
Monday, October 8, 2018

The week ahead... post #5

Good morning, happy Monday! Aren't Mondays great! lol

I'm linking up to the party at (  happy-homemaker-monday- )

The Weather
It's raining. The temps went from 90 to 30 without passing go. Like a switch was turned. It's been gray and rainy for three days now, and the forecast is for same all week. We had a bit of snow on Saturday morning,

will get more today, and tonight, and maybe in the morning.
Don't get me wrong... I have so very much to do inside that it will be okay this week, but I have a toddler...
Entertain me!
he runs everywhere he goes and bites something when he gets there so he needs a lot of outside running around time.

Believe me when I say you do not want a tall standard poodle coming in muddy or possibly injured from running around on slippery grass! On my to do list will be how to figure out inside games for this pup. 

Things that make me happy
I am never bored. Never. I love being home. Having a day where I don't have to get in the car is a good day. Getting the rooms sorted would make me a very very happy girl, since I've been looking for some halloween fabric and it's hidden in one of those rooms. Sewing makes me really happy so I hope to do that soon.

Book I'm reading
*I am enjoying my Royal Spyness mystery very much but nearly finished. I read in bed and fall asleep after only a couple chapters so it takes a while. It is fun to look forward to a book at night though.
*I am also nearing the end of Proof of Heaven (Eben Alexander) a brain surgeon who virtually died after an illness and compares what he thought as a doctor to what really happened to him. Awesome!

*I've been looking through two cool felt ornaments books for Christmas cuties!

* I am writing a lot more these days, the most recent story is (here)  and I learn by writing. The words teach me as they flow through my fingers.

what's on my tv today
Well, dancing with the stars is back and I LOVE watching that. Also love This is Us. I'm exploring our ROKU stations, like ACORN (Brit shows) Prime, Hulu, TED, PBS, etc. It's a new world to me.

 I found a really thought provoking comedy on Prime... "Forever" and I can't tell you anything or it would spoil the surprises.  Fred Armison and Maya Rudolph have such comedic genius.

on my to do list
*switch from summer clothes in closet to winter, leaving out a few transitional outfits. Winter clothes take up a lot of space, so I have to figure out what to keep, what to let go (gasp!) and where it's all gonna live for the next 6 months. Changing house is a challenge! Change is my word of the year, and it's kicked my butt.

*Also, we rearranged the guest room, so I can get at the other studio boxes in there, so I hope to dig in and make decisions about storage in these two small studio spaces. I have a lot less room in this enormous house for studio work, than in my tiny MD home. Go figure.

*Oh and a hundred little daily things we all do each week just to maintain. Like laundry mountain must be climbed.

*I have to move two plants in for the winter today too, which means I want to repot them and make sure there aren't any hitch hiking bugs in there.
*drink more water
*write three fun posts for this week

tips and tricks
I learned the value of sliders this move. They are little gray things that you put under heavy stuff and it slides along the floor with a tiny push.

 DH was gone one day, and I even put them under one of those big moving boxes to push to another side of the room, Magic! DH was able to move my treadle with relative ease this weekend.

in the craft basket
I watched some youtube videos on three ways to craft beaded icicles for the tree we don't have yet. I also made copies of the paper piecing patterns to start my halloween quilt, so it would be great to find those fabrics to start!
I might just open my new diamond painting kit and start that too! Who knows! It all depends on my body cooperating.

Looking forward to this week
I am looking forward to world peace (imagine) and getting control over my life.
tips and tricks

lessons learned
I'm really testy when I am in pain, and this new chiro treatment is creating more of it. I realized I do not have to say everything I think.  I can just keep quiet. Oy.

Dream kitchen of the 1950's

I've been having fun watching old tv shows on youtube, from homemakers in the fifties. They were very excited about electric appliances like dryers, and dishwashers. And their homes are very small with steep stairs. They were happy with that!


The furniture guy did a really great job on the treadle lid... now I need him to make the rest of the cabinet look that good. And to re furbish my antique armoire too, as I found the movers had broken the veneer on the leg of it, too late to make claim. I trusted him and it worked out! yea!

I have been writing fiction and growing from the experience. When I think I'm not doing as much as everyone else, I try to remind myself I am doing what I can, and at least I'm writing and learning from the process. Each time I finish a fictional story, I have something tangible that came from me.(link to story is under books I am reading section)

On my mind

We need an artificial Christmas tree that fits in our new digs. Our house is open plan, different from any East coast home I've lived in.

 They all were older with smaller room layouts. Our little skinny tree that fit so well in our MD family room will be dwarfed by the ceilings downstairs here.
I've begun the research.
What I found out... they cost a lot of money. All of them. 

my calendar
you actually. The people who visit here, and comment inspire me to keep going. You guys are becoming friends... oh we can't do lunch, but friends care about each other's lives and I feel connected because of you.

Thank you. 


  1. don't laugh but I would love to have some real fall weather... after only one fall day we are back to heat... mother nature has an error on her mother-board LOL

  2. It's pouring rain here this morning - again. Like you we've had several grey days in a row. We had a 50 degree swing in temps last Wednesday. I need some sunshine!

  3. We have had rain on and off here in Utah the last week...our mountains are getting snow. Good luck with the organizing. I switched out my warm-cold weather shows last week. I need to do my clothes too.

  4. You guys got snow?! Well don't I feel cheated. It did rain nicely Friday night and some again today. Boy do I know all about poodle mud paws after the troops went into the dog run this morning. Glad I didn't spend the weekend mopping floor. LOL

  5. The cooler weather is finally supposed to arrive here within a few days and I can't wait! I love fall and am looking forward to warm days and chilly nights! Blessings for a great week ahead! <3

  6. Great post. Our weather has been warm like in the 70's which is great because I need to finish winterizing my pool. But there were about 48 hours of torrential rain and t storms, which I managed to be out doing something 4 times ended up soaked to the bone. :D Summer clothes/winter clothes, yep on my radar. Supersliders are awesome! I know. I am moving furniture, staging for stuff to get stored in the barn, stuff to return to the house for the are doing great with your changes and be patient. Hugs

  7. Snow?!? Yikes!!! Haha I’m glad we like the same tv shows! I usually watch dwts with my girls but I don’t know anybody on it this year! Still, I would like to see Sharna or Keo win as always :) and I love that you said you’re never bored, me neither!!! Haha I could be home all day for weeks lol!

  8. I am never bored either! so much to do and learn at home. On my days off I try not to go out either.
    Have a great week

  9. I don't want to see snow yet! Though October snows do sometimes come our way (thankfully, not in a while). Smiled reading about your toddler dog. Working with preschool children, we all love the rain UNLESS we are at school. Oh my, those kids NEED their outdoor time (teachers, too). I shared calendar inspiration today as well. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

  10. Love reading your blogs! Here's a thought--put that tiny tree on top of a table, in a corner or even in the center of the room and decorate from there. That way no new, expensive tree and lots of room to spread out and sort through all the Christmas stuff...some to keep in the changed life and some that need to move on. Easier to sort when it's all spread out! Keep at it.

  11. Great list!! We changed planes at DIA today and I could tell coming up the jetway how cold it was. VERY bumpy both in and out of Denver. 50s in Sacramento, 30s in Denver, and 80s in Nashville. If that doesn't give you a cold, nothing will!

  12. Thanks for the tip about the sliders. I need to get some of those. And someday I need to rethink my Christmas decorations. Sigh.
    I'm also quite envious you found someone to repair damaged family furniture. There are a couple of pieces here that need work.

  13. Oh, snow already......I am not ready for winter yet! Sounds like you are getting more organized and settled in with some fun projects in the works. I read the book about the Dr., too. Such a good book. x Karen

  14. LOL Your weather sounds perfect to me :D I have a crate full of sliders - they are the best things since sliced bread as my dad would say. They make cleaning so easy too! Good luck on finding the perfect Christmas tree. Have a GREAT week.

  15. I can't believe you got snow. We are having some cooler temps here but still staying in the upper 80's. I'm so ready for actual Fall weather.

    Hope you have a wonderful week.

  16. I loved reading your post today: just all the fun things and thoughts you had. On the Christmas tree, we spent the first 29 years (approximatly) hauling in a live tree that lived in our yard. The last few years I was worried about my hubby putting out his back as we pushed it in (it took him, I and our adult daughter to push it in, the pot full of soil made it so heavy!), so I finally convinced him that we should get an artificial tree. Yes! No hatching of gnats in the house when their eggs felt the warmer temps of the house! No more pine needles sprayed all over the front room when the tree squished through the opening of the door! But the tip I wanted to give you is to wait out this year, go check out the trees in the store and find the one you want. Then go to the store very early the morning after Christmas and buy the tree at half price. It works and is worth it!! I think we paid $100 instead of $200. Have a great week! Hugs, H in Healdsburg

  17. Aren't moving pads an absolute lifesaver when it comes to moving furniture!! I love them. We went from the upper 80s to the 60s in 24 hours....with four inches of rain over the past couple of days. Autumn is here!! Before long, we'll be sipping hot chocolate and Bailey's in our jammies while watching it snow outside. And, yes.....wet poodles/doodles are a definite challenge! Although Cabo is loving our walks in the cooler temps. Happy you're content inside and hope Milo can find some safe games to play when he can't be outside. I feel the same way about my bloggy friends...we all can have a virtual lunch together!

  18. "When I think I'm not doing as much as everyone else, I try to remind myself I am doing what I can": love this! I need to print it out and hang it in front of my computer ;-) I really enjoy reading about your week, what a fun way to look back and such a great memory for later too. Can't believe you have snow already! I think I'd become depressed if we had that here. Winter is so not my season ... When we moved back to Belgium from Australia we wanted a big artificial tree too, and the prices were outrageous. In the end we found a really big and beautiful tree in a thrift shop. Try looking there, you might be surprised :-)
