a weed?! And Milo, when Mama says give, you have to give. Even if it is your favorite toy. I love how he cocks his head when you are talking to us on the video. Sweet boy. Happy Thursday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Oooo, I love the lamppost shot. It makes be think of Narnia! I also really like the cropped shot of the dandelion project and the baby flamingo video. You are so creative! Cabo posted his thoughts on Awww Monday earlier this week. Milo, I hope you're feeling better and can negotiate more treats our of Mom. You certainly deserve it after your vet ordeal!

  7. I like the stencil. Over here they call spent dandelions, 'clocks'.
    Apparently, as many times as it takes to blow off all the fluff tells you what time it is. I am not sure kids now days do this.

    I love the extra interest for your bargello with the brighter gold section of swirls. Like you said, it makes it unique.

    The metal home made sculptures in people's front gardens are cool. I am glad you showed them to us. My dad would have liked the goat.

    Thank you so much for your Christmas card. I didn't manage to do any this year. I think as well as the back spasms, I was just not well in an explainable way. Like you, I am having to learn to let my body recover. Inside I can do anything, but the outside goes on strike.

  8. You are a very talented lady!
    Have a wonderful day!

  9. I love your bargello especially the shiny corner. It looks like the light just caught it so. Great evening photo. Makes the world look peaceful. Those flowers are so cool! Lovely post. mary

  10. Your bargello quilt top looks wonderful, and the unique border is perfect for it! I liked seeing the painting projects you've worked on, too. Poor Milo, having to visit the vet - no fun at all!

  11. The flamingo chick was adorable. So cute.

    Milo and our Little Bit did the same thing. She wouldn't give up her toy without a fight.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to Milo. ♥

  12. I like your quilt work. That takes talent! Thanks for linking up today.

  13. I love your quilt and it is perfect that way! The stencil is cute too! Enjoy your day!

  14. That really is a beautiful sky. Hope Milo's ears clear up quickly so he doesn't have to be tortured by the vet again for awhile. :-)

  15. We certainly do mesh and I adore your dog and all you see through your minds'eye are things i adore

  16. Milo is handsome dude. I wonder if he might be thinking, "Aren't I sitting already?" lol I love your Sophie Loren and dandelions. Both are trés cool. I also like the red and gold border on your quilt. What is perfection but imperfection. :-)

  17. I especially like the animals

  18. Your piece is imaginative and clever, and the dandelions too. Too bad Milo's beautiful ears were giving him problems. I love his view on his week.

  19. Ooh, the flamingo babies video is so cool. And Milo is so attentive to your every word even if he doesn't pay follow instructions very well. And I love the dandelions. It will be a while before we see the real thing.

  20. Milo we are sorry you had to go to the vet and are sending healing purrs for the ear infection.

    The quilt is beautiful we like that it is unique and the dandelions are magnificent.

  21. The flamingo baby was oh so cute 💕 Quilting demands a lot of patience, precice work, I love your stencilled dandelions... Hugs to Milo <3

  22. Milo is soooooooo much like Scout. I can see many similarities between the two. Especially when you ask for the toy and he looks away.....LOL! What fun!

  23. Love that gold swirly border. Hope Milo's ears are all better now.

  24. Lovely photo . You've been busy! Poor Milo, hope all is well now. The first dog that I was allowed to choose for myself when I was a little girl, not for the whole family, was a black miniature poodle. She was sooo bright, I loved her to bits.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. That's exactly what our dog does... loves to run around with her toys, wants you to play, but won't give the toy! Pretty sky shot. Have a great weekend!

  27. Oh my gosh -- what fun! Glad you are enjoying your paints, I love how you're transforming that old green fabric, and I also love the baby flamingos and rusty goat and the tin man who is punished by being hung out to dry in a tree!

  28. Those dandelions look great! Love that metal goat. Your quilt is pretty.

  29. That ring toy does not look long for this world!!! I don't know how I do it, but all my dogs have loved to go to the vet or kennel. I have to hold them back as opposed to dragging them in... I like the dandelion too!

  30. What a lovely collection this week, well all except the vet guy! I am sure she wouldn't be so keen if you were giving her treatment in her ears, MOL
    Have a lovely week of adventure, colour and style.

  31. Unless its a major catastrophe I don't pick stuff apart. I am not perfect and my quilts are unique too! Happy Sunday Selfie.

  32. LeeAnna - the flamingo videos are TOO CUTE for words … their feet are way too big for their bodies! I love your dandelions - clever, clever, clever! And that Milo - what a character - it's in the eyes. I can almost see him rolling them! Have a wonderful week ahead!

  33. Oh Milo, ear infections are the worst and of course you deserved two bones. Nice tennis ball donut, pal, it's all yours no mistake.
    I love the dandelion. I understood, "stencil" and not much else in that process. You're so tidy. I could see a pencil and art supply bag or framing it.
    A baby flamingo, that's wild.

  34. I like all of those beautiful images too. Your work is always so creative and inspiring. The painted fabric is amazing!

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